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At what age are you too old to go trick or treating? In my house once you're in high school your done, what about the rest of you?:boosign:
Man I am 34 years old and they are still a couple houses that I will Trick or treat really most kids see it as a kiddy thing once they become a teenager:Thumbs:
Same here, once the kids got to HS, they were done.
In my opinion, I think the 10-12 age range is time to stop. My son stopped at age 10 I think.
Wildcats11 Wrote:In my opinion, I think the 10-12 age range is time to stop. My son stopped at age 10 I think.

Wow, Your So Mean.

Im 18 And Last Year me And Some Friends Gathered some Candy From A Few Houses. We Didnt dress Up But Was Still Fun TO See,

Trick Or Treat Was Ruined with Safe Houses
My middle one stopped at 13 and the baby stopped his self last year at 11. He would rather dress up and hand candy out to the other trick or treaters.

BTW If you are old enough to drive yourself you are to old to trick or treat!:biggrin:

Whenever you feel that it is too juvenile to do any longer.
i still enjoy it
12 should be the cut off.
Happy Halloween! Be safe
I think I stopped trick or treating when I was 17.
I think the age of 10...I don't know..I base this on 11-12 year old little leaguers that I have coached and how mature and the pressure situations that they have faced in All Star tourneys and how it is hard to imagine them actually getting dressed and going trick or treating...Of course, I also remember the high school football team that I coached going door to door too, lol..
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:I think the age of 10...I don't know..I base this on 11-12 year old little leaguers that I have coached and how mature and the pressure situations that they have faced in All Star tourneys and how it is hard to imagine them actually getting dressed and going trick or treating...Of course, I also remember the high school football team that I coached going door to door too, lol..

Lol, first time i have laughed all day.
I stopped about 14 or 15.

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