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Corporate Greed/Power...Or US Government?
Of the two: corporate greed/power vs. US Government... Which has shown more blatant disregard for general public's interest?
Corporate greed/power for least the government tries to help us...a little bit.
LOL @ you all for thinking there is a difference in the two.
Beetle01 Wrote:LOL @ you all for thinking there is a difference in the two.

A big SOY (Shame on you) for not understanding there is.
By having my name appear on this thread, I have answered this question. haha
How about government greed/power as an option? There seems to be no limit to government thirst for money and power and we cannot legally opt out by refusing to buy what they are selling us. For example, if you believe that health insurance companies are gouging you, you can shop for a better policy or even take your chances by doing without insurance without being fined or jailed for your decision. Try doing that after the government sinks its claws deeper into our healthcare system.

The government does not create any wealth in our society - it is a consumer of wealth generated in the private sector. When the government takes more wealth out of the economy than absolutely necessary society as a whole is left poorer as a result. Greedy, arrogant politicians show far more blatant disregard for the general public's welfare than corporations.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:How about government greed/power as an option? There seems to be no limit to government thirst for money and power and we cannot legally opt out by refusing to buy what they are selling us. For example, if you believe that health insurance companies are gouging you, you can shop for a better policy or even take your chances by doing without insurance without being fined or jailed for your decision. Try doing that after the government sinks its claws deeper into our healthcare system.

The government does not create any wealth in our society - it is a consumer of wealth generated in the private sector. When the government takes more wealth out of the economy than absolutely necessary society as a whole is left poorer as a result. Greedy, arrogant politicians show far more blatant disregard for the general public's welfare than corporations.

Government is just people, men and women. "Politicians" can be just as self-serving and greedy as any man or woman can be. The human race produces a Hitler; it produces a Ghandi, an Abraham Lincoln. One of "governments" chief tasks is to restrain corrupt human nature. One of the chief dangers of government is that it is made up of people with corrupt human natures, thus a system of checks and balances on power was and is very wise. Enron executives stole the pony and closed the show. I think corporations show a love of money above people that the government doesn't match.
thecavemaster Wrote:Government is just people, men and women. "Politicians" can be just as self-serving and greedy as any man or woman can be. The human race produces a Hitler; it produces a Ghandi, an Abraham Lincoln. One of "governments" chief tasks is to restrain corrupt human nature. One of the chief dangers of government is that it is made up of people with corrupt human natures, thus a system of checks and balances on power was and is very wise. Enron executives stole the pony and closed the show. I think corporations show a love of money above people that the government doesn't match.


Like how the government was enraged of Exxon making about a dime per dollar they spent, while the government didn't spend any, and made more on oil?

Dude, you crack me up more and more everyday. I no longer believe you're serious about your posts. You had a good run, and I must say, you got me. Where's the camera's? Ashton? I just got punked. :lmao:
congressman Wrote::thatsfunn

Like how the government was enraged of Exxon making about a dime per dollar they spent, while the government didn't spend any, and made more on oil?

Dude, you crack me up more and more everyday. I no longer believe you're serious about your posts. You had a good run, and I must say, you got me. Where's the camera's? Ashton? I just got punked. :lmao:

You are suggesting that large multi-nationals can be counted on to have more of the public interest at heart than the United States government? other things being equal? Hold up a mirror, man, and let the cartoons be you.
Cave, if yo honestly believe any of these politicians in have our best interest at heart, you are one heck of a fool. Dem or Republican, they are all crooked and con artists, and now we have the king of them all in the White House.

I just wish they would hurry up and push this HC reform through on a public that doesnt want all the crap theyve been force fed for the last 50 years. This will be the breaking point in this country. If you thought the town hall meetings were bad, lol, you have no idea what will pop off. People are sick of our govt, its all I hear people talk about anymore, when noone used to talk about it, now its on everyones lips, and they hate it.
thecavemaster Wrote:Of the two: corporate greed/power vs. US Government... Which has shown more blatant disregard for general public's interest?

