Poll: Christmas Tree or Holiday Tree?
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It should be called a Christmas Tree.
It should be called a Holiday Tree so we don't offend anyone.
I have no opinion on the matter. (Then why did you read this thread?)
What the **** is a Holiday Tree?
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Christmas Tree or Holiday Tree?
As you may have seen on the news, the Beshear administration chose to rename the annual Christmas tree that sits at the state capital to a "Holiday Tree."

They say it's called a holiday tree because it represents all the holidays at this time of year including Thanksgiving, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and New Year's.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I've never seen a Hanukkah Tree or a Kwanzaa Tree associated with either holiday. :please:

I also remember Lowe's pulling something like this a few years back, where they changed the name of the Christmas trees in their magazines to something similar (Family Trees I think).

I have no problem with them throwing a Menorah out on the lawn during Hanukkah, but is anyone really going to be offended by them calling the tree what it is? A CHRISTMAS TREE! :HitWall:

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Christmas tree
I think i chose 2 options so ur poll might be messed up.

Christmas Tree Or holiday Tree. I Dont see it being a big deal.
CHRISTmas Tree..Nothing else
The Christmas Tree has become a modern Christain symbol for the Christmas season. It should stay that way. Trying to be Politically correct do we need to change some other symbols?
The Hanukkah Menorah isn’t called a Holiday Candelabra or Winter Candle Holder.
The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa isn’t called the Holiday Principles.
Maybe we need to add the following “holidays” to be more inclusive from wikipedia:
  • [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festivus"]Festivus[/ame]: 23 December - quirky holiday invented on the television show [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seinfeld"]Seinfeld[/ame].
  • Festival of the Bells: Midwinter celebration in Fraggle Rock, also mentioned in [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Muppet_Family_Christmas"]A Muppet Family Christmas[/ame].
  • [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decemberween"]Decemberween[/ame]: 25 December - A holiday in the Homestar Runner universe, occurring 55 days after [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween"]Halloween[/ame].
  • Hogswatchnight: [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discworld_calendar"]December 32[/ame] - New Year's Eve/Christmas in [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Pratchett"]Terry Pratchett[/ame]'s [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discworld"]Discworld[/ame] novels (plays on Hogmanay, Watch Night, and "hogwash")
  • Winterfair: from the [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorkosigan_Saga"]Vorkosigan Saga[/ame] of [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lois_McMaster_Bujold"]Lois McMaster Bujold[/ame]; a Barrayarran cultural holiday.
  • [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrismukkah"]Chrismukkah[/ame]: the modern-day merging of the holidays of Christianity's Christmas and Judaism's Hanukkah.
  • [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrismahanukwanzakah"]Chrismahanukwanzakah[/ame]: the modern-day merging of the holidays of Christianity's Christmas, Judaism's Hanukkah, and the African-American holiday of Kwanzaa.
  • Hedgehog Day: 2 February - supposed archaic European version of [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog_Day"]Groundhog Day[/ame], dating back to Roman times.
  • Wintersday: The annual winter holiday in the MMORPG [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guild_Wars"]Guild Wars[/ame]. This holiday is based on Christmas and Yule and one can get neat hats.
  • Starlight Celebration: The annual winter holiday based on Christmas/Yule/winter solstice in the MMORPG Final Fantasy XI (aka [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FFXI"]FFXI[/ame]). Players can collect various holiday equipment, Mog house furnishings, fireworks, and food.
  • [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoe"]Shoe[/ame] Giving: - quirky holiday famously invented on the show Hyperdrive (TV series)
  • Freezingman: - 11 January- A [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burning_Man"]Burning Man[/ame] inspired event held in Colorado as a Winter Arts and Music Festival. http://www.coloradofreezingman.com http://tribes.tribe.net/freezingman
  • Feast of Winter Veil: December 15 to January 2 - holiday in the MMORPG [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_Warcraft"]World of Warcraft[/ame]. This holiday is based on Christmas. Cities are decorated with christmas lights and a tree with presents. Also special quests, items and snowballs are available. It features 'Greatfather Winter' which is modeled after [Santa Claus]. [1] [2]
  • Kwansolhaneidmas: December 19 - an interdenominational holiday celebrated by people on [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook"]Facebook[/ame].
  • Winter-een-mas: [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_25"]January 25[/ame] - [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_31"]January 31[/ame] - from Ctrl+Alt+Del
  • Holiday: A vaguely-defined winter holiday, roughly coinciding with the Christmas season and observed by the Church of the [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster"]Flying Spaghetti Monster[/ame].
  • Feast of Frith, in the TV series Watership Down.
  • Holiday Number 11, in the TV series Quark.
  • Refrigerator Day, in the TV series Dinosaurs.
  • Life Day, featured in [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Star_Wars_Holiday_Special"]The Star Wars Holiday Special[/ame].
I suggest we change the name of the traditional "tree-topper" from an angel to a Beshear. :mad: It' a CHRISTmas tree !!!!
What the **** is wrong with all these people, wanting to take CHRIST out of everything ?????? What about the people that will be offended IF they dont call it a CHRISTMAS TREE??????
lil dog Wrote:What the **** is wrong with all these people, wanting to take CHRIST out of everything ?????? What about the people that will be offended IF they dont call it a CHRISTMAS TREE??????

