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Death penalty can we afford it?
TheRealVille Wrote:Ask the lady down in Florida that's 7 yr old kid was just found dead in a dump if the person that did it deserves to live? I would venture that you haven't known about as many child molestation cases as I have in the last 15 years. I can assure you, with a heart as cold as mine toward these kid molesters and killers, that the criminal has no right to live as I see it. Whether they die or go to the pen to get raped by "Bubba", I find joy in the punishment molesters and child abusers get.

BTW, thank you for your service, but that doesn't make you the moral authority on the death penalty for criminals, just because you looked through a gun sight in war times. It's apples and oranges.

You know what it does do though? It shows how a former 'tough guy' (much like the one you currently portray yourself as), was able to find out the truth about just how tough he was...when the chance arose. You, I doubt, have ever been in the situation where only a tiny movement of the finger would have ended a life. Until then, you're more than entitled to express your opinion. And I pray with all of my being that 'talking' is all you ever GET or HAVE to do. As much as you want to be that guy... I can say without any doubt, it will surely haunt you until you take your very last breath.

And since you brought it up... I don't know how that poor little girl's mom feels about the death penalty. Hopefully she's willing to forgive, and is an advocate of abolishing the death penalty. Do you realize how often that those convicted of murder, are FORGIVEN by the families of the deceased? Do you know how many letters are written, and statements that are given, or organizations that have been formed by the families of murder victims that advocate the repealing of the death penalty? How about you ask THEM how they feel... I'm guessin you won't visit any of these sites, but they're here for your education into the matter. And the lesson you are about to learn, is that not everyone who loses someone from murder... feels the same as you do. Are they wrong? Is there answer of any less value to you because they disagree with you? (Murder Victim's Families for Reconciliation) (includes many familiy members)

And just another tidbit for you to ignore, most often when momentum is made and/or legislation passes to ban the death penalty in more and more states across the country... its because those who have been affected by murder, and had their entire lives turned upside down, because their husband or wife, child or parent has been taken from them... have rejected the death penalty themselves. Many on moral grounds, "Two wrongs don't make a right." Many on religious beliefs. And many because of their views of life in prison without parole being much worse than getting out of this life so quickly. So don't sit there and tell me that child rape victims and murder victims are pro-death penalty by default.

Let me use this post as well to correct earlier posts of mine. The supreme court recently struck down laws that provide the death penalty for non-murder crimes. Meaning the death penalty for drug traffickers, child molesters, and kidnapping is no longer in effect. For those who are interested. I do believe there is an exception, because the constitution provides 1 crime and punishment in detail, and it not subject to review by the courts because of it. Treason is punishable by death, and may not be overturned by any court. Only an amendment can repeal it.
TheRealVille Wrote:One more thing. Since you want to bring "God" into the thread, what did he instruct the officials of Israel to do to these trypes of criminals? It was death, right? I think He was a lot tougher on these types than the USA is.

I don't typically bring up religion in the forums, and try to do so as little as possible. I'm not interested in passing judgement on someone for having a different belief than I do religiously.

I wasn't bringing "God" as a person, into this thread. I was bring a symbolic presence of 'he that giveth life and taketh away'. That can be whoever you want it to be.The God that I spoke of in the post above, may or may not be your God. I simply dont' care if you choose to believe or not. I personally do not believe much of the old testament myself. I do believe that Israel killed many people as you mention, and I dont' need a historical document to show me this. I see it on CNN daily.

If you take the old testament literally, then you obviously still sacrifice animals and send burned offerings to the heavens. But if you're much like most christians today, I'm sure you will say that you no longer need to do that anymore because Christ was the last sacrifrice needed. So which is it.. do you follow the teachings of Christ, or the teachings of the Old Law. They differ greatly, especially in this key aspect. How do you treat your enemies? Do you kill them? or do you heal them? Do you turn to them with a knife? Or do you turn to them with the other cheek? Thats the problem I find with Christians, or those who just like to pick a few verses here and there from the bible... Any life can be justified from a verse or two in the bible. I can drink, I can kill, I can have sex with family, I can be a murderer and then turn around and write half of the new testament (As Saul/Paul did.). I'm not interested in debating what Jesus would do. Or what you're God would want. This is about what I believe is right. Not what someone made me believe in Sunday School. We've got to start debating the real issues, not talkin about what one of the 35,000 denominations (number of denominations reported from Oxford) believe or want you to believe.

