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Whats your Favorite music to get pumped for the game.
I always like to listen to something heavy and fast and it didnt matter who it was but i always would listen to back in black.
Any ac/dc song is a major rush! thunderstruck, back in black, you get the idea
AC/DC is good, but I really like Rage Against the Machine and CKY...pumps me up big time.
CKY is awesome...but i like hard rap
both are really great for getting pumped for a game
if ya'll dont mind post some songs that i could download cuz i havent really heard any new ones lately
Metallica - Enter Sandman that was the song for me. Before that I would just listen to mainly Keith Whitley's greatest hits to relax.
Elm street Wrote:Any ac/dc song is a major rush! thunderstruck, back in black, you get the idea

Took the words right out of my mouth !!!
AC/DC thunderstruck is the best song to get pumped on....................
For Belfry fans, it would be Lunatic Fringe or We are the Champions!
never had to get pumped to play. i used to listen to the eagles to calm down though
definately a hard metal song to get me pumped for any kind of game
How about "New Noise" by Refused... THAT WILL GET YOUR PEE HOT MY FRIEND haha... but, AC/DC, Metallica, and pretty much anything heavy gets me going...
when i was a frshman and sophomore i got hyped by matneys pre game speeches the stories he has told but when i started it was metal and i usually walked the field that pumped me up
rocky soundtrack all ways got me going Smile
I was always big on, us being the Johns Creek Bearcats, the Ted Nuget song Cat Scratch Fever. That was a great song to get us up and wish we could have hit the field to that song instead of the band playing>
It could be anything by AC/DC or Metalica. My songs to get me pumped would have to be, "Welcome to The Jungle", "Teenage Wasteland", and "Slow Ride."
Die Mother F***er Die by dope got me pumped I always wanted to tear off someones head after listening to that
We listen to alot of stuff but nothin compares to Disturbed, AC/DC, And a little COUNTRY BOY CAN SURVIVE
i like to listen to conway twitty to get me pumped up.....hes awesome!!!
The Cheem Wrote:Die Mother F***er Die by dope got me pumped I always wanted to tear off someones head after listening to that
thank god someone else beside me has heard of that group i saw them in concert at the monkey bar i saw them mushroom head and soil it was awesome
welcome to the jungle by guns and roses sheldon clark has ran out to that song i believe since it came out there is nothing better i stiil can't listen to that song it still gives me chills
alot of metal music but thunderstruck is the best i believe
Cowboys from hell by Pantera still gets my blood pumping and the hair on the back of my neck standing up.
The Cheem Wrote:Cowboys from hell by Pantera still gets my blood pumping and the hair on the back of my neck standing up.

yeah that is also a very good pump up song
"Saturday Night Speical" by Lynyrd Skynyrd is a good song, also.
If you like rap then Air Forces by Young Jeezy is really works for me
:insane: I haven't been there in a while and they may not still use it, but the Harlan Greendragons coming from under the stands while CRAZY TRAIN by Ozzy played very loudly, was way cool!
Lol my propts go off to the best picture lol i would have to say dirty cause thats about the funniest thing ive seen in a while. Shes got moves lol. I would have to say though welcome the the Jungle.
I don't know if anyone else has mentioned it because I didn't check, but Eye of the Tiger just came on my computer and I realized how good of a song just for this type of situation that song is.
No problem getting pumped up for games, I had to get control and chill by listening to Steely Dan
Dog Of War = Pink Foyd

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