Because they don't want Christ in anything. If they have their way, we will be a vanilla countyr that stands for nothing but tolerance.
Christmas tree!!!
Beshear is a piece of garbage anyway. He was garbage before this, so I wouldnt expect anything different from him. If anybody walks into my house and says "Thats a nice Holiday tree", Ill punch them in the kidneys.
Well, someone actually listened, it's now a Christmas tree again:


FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) - A spokeswoman for Gov. Steve Beshear says
he's calling the tall decorated tree on the Kentucky Capitol's
front lawn a "Christmas" tree this holiday season.
Last week, a statement from the administration sparked some
Christmas consternation by referring to the tree as a "holiday"
tree. The news angered some Christians who were perturbed by the
The Beshear administration last week solicited Kentucky
residents to consider donating the perfect "holiday tree" to the
state. Officials were looking for a pyramid-shaped tree between 35
and 50 feet tall.
Spokeswoman Kerri Richardson says the administration received a
steady stream of e-mails and phone calls about the terminology.
But, Richardson says, it's always been a Christmas tree to the
governor, and he's invited critics to a "Christmas" tree lighting
ceremony on Nov. 30.
ComfortEagle Wrote:Well, someone actually listened, it's now a Christmas tree again:


FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) - A spokeswoman for Gov. Steve Beshear says
he's calling the tall decorated tree on the Kentucky Capitol's
front lawn a "Christmas" tree this holiday season.
Last week, a statement from the administration sparked some
Christmas consternation by referring to the tree as a "holiday"
tree. The news angered some Christians who were perturbed by the
The Beshear administration last week solicited Kentucky
residents to consider donating the perfect "holiday tree" to the
state. Officials were looking for a pyramid-shaped tree between 35
and 50 feet tall.
Spokeswoman Kerri Richardson says the administration received a
steady stream of e-mails and phone calls about the terminology.
But, Richardson says, it's always been a Christmas tree to the
governor, and he's invited critics to a "Christmas" tree lighting
ceremony on Nov. 30.

or at least until someone say's their offended by calling it a Christmas tree.

It's a Christmas tree!!!!!! It will always be a Christmas tree.
Christmas is a Christian holiday! If you don't like what we call our tree, then don't celebrate it! We don't try to modify anything about any other religion. Why take this away from us?
After Further review Gov. Steve Beshear checked with bluegrassrivals and saw so many people didn't like him he back tracked on the Holiday tree approach and went with the Christmas Tree message
A tree decorated around Christmas will always be a "Christmas tree" in my house. What other people choose to call it outside of my home, well, I could care less.
While I voted to keep the name "Christmas" tree, be careful what holiday traditions you worship this time of year. The "Christmas" tree's roots have nothing to do with Christ. Just so you know.
Well If were going to change the name of the tree...whats next ,are we not going to call the Christmas holiday Christmas.....come on people it time to for us to take a stand....Christmas tree
I know I'm just a dumb old coal mining hillbilly, but can someone tell me, what other holiday uses a tree. I just don't remember the Easter bunny leaving baskets under the Easter Tree. The only holiday that I know of that uses a tree is Christmas.
Old School Wrote:I know I'm just a dumb old coal mining hillbilly, but can someone tell me, what other holiday uses a tree. I just don't remember the Easter bunny leaving baskets under the Easter Tree. The only holiday that I know of that uses a tree is Christmas.
Yea, if you think the evergreen tree at this time of year was thought of by Christians, you just might be right about yourself. I won't do your reasearch for you.
Old School Wrote:I know I'm just a dumb old coal mining hillbilly, but can someone tell me, what other holiday uses a tree. I just don't remember the Easter bunny leaving baskets under the Easter Tree. The only holiday that I know of that uses a tree is Christmas.

padd4pirate Wrote:Well If were going to change the name of the tree...whats next ,are we not going to call the Christmas holiday Christmas.....come on people it time to for us to take a stand....Christmas tree
I vote keep it Christmas tree. For traditions and historys sake.
Christmas Tree, You were created! Unless someone just THUNK you up????? lol!
The thread is bull ****. It is a **** Christmas Tree...