But hey, if you wanna talk about religion. Start a thread. I'll give you the rundown on Catholicism.. or perhaps the non-denominational church of Christ? How about the freewill baptist's? Take your pick. I can even tell you a thing or two about the Dutch Reform.. the reformation era, or the restoration movement. Don't tempt me..
congressman Wrote:I don't typically bring up religion in the forums, and try to do so as little as possible. I'm not interested in passing judgement on someone for having a different belief than I do religiously.

I wasn't bringing "God" as a person, into this thread. I was bring a symbolic presence of 'he that giveth life and taketh away'. That can be whoever you want it to be.The God that I spoke of in the post above, may or may not be your God. I simply dont' care if you choose to believe or not. I personally do not believe much of the old testament myself. I do believe that Israel killed many people as you mention, and I dont' need a historical document to show me this. I see it on CNN daily.

If you take the old testament literally, then you obviously still sacrifice animals and send burned offerings to the heavens. But if you're much like most christians today, I'm sure you will say that you no longer need to do that anymore because Christ was the last sacrifrice needed. So which is it.. do you follow the teachings of Christ, or the teachings of the Old Law. They differ greatly, especially in this key aspect. How do you treat your enemies? Do you kill them? or do you heal them? Do you turn to them with a knife? Or do you turn to them with the other cheek? Thats the problem I find with Christians, or those who just like to pick a few verses here and there from the bible... Any life can be justified from a verse or two in the bible. I can drink, I can kill, I can have sex with family, I can be a murderer and then turn around and write half of the new testament (As Saul/Paul did.). I'm not interested in debating what Jesus would do. Or what you're God would want. This is about what I believe is right. Not what someone made me believe in Sunday School. We've got to start debating the real issues, not talkin about what one of the 35,000 denominations (number of denominations reported from Oxford) believe or want you to believe.

But hey, if you wanna talk about religion. Start a thread. I'll give you the rundown on Catholicism.. or perhaps the non-denominational church of Christ? How about the freewill baptist's? Take your pick. I can even tell you a thing or two about the Dutch Reform.. the reformation era, or the restoration movement. Don't tempt me..

I don't bring religion into threads either. I was pointing out that you were bringing "god" into a thread that it didn't belong in. If you knew me you would know that I wasn't bringing religion into this thread, as I am not very into religion as of late. The voters and the government have decided that that executing criminals that perform heinous crimes get the death penalty. You don't back the wish of the people or government in this thinking, but I would venture that you backed that government that used lies to start a war that killed innocent people on both sides in recent years. Killing is killing. Make no mistake though, I support each and every soldier doing their job in this instance.
TheRealVille Wrote:Again, war killing is apples and oranges to killing life criminals. There should be tougher regulations on evidence before executing someone, but if they are found 100% guilty of a death penalty offense, they should be executed within a year of their sentence.

I did compare war killing and execution. I was talking about the human ability to commit murder in general . It was addressing the instance congressman brought up about looking down your sights at another human. Like i said i am split on the instance. I probally have seen as many child molesters as you have. Due to my current employment. So i do see your point. I look at some of the people i work with and can't help to think they are a burden and a waste of human existance. But i try to not be that person.
Matman Wrote:I did compare war killing and execution. I was talking about the human ability to commit murder in general . It was addressing the instance congressman brought up about looking down your sights at another human. Like i said i am split on the instance. I probally have seen as many child molesters as you have. Due to my current employment. So i do see your point. I look at some of the people i work with and can't help to think they are a burden and a waste of human existance. But i try to not be that person.
What happened to the extreme liberal TheRealVille and ultra conservative Matman I used to know?

Congressman, you make a great argument.

Matman, I think we are more alike than we would like to admit.

TheRealVille, what's going on with you and the death penalty?

This is not a partisan issue I know, but I am surprised!
DevilsWin Wrote:What happened to the extreme liberal TheRealVille and ultra conservative Matman I used to know?

Congressman, you make a great argument.

Matman, I think we are more alike than we would like to admit.

