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Remembering the 2005 season...
Put down the things you remember the most about this season?
I'll have to get back to this thread when the season is actually over. Too many moments to still come possibly.
I agree theres alot of things left to unfold...
Watching Ron Blume rush for over 2000 yrds.
The most impressive performace that I have seen was against Boyd Co.
over 400 yds. on like 22 carries and 7 TD's I believe.
the thing that comes to mind is the guy from ashland laying the wood on pburgs safety #40 meade bad memory
That hit will certainly be a great memory for a long time in the family of Adam Cannoy. I'm just glad to see that Meade got up eventually.
Confusedalute: I would have to say the hit my son handed out to the Portsmouth West kid during a KO return...AKA, The Hit Heard Round A-Town...but of course I am a bit biased.
probably when i was at the pburg and SC game it was a great game i was glad to see hager get that kinda win
TomcatDad81 Wrote:Confusedalute: I would have to say the hit my son handed out to the Portsmouth West kid during a KO return...AKA, The Hit Heard Round A-Town...but of course I am a bit biased.

he got a :Hammer3: one fine football player i may say. and the yr ashland shut down blume. TongueoliceLig
Will lochart knocking some gys helmet off from Jenkens
the best hit ive ever seen in high school football
P-Burgs safety getting put out for the count was awsome.
TomcatDad81 Wrote:Confusedalute: I would have to say the hit my son handed out to the Portsmouth West kid during a KO return...AKA, The Hit Heard Round A-Town...but of course I am a bit biased.

AKA the hit that sent the other guy's helmet rolling across the field.

The A.C. and A.C. hits were two of the best I've seen for a long time at Ashland.
I got a couple but i too am biased.. When my brother ran a 13 yd. touchdown, the first time he ever carried the ball..

He also laid a few good hits this season. I can't pinpoint a certain one, but i know he laid a few..
But the worst moment was when he was injured in the P'burg game.. But i won't go into that...
you know thats weird it seems the AC's aaron cordial adam cannoy know how to deliver hits.
LOST_ARTIFACT Wrote:P-Burgs safety getting put out for the count was awsome.

Blake meade #40 for Prestonsburg was the guy that got hit, that was a farousious hit. But he is a Freshman.
For NKYians.....

Bellevue shocking Beechwood

CovCath going down to Highlands, I really thought this would go the other way....

The weakness of 4a.

The total demise out of nowhere for the Lloyd Juggernauts..
Mine is getting to watch my cousin Jon Wells play his senior year, and getting to go to every game even though i got heart problems. I know hes a senior that cant give up the football season, I say the most rememberable game would have to be if we beet Bretthete Friday night at the Rock.
Belfry Beating Pikeville And Prestonsburg Like A Drum!!!!
VINCE VEGA Wrote:Belfry Beating Pikeville And Prestonsburg Like A Drum!!!!

i can recal in that game belfrys o and d line getting doninated by pikeville
just played really stupid and didnt do there assignments
Mine would have to be watching the JCHS Seniors have a great year and make it to playoffs for the first time in four years. Congrats players and keep the winning going on. Good luck in the playoffs
Hey #7 Can You Recall The Score!!!

Like I Said.....

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