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Where has Liggins been?
Anyone know anything?? :eyeroll:
No one really knows, they have tried to keep it quiet. If I had to guess i'd say it's something about his grades.
Jimmy Dugan Wrote:No one really knows, they have tried to keep it quiet. If I had to guess i'd say it's something about his grades.

And they have done a dang good job of keeping it quiet. It also helps that we have a whole slew of new studs in the lineup that makes for a good distraction.

If I had to guess it's grades or some personal off-court incident that's happened. I heard about an incident involving UK players at a party near UK's campus earlier this semester, but don't think Liggins was involved.

In fact, the guy that almost got in some trouble was the one on the team who wears a headband. I think you can figure it out from there.

I have heard from a couple people that it is not academic and that it is not because he isn't practicing well, but that it may either be an unresolved issue from last year, or possibly even a medical issue.
I didn't see the MSU game, did he dress?
Stardust Wrote:I didn't see the MSU game, did he dress?

From what I have read he is beleived to have broken team rules.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
I hope thats not the case. When will this kid get it?
Quote:I hope thats not the case. When will this kid get it?

Hopefully soon
Too talented too waste it away
hope to see him back soon
I heard it was because he is lazy and doesn't hustle.
poor guy he looked like a promising young man when he first started running up and down the floor like a chicken with his head cut off hope he comes back
I read somewhere today that he has been out because he violated a team rule. I also ready that he may play against Miami.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:I read somewhere today that he has been out because he violated a team rule. I also ready that he may play against Miami.

I've read two different peoples post on Catspause today. One said he will for sure play against Miami, and another said He wont play until the Cleveland St game. So who knows

If this were true, then it should have leaked by now. You can usually pull up those records on the web as well.

Heck, Billy G. didn't even get to the pokey before the cameras were there.
ComfortEagle Wrote:If this were true, then it should have leaked by now. You can usually pull up those records on the web as well.

Heck, Billy G. didn't even get to the pokey before the cameras were there.

Billy Clyde was also a blacksheep to the fans and media of UK for sometime prior to his arrest. From Alan Cutler chasing him down a hall way to Billy G's relationship with the fans. He was also involved in a law suit with the university at the time. I will say this about Liggins, I was in attendance at Big Blue Madness and was staying at the Campbell House after the game. After a late dinner at Logan's, we decided to stop by the Rite Aid in the parking lot at the Campbell House, to get something to sip on. Guess who I ran into in the liquor aisle? Yeap Mr. Liggins.
The Blue Blur Wrote:Billy Clyde was also a blacksheep to the fans and media of UK for sometime prior to his arrest. From Alan Cutler chasing him down a hall way to Billy G's relationship with the fans. He was also involved in a law suit with the university at the time. I will say this about Liggins, I was in attendance at Big Blue Madness and was staying at the Campbell House after the game. After a late dinner at Logan's, we decided to stop by the Rite Aid in the parking lot at the Campbell House, to get something to sip on. Guess who I ran into in the liquor aisle? Yeap Mr. Liggins.

Whats the deal here guys? Into the second half of seven games and still no playing time. Somebody out there knows whats going on, so lets hear it fellas.
The Blue Blur Wrote:I will say this about Liggins, I was in attendance at Big Blue Madness and was staying at the Campbell House after the game. After a late dinner at Logan's, we decided to stop by the Rite Aid in the parking lot at the Campbell House, to get something to sip on. Guess who I ran into in the liquor aisle? Yeap Mr. Liggins.

No way! A 21 year old college student in the liquor aisle near campus? I think you've stumbled on to something big here. Confusedhh:

If Liggins was suspended over team rules (which he is) it sure as heck wouldn't be just drinking. And if he did drink and drive something tells me we may have heard something about it. Just a hunch though.
Well he didn't get in last night that I saw. So if he doesn't get in during a 40 point blow out I doubt we will see his services this year.
What I have been told from someone close to the program is that it's his grades...but don't take my word for it...
We really could have used that scholarship to someone else if he isn't going to do his part.
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