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Now, really, who is to blame?
"We now have a culture that believes when things go wrong that it was done to you by somebody else, or some larger force, rather than accepting responsibility, that you did it to yourself, brought it on yourself by your choices and/or your character." - Martin Seligman

Now, my conservative friends, I see the truth in this statement, the danger of the blame game. However, one can take the above to an extreme, a raw, Darwinistic viewpoint, that "dumbs down" correlation and causation in such a way as to, in my view, create a brutal, compassionless way of looking at the world.
I don't blame the bad things that happen in our soceity on everyone else - Only the DEMOCRATS
thecavemaster Wrote:"We now have a culture that believes when things go wrong that it was done to you by somebody else, or some larger force, rather than accepting responsibility, that you did it to yourself, brought it on yourself by your choices and/or your character." - Martin Seligman

Now, my conservative friends, I see the truth in this statement, the danger of the blame game. However, one can take the above to an extreme, a raw, Darwinistic viewpoint, that "dumbs down" correlation and causation in such a way as to, in my view, create a brutal, compassionless way of looking at the world.

"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions." - Ronald Reagan
Well since I have no say in social programs, taxes, or any other governmental dealings. I'm not going to blame myself as Obama would like me to do. Nah I think Ill blame the people responsible for ruining this once great nation. POLITICIANS.

How much lying are we going to let Obama get away with?

Recently he stated very clearly that Illegals wouldn't be covered by the new health plan and that abortions wouldn't be paid for by tax payers. Both are complete flat out lies. I mean nothing more than just bold faced lies, atleast most politicians try to hide it in wording, but he just flat out doesn't care what any of us think. He has his communistic ideas and he is going to push them through no matter what anyone thinks.
Stardust Wrote:I don't blame the bad things that happen in our soceity on everyone else - Only the DEMOCRATS
Joe Friday Wrote:"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions." - Ronald Reagan
It's amazing how over the last 20 years we've lost our way. We've become a nanny state where as citizens we can not take care of ourselves and if you disagree with the party in charge you're called every name in the book except an American. Until the common man says enough and means it and votes his heart not his party - I guess we get what we get. Apathy will harm this country more than any outside enemy:Sad04:
^ Apathy or Tolerance?
Stardust Wrote:^ Apathy or Tolerance?
maybe Co-dependency-a pattern of detrimental behavioral interactions within a dysfunctional relationship. Our dysfuntional relationship is with the government thinking they'll take care of us with our elected leaders are only looking out for their interest

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