What is the world coming to?
That Girl Wrote:Christmas is a Christian holiday! If you don't like what we call our tree, then don't celebrate it! We don't try to modify anything about any other religion. Why take this away from us?
You might want to research how Christians took on pagan holidays and called them as their own. Thinking Christmas and Easter. Just saying.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yea, if you think the evergreen tree at this time of year was thought of by Christians, you just might be right about yourself. I won't do your reasearch for you.

Did I say that Christmas trees was started by Christians,....no I did not. Just as we decorate for the Christmas season today, ancient people before the advent of Christianity hung evergreens over their doors and windows. While Germany started the Christmas tree tradition in the 16th century and German settlers in Pennsylvania had community trees as early as 1747. Nevertheless Christmas trees are a tradition during the Christmas season.
Old School Wrote:Did I say that Christmas trees was started by Christians,....no I did not. Just as we decorate for the Christmas season today, ancient people before the advent of Christianity hung evergreens over their doors and windows. While Germany started the Christmas tree tradition in the 16th century and German settlers in Pennsylvania had community trees as early as 1747. Nevertheless Christmas trees are a tradition during the Christmas season.
:Thumbs: I see you found the wiki page on it. 18th and 19th century christians tried to do away with christmas trees because of its pagan roots.
TheRealVille Wrote::Thumbs: I see you found the wiki page on it. 18th and 19th century christians tried to do away with christmas trees because of its pagan roots.

I hate to disappoint you.....well not really, but I didn't use wikipedia. I know that in the early 1800's meny Americans did not accept Christmas trees because they were seen as pagen symbols.
Well if the easter bunny was called the CHRISTbunny, you would have a bunch of Idiots, taking the CHRIST part off and calling it something else, its an attempt to take CHRIST out of the picture, I for one would NEVER take CHRIST out of anything !!!!!!!
Call it anything you want...just leave me a present under it!! LOL!!
nky Wrote:The Christmas Tree has become a modern Christain symbol for the Christmas season. It should stay that way. Trying to be Politically correct do we need to change some other symbols?
The Hanukkah Menorah isn’t called a Holiday Candelabra or Winter Candle Holder.
The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa isn’t called the Holiday Principles.
Maybe we need to add the following “holidays” to be more inclusive from wikipedia:
  • Festivus: 23 December - quirky holiday invented on the television show Seinfeld.
  • Festival of the Bells: Midwinter celebration in Fraggle Rock, also mentioned in A Muppet Family Christmas.
  • Decemberween: 25 December - A holiday in the Homestar Runner universe, occurring 55 days after Halloween.
  • Hogswatchnight: December 32 - New Year's Eve/Christmas in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels (plays on Hogmanay, Watch Night, and "hogwash")
  • Winterfair: from the Vorkosigan Saga of Lois McMaster Bujold; a Barrayarran cultural holiday.
  • Chrismukkah: the modern-day merging of the holidays of Christianity's Christmas and Judaism's Hanukkah.
  • Chrismahanukwanzakah: the modern-day merging of the holidays of Christianity's Christmas, Judaism's Hanukkah, and the African-American holiday of Kwanzaa.
  • Hedgehog Day: 2 February - supposed archaic European version of Groundhog Day, dating back to Roman times.
  • Wintersday: The annual winter holiday in the MMORPG Guild Wars. This holiday is based on Christmas and Yule and one can get neat hats.
  • Starlight Celebration: The annual winter holiday based on Christmas/Yule/winter solstice in the MMORPG Final Fantasy XI (aka FFXI). Players can collect various holiday equipment, Mog house furnishings, fireworks, and food.
  • Shoe Giving: - quirky holiday famously invented on the show Hyperdrive (TV series)
  • Freezingman: - 11 January- A Burning Man inspired event held in Colorado as a Winter Arts and Music Festival. http://www.coloradofreezingman.com http://tribes.tribe.net/freezingman
  • Feast of Winter Veil: December 15 to January 2 - holiday in the MMORPG World of Warcraft. This holiday is based on Christmas. Cities are decorated with christmas lights and a tree with presents. Also special quests, items and snowballs are available. It features 'Greatfather Winter' which is modeled after [Santa Claus]. [1] [2]
  • Kwansolhaneidmas: December 19 - an interdenominational holiday celebrated by people on Facebook.
  • Winter-een-mas: January 25 - January 31 - from Ctrl+Alt+Del
  • Holiday: A vaguely-defined winter holiday, roughly coinciding with the Christmas season and observed by the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  • Feast of Frith, in the TV series Watership Down.
  • Holiday Number 11, in the TV series Quark.
  • Refrigerator Day, in the TV series Dinosaurs.
  • Life Day, featured in The Star Wars Holiday Special.

You forgot Ghostmas! By the way, Happy Chrismahanukwanzakah! (I'm glad I don't have to say that:p.)

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