TheRealVille, what's going on with you and the death penalty?

This is not a partisan issue I know, but I am surprised!
I am not extreme liberal, I am more middle of the road. I just have no compassion for the likes of child molesters. I think any crime involving an innocent child(defenseless), where that child is sexually molested, tortured, or dies, is punishable by death.

Edit: Let me find the video of just one kid I saw recently and I'll let you all decide if the killers deserve death.

[ame=""]YouTube - The Peter Connelly Story[/ame]
DevilsWin Wrote:What happened to the extreme liberal TheRealVille and ultra conservative Matman I used to know?

Congressman, you make a great argument.

Matman, I think we are more alike than we would like to admit.

TheRealVille, what's going on with you and the death penalty?

This is not a partisan issue I know, but I am surprised!

I like to think of my self as a moderate. Theres several positions i take that would suprise you. I'm deffinately not a fundamentalist. I'm much more of a modernist. Wait till we start talking abou national defense and war spending then you will see my consevative nature come back. Not to mention securing our nations borders. :biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't bring religion into threads either. I was pointing out that you were bringing "god" into a thread that it didn't belong in. If you knew me you would know that I wasn't bringing religion into this thread, as I am not very into religion as of late. The voters and the government have decided that that executing criminals that perform heinous crimes get the death penalty. You don't back the wish of the people or government in this thinking, but I would venture that you backed that government that used lies to start a war that killed innocent people on both sides in recent years. Killing is killing. Make no mistake though, I support each and every soldier doing their job in this instance.

Look, if God belongs in any thread on this site, its probably going to be one about life and death. However, let me make it clear once again for you, since its twice now that you've missed it. I didn't bring "god" into this subject. As its typically not my style. I'm quite capable of making a relavent point without using religious overtones. What I did do was though, was make a symbolic reference to someone who is capable of giving life, and taking it away. If there is another word I could replace it with, then by all means... Let me know, and in the future I will make sure I use it. I don't aim to offend someone, or force my religous beliefs or lack there of upon those who disagree.

Had I injected religion into the equation as you understood me to do, I would have probably been a bit more in depth than just mentioning a generic name of a religious head. Maybe I would have said something like, "read the story of the women who was about to be stoned.. and what did son of Yahweh do? He stopped it from happening..." Perhaps I could have spoke of other pacifistic religions, like Buddism. Or even mentioned some of the great saints in the past. However, I didn't. Nor will I. I will however say that the death penalty has helped all who claim to be Christians though... It gave them eternal life when their savior was crucified as a result of it.

And yes, I backed to government once upon a time when it lied about WMD. As you state, I disagree with 'the people' on the death penalty. But once upon a time I agreed with them on the issue of the necessity of this war. And look what that got us. So what was your point that I disagree with 'the people?'. I followed blindly once. I shall never do so again. What say you? You agree with the terrorist, and other radically islamic nations.. as well as those who are perpetual violators of human rights, when you follow along with the pro death penalty stance. So whats your point?

Then you leave out the growing list of states that no longer have the death penalty (also known as 'the people'), and the states with current pauses on state executions as its reviewed against their constitutions (also know as the documents written by 'the people'.).

If there's one thing you'll notice about me, I respond to nearly every part of every post that is directed to me. I will not allow anyone to misrepresent me in anyway. Unlike yourself, I answer the questions and the statements directed towards me.

How did you feel about the families of murder victims speaking out against the death penalty? You said we should ask someone who has been in that situation, and you knew how they would feel already. Did you forget to ask these people? or are their viewpoints not ones you share, so they don't matter?

I'm lost as to where you're goin with all of this. I will resubmit.. Until you have that child molester in your cross hairs, and smoke is clearing the end of your barrell... I call bull. You don't have what it takes to pull the trigger. You simply talk too much.. Matman knows much more than I do about the feelings that run through your being when you have to make that decision, and you should take his word on it. (didn't go to far saying the word 'soul', did i? i think its religious in nature.):biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:I am not extreme liberal, I am more middle of the road. I just have no compassion for the likes of child molesters. I think any crime involving an innocent child(defenseless), where that child is sexually molested, tortured, or dies, is punishable by death.

Edit: Let me find the video of just one kid I saw recently and I'll let you all decide if the killers deserve death.

