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Question - Is cheerleading a sport?
i would say that it is a sport, i am sure the girls work hard. And it is just as competitive as any other sport, i mean i know girls who want to fight the other teams cheerleaders after a game.
NO it isnt
ok kids.

If you ask just about any cheerleader in the state of kentucky if they want KHSAA to recognize cheerleading as a sport, they will say no. If kentucky makes cheerleading a sport no one will ever see greenup, pikeville, dunbar, or any other great squad win a national championship. According to the proposal set forth by the KHSAA, if they take over responsibility squads will not be allowed to travel out of state for competitions.

"Grammaton Cleric Preston" Wrote:I think it could be considered a sport if they had weekly competitions rather than waiting till the dist tournament
regional and state
i mean how do you know how they are doing what is expected
they just announce it during the trophy presentations

no clock no scoreboard
if they could do that then there would be arguement

As a former cheerleader, having a competition every weekend is redundant. Like many other sports (gymnastics, figure skating, diving, etc) cheerleaders have to deal with choreography. And personally i would have had to quit high school just to have enough hours to prepare for a competition every weekend.
Welcome to the site PCA! :dance:
Not a sport..
Ok,, in the olympics, gymnastics is a sport.. So basically cheerleading is a bunch of girls doin the gymnastics at the same time.. in sync. during comptetitions they have to earn points from the judges.. and to do that they have to do a routine in an allotted amount of time.. So what is it that makes it a non sport?? You say no clock no scoreboard not a sport..well.. during competition it seems an awful lot like a sport to me..
I mean if cutting a freaking log in half can be considered a sport and shown on ESPN.. then yeah.. cheering can be a sport too..
It is a sport to me anyway. I started cheering in the 1st grade and continued until I graduated high school. I have been a sponsor for 8 years and a KAPOS Judge for 5. All 3 of my daughters cheer. It is a hard, tedious, time consuming, money spending, disrespected sport. I love it.

I seen where you had mentioned KHSAA and cheerleading. What's so funny to me is that KHSAA doesn't recognize cheerleading as a sport, but yet cheerleaders have to follow KHSAA regulations on the dead period. Strange!?!?!

Oh yeah, CTD, Cheerleading competitions are shown on ESPN also.
:Cheerlead :Cheerlead :Cheerlead :Cheerlead :Cheerlead
I have cheerleaders AND ballplayers, so I'm not posting just as a cheer parent. These kids have tryouts, they have to be able to compete in various things AGAINST each other to make the squad. They have to be Very atheletic, put in a lot of hours, practice hard-usually daily, work together as a team in order to pull off very diffilcult routines, stunts and mounts. And yes they compete in tourneys but they also travel and compete in Cheerleading competitions that have nothing to do with ball. In fact there are squads that never cheer for games, all they do is travel and compete! So yes, definetely, it is a sport.
Of Course its a sport! Cheerleaders practice, Basketball teams practice. B-Ball have games, cheerleaders cheer at their games b-ball have competitions and so does cheerleading! how does that not qualify? Cheering is probably one of the most strenous things you can do. I know. Its as much as anything
I was a former cheerleader and I had to go to practice everyday and work extremely hard. One sponser that I had when I was in the 5th grade that would make us run 10 laps around the gym. Cheerleading takes hard work, deditcation, work ethic and of course school spirt (which is manditory for cheerleaders). Nobody realizes how physically fit a cheerleader has to be. She has to deal with gymnastics at least once a week and practices. And like any other athlete, cheerleaders have to maintain a certain g.p.a.
So the question was: Is cheerleading a sport? In my book, Yes.
"Tomcat68" Wrote:Yes it is in my opinion. They work hard, practice, and it takes much physical and mental ability. They receive scholarships even. I forgot where I saw it, but on one of the 20/20, dateline type shows they had a stat proving that the worst highschool injuries by number and severity both occur in cheerleading.
I agree 68...
A sport is something when you are competing head-to-head
in ceerleading you are competing against judges
so you could have judges that are baist towards a team and you wouldnt ever figure out who the best cheerleading squad is
in foot ball whoever scores the most points at the end of a game wins
in cheerleading the winner is determinned by opinions
son no it is not a sport