On the one hand, we all know corporations are in business to make money. Now on the other hand we have politicians telling us they have our best interest at heart, while making promises they know then can't/won't keep. Once in office the politicians outlook changes, now instead of looking out for our best interest, they are looking for ways to stay in office for another term, while filling their own coffers.

IMO the U.S. Government has shown more disregard for th public's interest. Anorther example is Obamacare, the majority of the public does not want Government run healthcare, but Obama is bound to do his best to pass it over public interest.
Corporate greed vs the purity of the US Government
both extremes from the truth.
2005 these greedy corporations donated 3.5 BILLION dollars to charity
Corporate donations totaled $14.5-billion in 2008, an 8-percent decrease, accounting for 5 percent of all giving.
If one can separate Politicians from the government why can't you separate the greedy from corporations? Also the general idea of corporations is to make a profit (See Adm Smith for more information) while the role of government is to protect and serve the people.
thecavemaster Wrote:Government is just people, men and women. "Politicians" can be just as self-serving and greedy as any man or woman can be. The human race produces a Hitler; it produces a Ghandi, an Abraham Lincoln. One of "governments" chief tasks is to restrain corrupt human nature. One of the chief dangers of government is that it is made up of people with corrupt human natures, thus a system of checks and balances on power was and is very wise. Enron executives stole the pony and closed the show. I think corporations show a love of money above people that the government doesn't match.
Corporations have lifted millions of people out of poverty without even trying. The federal government has trapped millions of people in poverty by creating a culture of dependency that is as addictive as the most dangerous drugs on our streets. We have third and fourth generations of people who have been government dependants most of their lives.

The average wage for federal employees is more than twice that of employees working in the private sector and who pays those wages? We, the taxpayers do, along with the Chinese government and other foreign investors who loan the federal government the money to overpay federal workers.

Our federal government grows bigger and greedier by the day. It is sucking the life out of the private sector and if that is not a display of blatant disregard for the general public's interest, then maybe you need to define that phrase for us.
nky Wrote:If one can separate Politicians from the government why can't you separate the greedy from corporations? Also the general idea of corporations is to make a profit (See Adm Smith for more information) while the role of government is to protect and serve the people.
Great point. The "greedy" health insurance industry had a profit margin well under 10 percent in the past year. Even the evil oil companies generally have profit margins below 10 percent. Taxes on oil companies are roughly three times the size of their profits.

If the media would do their job, the federal government could not get away with demonizing some of the best corporate citizens in this country. We are electing politicians whose actions are driving corporations out of this country in droves.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Great point. The "greedy" health insurance industry had a profit margin well under 10 percent in the past year. Even the evil oil companies generally have profit margins below 10 percent. Taxes on oil companies are roughly three times the size of their profits.

If the media would do their job, the federal government could not get away with demonizing some of the best corporate citizens in this country. We are electing politicians whose actions are driving corporations out of this country in droves.

I do differentiate between, for lack of better phraseology, "moral capitialism" and "immoral capitalism." "If you have a job, thank a rich man; however, if you are a rich man, make sure your scales are honest and that silver and gold don't matter more than flesh and blood." How about that? I believe in a capitalism that reward ingenuity and hard work. I believe human nature is corrupt and that greed is endemic to it and dangerous. Therefore, I believe that a "watchdog" role is necessary, lest silver and gold become so dear that it is ok to send children into mines and teenage girls into dark rooms with sweaty, hard breathing strangers....
thecavemaster Wrote:I do differentiate between, for lack of better phraseology, "moral capitialism" and "immoral capitalism." "If you have a job, thank a rich man; however, if you are a rich man, make sure your scales are honest and that silver and gold don't matter more than flesh and blood." How about that? I believe in a capitalism that reward ingenuity and hard work. I believe human nature is corrupt and that greed is endemic to it and dangerous. Therefore, I believe that a "watchdog" role is necessary, lest silver and gold become so dear that it is ok to send children into mines and teenage girls into dark rooms with sweaty, hard breathing strangers....