Deserve death? Ahh, maybe so. Does it sway to me support the death penalty? Or cause me to lose sleep because I don't? Ummm... :zzz: Guess not.

Trust me, video's meant to tug at the heart do little. I've used this very same concept several times on the issue of abortion. And I've found it doesn't work on anyone I've ever shown it to. Sucks. But hey.. its life. Or in your mindset.. It could be death.
congressman Wrote:Well, to be perfectly honest.. I don't believe fruit was ever on a tree in a garden as told by man, searching for an answer to life's questions.

I do believe that when I look into the eyes of a child, I know that there is nothing that exists more pure and innocent. You may or may not have kids, but from your reaction, I would highly doubt it. However, you may 200, which would be worse..because you have failed to come to the simplest of conclusions. Children are the most precious things on the face of this earth. And they deserve every chance that you or I have had...

Abortion and the death penalty are cancers that will continue to destroy this nation. Keep in mind, (to the best of my knowledge) we rank 4th in state sponsored legal deaths. Only China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia put more people to death. Add abortion to that, and we're surely number 2 in the entire world. And lets look at the great group of guys that puts us with overall with the death penalty, "Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Botswana, China, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Libya, North Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, St. Kitts and Nevis, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates, United States, Vietnam and Yemen ". Looks more like a list of state sponsors of terrorism...


Cruel and unusual? Cruel absolutely. But unusual? Absolutely not. We do it far too often, and we have currently over 3000 people on death row...

For those opposed, as I am.. we have some glimmers of hope. States are slowly trending away from its use, and each year we make gains in non-DP states, or those actively working to abolish it. Its going to be a be a long hard fight guys... but as Randy Pausch said, "Walls aren't there to stop us... they're there only to see how bad we want something." I want this bad.

Now, just so I understand: the expressed idea that "innocence" (used as a moral term) might need the capacity for guilt to be meaningful and that the abortion debate might be better argued along different grounds... that means I've never learned to value children? Quite a chasm to jump across, seems to me.
thecavemaster Wrote:Now, just so I understand: the expressed idea that "innocence" (used as a moral term) might need the capacity for guilt to be meaningful and that the abortion debate might be better argued along different grounds... that means I've never learned to value children? Quite a chasm to jump across, seems to me.

By the way, I don't necessarily find children, my own or anyone else's, to be "pure and innocent." Sweet a lot of the time (check). Dependent and needy (which in little things like kittens means "loveable") (check). Cute (little things are) (check). But, innocent and pure? I don't see it, nor do I think the Judaeo/Christian tradition taught it ("steeped in sin at birth"). Oh dear, perhaps "god" doesn't value children either.
congressman Wrote:I will resubmit.. Until you have that child molester in your cross hairs, and smoke is clearing the end of your barrell... I call bull. You don't have what it takes to pull the trigger. You simply talk too much.. Matman knows much more than I do about the feelings that run through your being when you have to make that decision, and you should take his word on it. (didn't go to far saying the word 'soul', did i? i think its religious in nature.):biggrin:
I'll make you a deal, you fix it to where I get the chance to put a child molester in my crosshairs legally, and see what happens. Then you will have the right to shout "bull" and "I talk to much".
thecavemaster Wrote:By the way, I don't necessarily find children, my own or anyone else's, to be "pure and innocent." Sweet a lot of the time (check). Dependent and needy (which in little things like kittens means "loveable") (check). Cute (little things are) (check). But, innocent and pure? I don't see it, nor do I think the Judaeo/Christian tradition taught it ("steeped in sin at birth"). Oh dear, perhaps "god" doesn't value children either.

Hey! You better tone down your use of the word "God".... The religion police will have you on death row soon enough. :biggrin:

But on point...

I was right. You fail to see purity and innocence. Thats your peroggative, and I'm not going to try to change what your eyes do or don't see. As I stated, I know what I believe. And I know what I feel when I'm near a child. I view them as gifts from the heavens. And I hate that we have to have this discussion here, but since you brought it up.. I will surely respond. Christ himself teaches that, "unless we turn away from sin and become as little children, we shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Only the pure can do so according to the bible, so how could a child? I'm not saying the bible is accurate or even remotely so. Just quoting Christ on what he looked for in a roommate in heaven.

