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You Might Be A UK Fan IF....
pillsburythrowboy Wrote:If you were a Cardinals fan, and then changed only when coach Cal came along then you need to back over to the other side cause we dont need no bandwagon jumpers!

Well if i needed to ask you if i could be a UK fan then I would really care about this post..but everyone on here knows there some of the most biast fans in the nation
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Agreed. YOu cant do that crap.

Of course you can..I did.
me bias no
king360 Wrote:Of course you can..I did.

Your a cheater. Smile, Pitino no rape u anymore.
You might be a UL fan if:

1. You still believe NITINO when he says that "this" is the year.

2. You think your 2* players are better than your rivals 5* players.

3. If you think you have a half chance of ever comparing to UK.

Just a few that I came up with on my own.. its the best I could come up with, feel free to add to this list if you have any.. :Thumbs:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Your a cheater. Smile, Pitino no rape u anymore.

Well to be honest I've always been a UK fan..I was just a bit fan of pitino and when he left it broke my
king360 Wrote:Well to be honest I've always been a UK fan..I was just a bit fan of pitino and when he left it broke my

you cry every time they lose
West Virginia Basketball = Joke.:thanks:

We went to the nit last year and still rattled a win off against non other than those neers:devilflam
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Sure...Rolleyes

It's true bro it's true!
king360 Wrote:It's true bro it's true!

NAh Nah,
LOL So we were winnign with Pitino, he left and you left? Then youecame a Louisville fan? I bet you were a huge fan when they went to the final 4 or was the 1 seed. Oh wait the power is shifting back to UK you better switch back!
king360 Wrote:Well if i needed to ask you if i could be a UK fan then I would really care about this post..but everyone on here knows there some of the most biast fans in the nation
Nah man, Im a Wildcat basketball fan too...but Im not nearly as biased as I am a Tide football and Steeler football fan, lol..Im the worst of all worlds I guess.
You are a UK fan when everyday of the year involves checking up on how excited the state is for the upcoming season on catspause.
king360 Wrote:I have..and i used to be a Cardinal fan myself until coach Cal came along and he has changed my college basketball world completely, but UK could be playing the Lakers and some UK fans on here would say UK has a shot or they would win.

We do.:wenumber1

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