im not saying it isnt hard work because it is
So you are saying that many olympic sports arn't really sports then...
:Cheerlead :bounce: I don't know but cheerleader watching at most games is a great sport!
All cheerleaders say its a sport, and they do compete in competitions and it does take skill for all the flyers so its a sport to me, but to many its not.
I think it is a sport.
"#7" Wrote:A sport is something when you are competing head-to-head
in ceerleading you are competing against judges
so you could have judges that are baist towards a team and you wouldnt ever figure out who the best cheerleading squad is
in foot ball whoever scores the most points at the end of a game wins
in cheerleading the winner is determinned by opinions
son no it is not a sport

im not saying it isnt hard work because it is

Your definition of "SPORT" is not the correct definition found in the Webster's Dictionary. The true meaning of "SPORT" is as follows:

sport (spôrt, sp[Image:]rt) n.

1. Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.
2. An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.

3. An active pastime; recreation.

Nowhere does it say "head to head", so by the true meaning of sport, cheerleading applies!
yes it is
"#7" Wrote:A sport is something when you are competing head-to-head
in ceerleading you are competing against judges
so you could have judges that are baist towards a team and you wouldnt ever figure out who the best cheerleading squad is
in foot ball whoever scores the most points at the end of a game wins
in cheerleading the winner is determinned by opinions
son no it is not a sport

im not saying it isnt hard work because it is
Every statement you just made is so false its not even funny.
1. FALSE. i have been to a cheerleading competition where it actually was two squads going head to head. imagine though, playing a football game or basketball game against 4-5 other teams.
2. FALSE. Last time i checked, cheerleading squads compete against other squads not judges.
3. FALSE. Judges in cheerleading, like other judged sports, have to go through training and are tested on their knowledge. i know this because i am a certified judge. judges that could have a bias toward a certain squad are not allowed to judge those competitions.
4. In cheerleading, whoever scored the most points wins.
5. The winner of a cheerleading competition is determined by the difficulty of the routine, required incorportated skills (jumps, tumbling, etc), and routine creativity.

SO YES i do believe that cheerleading is a sport :big grin:
Cheerleading being a sport depends on how cheerleading is implemented in the school. Some schools use cheerleading strictly to support teams while other schools endorse cheerleading in a competitive nature by attending competitions and events to gain titles. In my school however, myself being a cheerleader, i can honestly say that we do everything that any other sport would do- lift weights, stunt, tumble, and most of all hard work and lots of effort. Everyone has their own opinion, but in my eyes OF COURSE CHEERLEADING IS A SPORT!:Cheerlead

Cheerleaders do compete in competitions throughout the state and nation just like other sports, but during the season they just cheer for the ppl playing those other sports. Like a really spirited fan. So in a way cheerleading is a sport and its not. I'm still undecided. But for the record I do know that Pikeville has produced some talented squads in the past with winning all the national championships and all. Every time i drive through Pikeville I always find a new billboard with all the cheerleaders faces on it for another national title.

Not to mention Pikeville has always had good cheerleaders:Cheerlead
Cheerleading is DEFINATELY a sport!
Cheerleading is definitely a sport. There is just as much contact in cheerleading as in other sports. Except football of course. Cheerleaders work just as hard as other athletes do in other sports but dont get the same credit as other athletes. They are very over looked athletes and some of the are more athletic than other players on other sporting teams. Also they dont get enough credit for the hard work they put into being good at what they do. Cheerleaders are over looked and without them it would be alot less noise at sporting events. These girls work hard every day to be good at what they do. Keep working hard girls and maybe some day you will get treated like real athletes and get treated with the respect you deserve.
:loveya: :Cheerlead :#1:
Yeah , I think it is a sport.
At greenup co and pikeville it si.

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