Who's the watchdog you speak of? The most corrupt organization this world has probably ever seen? The Federal Government. :thatsfunn

Once again, I forgot. You're not serious.

Hey I got one.. "3 girls walk into a salon... a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead...." :lmao:

Lets get serious for a minute. Come TCM, I know you can.
thecavemaster Wrote:that it is ok to send... teenage girls into dark rooms with sweaty, hard breathing strangers....

Well, Barney Franks wouldn't be interested in the this.. but I'm sure about 534 other congressmen would. We know that NY former gov, and definately david vitters would be there...

Watchdogs. :lmao:
congressman Wrote:Well, Barney Franks wouldn't be interested in the this.. but I'm sure about 534 other congressmen would. We know that NY former gov, and definately david vitters would be there... Watchdogs. :lmao:

I believe you channel from the spirit of Juvenelia, goddess of empty cleverness. The government is made up of people, flesh and blood men and women. A senator in the backroom getting an expense paid trip to some exotic locale; a representative actually voting against his own political interests because he or she feels it's the right thing. Both happen. Villainy and heroism; selfishness and sacrifice... as old as the human race itself. Again, you, apparently in agreement with Osama bin Laden, believe the US government to be a great satan or something. We disagree. If you are currently on-line looking for ammonia nitrate, please stop... or at least continue to use blogs and sites such as these to vent. Don't blow anything up.
thecavemaster Wrote:
I believe you channel from the spirit of Juvenelia, goddess of empty cleverness. The government is made up of people, flesh and blood men and women. A senator in the backroom getting an expense paid trip to some exotic locale; a representative actually voting against his own political interests because he or she feels it's the right thing. Both happen. Villainy and heroism; selfishness and sacrifice... as old as the human race itself. Again, you, apparently in agreement with Osama bin Laden, believe the US government to be a great satan or something. We disagree. If you are currently on-line looking for ammonia nitrate, please stop... or at least continue to use blogs and sites such as these to vent. Don't blow anything up.

On Economic and Domestic Policy, if Bin Laden has that opinion, then yes.. I do agree with him, and he would IMO have an overall understanding of the government that is superior to yours.

And let me make it clear, if you're accusing me of being a terrorist or plotting a terrorist act, I suggest you quit doing so very quickly. :redboxer:

Its funny to watch you unravel. And so easy to cause. I would've thought by now, you'd be able to manage your emotions.
congressman Wrote:On Economic and Domestic Policy, if Bin Laden has that opinion, then yes.. I do agree with him, and he would IMO have an overall understanding of the government that is superior to yours.

And let me make it clear, if you're accusing me of being a terrorist or plotting a terrorist act, I suggest you quit doing so very quickly. :redboxer:

Its funny to watch you unravel. And so easy to cause. I would've thought by now, you'd be able to manage your emotions.

HAHA, you just wait till he goes off the deep end and starts with the perverted PM's.

I agree.....................he's fuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn.:biggrin:
Mr.Kimball Wrote:HAHA, you just wait till he goes off the deep end and starts with the perverted PM's.

I agree.....................he's fuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn.:biggrin:

What? At any rate, the ammonia nitrate was a joke... just suggesting that the level of hatred you evidence toward the US government puts you in the ideological ballpark. I don't hate the government. I think healthy skepticism is one thing; hatred and paranoia, I don't see it.
congressman Wrote:Well, Barney Franks wouldn't be interested in the this.. but I'm sure about 534 other congressmen would. We know that NY former gov, and definately david vitters would be there...

Watchdogs. :lmao:
Of course, I was referring to the worldwide sex trade, where young girls get used like chattel, with the profits often going to "higher up" places that we might not imagine... silver and good so dear and flesh and blood so cheap. As to sex scandals, I don't think party affiliation has much to do with them.
ah, never

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