If you don't see what I do in children, then cool. Gotcha. But, I'm willing to bet that you stand in a very lonely and tight corner with that kinda thinking.
congressman Wrote:For those opposed, as I am.. we have some glimmers of hope. States are slowly trending away from its use, and each year we make gains in non-DP states, or those actively working to abolish it. Its going to be a be a long hard fight guys... but as Randy Pausch said, "Walls aren't there to stop us... they're there only to see how bad we want something." I want this bad.
As this is a KY forum, I don't think you will find much sympathy toward your cause. In fact, states like KY or TX might laugh at your cause.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'll make you a deal, you fix it to where I get the chance to put a child molester in my crosshairs legally, and see what happens. Then you will have the right to shout "bull" and "I talk to much".

Shouldn't you have said, I wouldn't be able to say those things? Instead of telling me I'd have the right. Sure implies you'd make my predictions about the moment come true.

I could care less though, you'll never get the chance. Thank god. (oops, said his name again.):rockon:
congressman Wrote:Shouldn't you have said, I wouldn't be able to say those things? Instead of telling me I'd have the right. Sure implies you'd make my predictions about the moment come true.

I could care less though, you'll never get the chance. Thank god. (oops, said his name again.):rockon:
Implies nothing other than the fact that you can then and only then, if I balk, have the right to say such.

BTW, you brought up about the 2-3 websites you posted about the families of victims, I could probably goggle up a few websites of families of victims that take the exact opposite stance as your websites.
TheRealVille Wrote:As this is a KY forum, I don't think you will find much sympathy toward your cause. In fact, states like KY or TX might laugh at your cause.

Like I'm laughing at your lack of knowledge about the KY death penalty? :thatsfunn:thatsfunn

You act as if Kentucky is frying and 'putting to sleep' convicted murderers by the dozen. When in fact, the death penalty in Kentucky is almost non existant. :letsparty

Here are some facts for you, for future reference.

--Kentucky doesn't allow so called 'felony murder' convictions to end in the DP.

--Kentucky also requires aggrivated circumstances for any Death Penalty. Meaning that rarely is it applied.

--Only 3 executions have taken place since the Supreme Court re-authorized them to be carried out.

--Thats 3 executions in 35 years!

--The method options have dwindled down to just 1. Lethal Injection. (electrocution is available for pre-1998 convictions.).

--Only 39 have been handed the sentence, with 1 being exonerated (perhaps 2?).

--2 have been granted clemency by the governor.

--A bill was introduced September 17th of this year to ban the DP, and is currently being considered in the state legislature.

--The Kentucky Judiciary Committee heard testimony just this August, that the state has spent 100,000,000 dollars to execute 3 people in 35 years.

Awesome. A death penalty that doesn't put people to death.. that has saw 3 people convicted, sentenced, and not recieve it because of innocence or other circumstances. And has cost more than 100 million dollars of our hard earned money. :Clap:
TheRealVille Wrote:Implies nothing other than the fact that you can then and only then, if I balk, have the right to say such.

BTW, you brought up about the 2-3 websites you posted about the families of victims, I could probably goggle up a few websites of families of victims that take the exact opposite stance as your websites.

I'm sure you absolutely could. I just did myself to make sure.

Whats your point? I never acted like you couldn't. You were the brains behind the 'ask someone who's been there, i'm sure they support it'. I was just offering some alternate views... :Thumbs:
congressman Wrote:Like I'm laughing at your lack of knowledge about the KY death penalty? :thatsfunn:thatsfunn

You act as if Kentucky is frying and 'putting to sleep' convicted murderers by the dozen. When in fact, the death penalty in Kentucky is almost non existant. :letsparty

Here are some facts for you, for future reference.

--Kentucky doesn't allow so called 'felony murder' convictions to end in the DP.

--Kentucky also requires aggrivated circumstances for any Death Penalty. Meaning that rarely is it applied.

--Only 3 executions have taken place since the Supreme Court re-authorized them to be carried out.

--Thats 3 executions in 35 years!

--The method options have dwindled down to just 1. Lethal Injection. (electrocution is available for pre-1998 convictions.).

