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Predictions: Corbin vs Bluegrass - Sat. @ 5:00pm at Lex Cath.
Well will ole bluegrass pull out a win?? It should be a defensive battle.. all the way to the END... Any opinions?? I would put my money on Corbin lets say ohh- about 16-12 Corbin because thats were my heart and soul is. Corbin has to much speed for them.. But we are banged up badly!
I guarantee you Bluegrass will not have a problem with speed.
Bluegrass 24
Corbin 16
I can guarantee you that Bluegrass will NOT have a problem with Corbins speed...
I like Corbin in this game. Will be a very solid matchup
I would have to lean towards Corbin...They are fast, but they love to hit.
Just heard from a parent that went to the game CORBIN was victorious 28-24. On their way to the semis!!
This was outstanding Kentucky MS football game by 2 very good, very well coached teams. It was back and forth. Good drives by both teams. Big plays. It brought back flashes of last years Bluegrass Middle-Bell Co. final.

It looked like Corbin would go in with the half time lead after a score with 3 seconds left in the half. But Bluegrass Middle ran back the kickoff as time expired. The 2nd half was back and forth until Corbin scored with around 3 minutes left. Bluegrass Middle drove down around the red zone the but drive was halted in the last minute by an interception.
Great job Corbin that was an awesome game to watch..
Congrats to Corbin on a very well played football game... Also, Bluegrass had an outstanding year...

Can anyone tell me how many holdbacks that Corbin and bluegrass Middle have?
Great job Corbin !! Was this a 7th grade playoff game.
Navajo4life Wrote:Congrats to Corbin on a very well played football game... Also, Bluegrass had an outstanding year...

Can anyone tell me how many holdbacks that Corbin and bluegrass Middle have?
You sir are a, a. s. s. PLEASE, cant you just give some credit?? We are right on schedule for graduation!! Just because we are beating the bigger schools we are holding back!! Whitley held back were are they?? thats right, kicked out of conference. I have two sons that play for corbin, 7th and 8th. so I assure you, we are legal..For all these years we have been dominating our bigger rivals along with our smaller ones. But until this new state playoffs you all never get to see or hear about us.Bluegrass heck of a game, Well coached! ONLY one complaint, Why would one of your players hit our main back in the end zone after he was walking back to the huddle? Was this coached? Because you could not keep up with the speed? He had your number! So you take him out!! But you seen our heart here in corbin when he came back in taped up!! NO quit in this boy!! and yes, Im cocky, bowling green you are next!! that is if bluegrass hasnt ruined it all, BY BEEING CHEEP!! I only hope this was a accident! If it was please for give my comments! GO HOUNDS! show these non-believers!!
I NEVER said that you were, I was simply asking a question.... Just because you're on schedule for graduation in high school does not mean that some kids have not been held back..... I'll give you all the credit in the world, if you were playing the game, but since you're calling everyone out, I'll take it that your a parent or an avid fan...

Guy you are an idiot to think that if a kid throws a cheap shot on someone that this is coached... I have been coaching for over 20 years and I don't know of 1 coach that would tell a kid to intentionally hurt another kid to win a football game... That's just a stupid statement to make...

I can see, you still have not answered my question... So I will take it as a yes, that Corbin has players that have been held back...
Also, REDHOUND NATION, if you're going to call people out, learn how to spell.....

It's not "beeing" it's spelled "being"
Well sir, or Mr. teacher, NO hold backs here!! do you understand NOW!!! L.E.T M.E S.P.E.L.L. I.T O.U.T for you.. a.s.s.
REDHOUND NATION, I'm not calling you names and never have said anything negative towards Corbin at all.... I was simply asking a question.. Now, if you have a problem with that, then I can see right now that you're uneducated hillbilly that someone cannot reason with...
Well that was uncalled for calling someone hillbilly because they mispelled a word. I thought this site was better then other sites that i have been on. Obviously I was wrong, I have one question for you Mr. Navajo4life were you at the game? RedhoundNation is a parent looking out for his son....
And in your opinion navajo4life what does holding back a kid has anything to do with it?
I was only wanting to know about the holdbacks because some schools and school districts will allow this while other schools and school districts will not... It most certainly does make a difference if a kid is suppose to be in high school and playing against kids that really are suppose to be in middle school.... They maybe on the right course to graduate on time in high school, but we're talking about an extra year for their bodies to mature, they are bigger and stronger than they were one year ago.... That's all, I was just curious...
I understand where REDHOUND NATION is coming from, he and I have talked through PM and we have settled our differences... I hope that Corbin does well next weekend and congratulations on making it to the final 4
#20 my knowledge we don't have any holdbacks...even our 6'4" monster is a legitimate 13yo 8th grader..

Readhound Nation..I'm sure it was an accident..that was an extremely physical game, my own son has a dislocated shoulder and a knee injury..
redhound93 Wrote:And in your opinion navajo4life what does holding back a kid has anything to do with it?

I know for a fact (HC for the team told me) that all his 7th graders were going to repeat the 7th grade again next year. Some areas of the state have no issue doing this. Some areas it is very rare. I would take my team from last year against any team this year. A number of them are starting in 5A varsity ball has freshman. Age wise they could have been held back one year and still be on track to graduate. My team this year age wise could have played as 7th graders (some age wise could of played as 6th graders).

I am not saying the hold back for athletics is a practice for either of the teams. I am not saying it is the practice of those teams. It is an advantage and depending on how you do can be a big advantage.

What we are going to end up with in MS football is not Private vs Public debate you get with HS. You are going to get the Hold back vs Non hold back debate.
Corbin does not have any kids that has been held back. That i am aware of.
barrel Wrote:I know for a fact (HC for the team told me) that all his 7th graders were going to repeat the 7th grade again next year. Some areas of the state have no issue doing this. Some areas it is very rare. I would take my team from last year against any team this year. A number of them are starting in 5A varsity ball has freshman. Age wise they could have been held back one year and still be on track to graduate. My team this year age wise could have played as 7th graders (some age wise could of played as 6th graders).

I am not saying the hold back for athletics is a practice for either of the teams. I am not saying it is the practice of those teams. It is an advantage and depending on how you do can be a big advantage.

What we are going to end up with in MS football is not Private vs Public debate you get with HS. You are going to get the Hold back vs Non hold back debate.
I dont agree with that, now if some kids were held back in elementary school thats one thing, but hold them back in middle school is another,
I know there are plenty of legit reasons for a kid to repeat a grade or even for parents to start the child a year later due to birth date. That makes sense.

Just know there are teams that they will hold back a large group or the 3-5 studs they have on a team. Unless a team fakes their paperwork it also is very easy to see on the roster that KYMSFA teams have to turn in. I believe as a coach you can ask to see the roster of the team you are facing with this information in the playoffs.
I think they should make a rule stating the last yr (ei 4th grade or 5th grade) that they can be held back, also if a player is held back due to academics, they shouldnt be able to play or is that part already a rule?
No there is no rule currently about if a student is held back for grades or other wise. On the rosters that schools as part of the KYMSFA have to send end has a section that asks what grade the student was in last year and what grade currently the student is in.
First I want to congratulate Corbin for an outstanding performance yesterday. I am one of the Bluegrass coaches who gathered scouting information prior to our game. You lived up to the reports and beyond. Your coaches and players are first class and should be commended for their perfomance and overall season accomplishments. Good luck over the next week.

As I am both a long standing coach (over 20 years at both middle and high school in 3 states) and an active parent, I have exprienced and viewed many things. When watching the games and commenting on these blogs, we must not lose sight why this exists....FOR THE KIDS....not the adults. Comments such as holding kids back, cheap shots being coached, have no purpose in supporting the athletes. The comment made regarding coacing dirty tactics is an example of not knowing the game and what really happens on the field.

I have been doing this for 6 years at Bluegrass as an unpaid volunteer, putting over 200 hours annually into supporting our school. I do this for only one reason....THE KIDS. Keep it focused on supporting the kids and not exchanging blows between humans over 18 (or what we define as adults).
coach1957 Wrote:First I want to congratulate Corbin for an outstanding performance yesterday. I am one of the Bluegrass coaches who gathered scouting information prior to our game. You lived up to the reports and beyond. Your coaches and players are first class and should be commended for their perfomance and overall season accomplishments. Good luck over the next week.

As I am both a long standing coach (over 20 years at both middle and high school in 3 states) and an active parent, I have exprienced and viewed many things. When watching the games and commenting on these blogs, we must not lose sight why this exists....FOR THE KIDS....not the adults. Comments such as holding kids back, cheap shots being coached, have no purpose in supporting the athletes. The comment made regarding coacing dirty tactics is an example of not knowing the game and what really happens on the field.

I have been doing this for 6 years at Bluegrass as an unpaid volunteer, putting over 200 hours annually into supporting our school. I do this for only one reason....THE KIDS. Keep it focused on supporting the kids and not exchanging blows between humans over 18 (or what we define as adults).

:Clap: It couldn't be said any better than this. I had the luxury of watching this great game, and it was stellar performances by both teams and every player on the field. First I want to congratulate Bluegrass middle on an excellent season. I think this game was coached well in all aspects of the game for both teams and the players carried out what they were told to do. I agree I dont think either one of these programs would teach or coach dirty tactics. If some plays look dirty it might be because the players are trying to go til the whistle blows like they are instructed or they are trying as hard as they can cause they dont want it to be the last game of their season. Now as for Corbin, congratulations on the big win and making it back to the State Semifinals. You have a tough road ahead with a game against Bowling Green. They are a good team, but just cause they're good doesn't mean they are invincible.
As well noted its probably a good idea to take non-game related issues to there respective threads.

As for the late hit. There was hit after a TD that was well into the end-zone after the second Corbin TD. But it came right at the thick yellow line that is a soccer endline that goes through the end-zone about 5-6 yards deep. Action was still going on and to a player not familiar with the soccer lines it easily looked like there was still a play to be made.

Photo here:

You can see the yellow line can look like a goal line here:

Being on both sidelines both teams were well-coached and well behaved. As a non-partisan I heard no bad language, trash talking, etc. from either team or coaching staff. The both represented their schools well. It was a great MS game to watch.

You're LEGAL because you don't have any Holdbacks? Holdbacks aren't Illegal, are they?

A real Big talker.... Does your son do all the talking for you? You've probably never played a football game in your life... Some kids may have to be held back because of certain reasons.. Does this mean, they're life should end?

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