--Only 39 have been handed the sentence, with 1 being exonerated (perhaps 2?).

--2 have been granted clemency by the governor.

--A bill was introduced September 17th of this year to ban the DP, and is currently being considered in the state legislature.

--The Kentucky Judiciary Committee heard testimony just this August, that the state has spent 100,000,000 dollars to execute 3 people in 35 years.

Awesome. A death penalty that doesn't put people to death.. that has saw 3 people convicted, sentenced, and not recieve it because of innocence or other circumstances. And has cost more than 100 million dollars of our hard earned money. :Clap:
LOL. Do a survey of Kentucky people and see how many you get for and against the death penalty. I wasn't talking about our laws concerning the KY death penalty, you are typing on a forum of regular people, not lawmakers.
TheRealVille Wrote:LOL. Do a survey of Kentucky people and see how many you get for and against the death penalty. I wasn't talking about our laws concerning the KY death penalty, you are typing on a forum of regular people, not lawmakers.

Regular people = not lawmakers. :lmao:

You're impossible.

Thanks for the advice. I'll just take my money and arguements to the lawmakers. I obviously don't need 'the people'. Or the regular ones anyways.

look, i'm done talking with you. you're not willing to debate, or capable of having factual conversation. I'll reserve my energy for those who are. You should reserve yours for all the child molesters you're going to shoot. :Thumbs:

Well everyone, I'm off to bed. I think tonight was pretty good. Got lots of responses in my PM box about the issues, and several questions got answered. Thanks everyone for always listening with an openmind and heart. Most of you are able to do so. Wish me luck tomorrow. Its a big day. TongueirateSho
congressman Wrote:Hey! You better tone down your use of the word "God".... The religion police will have you on death row soon enough. :biggrin:

But on point...

I was right. You fail to see purity and innocence. Thats your peroggative, and I'm not going to try to change what your eyes do or don't see. As I stated, I know what I believe. And I know what I feel when I'm near a child. I view them as gifts from the heavens. And I hate that we have to have this discussion here, but since you brought it up.. I will surely respond. Christ himself teaches that, "unless we turn away from sin and become as little children, we shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Only the pure can do so according to the bible, so how could a child? I'm not saying the bible is accurate or even remotely so. Just quoting Christ on what he looked for in a roommate in heaven.

If you don't see what I do in children, then cool. Gotcha. But, I'm willing to bet that you stand in a very lonely and tight corner with that kinda thinking.

Hold on, here. A child can evidence innocence and purity, without being innocent or pure. In a glamour shot, you or me might evidence handsomeness without being it. No human being, in the Christian tradition, is in any sense of the word "pure" or "innocent" outside of the Redemption.
congressman Wrote:Regular people = not lawmakers. :lmao:

You're impossible.

Thanks for the advice. I'll just take my money and arguements to the lawmakers. I obviously don't need 'the people'. Or the regular ones anyways.

look, i'm done talking with you. you're not willing to debate, or capable of having factual conversation. I'll reserve my energy for those who are. You should reserve yours for all the child molesters you're going to shoot. :Thumbs:

Well everyone, I'm off to bed. I think tonight was pretty good. Got lots of responses in my PM box about the issues, and several questions got answered. Thanks everyone for always listening with an openmind and heart. Most of you are able to do so. Wish me luck tomorrow. Its a big day. TongueirateSho
As you well know, the lawmakers don't always go with the people after elected. You also know, as well as me, that the typical Kentuckian is for the death penalty. You are just like Kimball and jetpilot, you can't stand it if people don't have your views, then ridicule them. A typical conservative reaction, if they don't agree with you, they are wrong, evil and ****ed to ****. Redo the thread, and add a poll, and see if the regular people on this board(Kentuckians) approve of the death penalty or not.
TheRealVille Wrote:As you well know, the lawmakers don't always go with the people after elected. You also know, as well as me, that the typical Kentuckian is for the death penalty. You are just like Kimball and jetpilot, you can't stand it if people don't have your views, then ridicule them. A typical conservative reaction, if they don't agree with you, they are wrong, evil and ****ed to ****. Redo the thread, and add a poll, and see if the regular people on this board(Kentuckians) approve of the death penalty or not.

I don't think congrssman is a consevative. I may be wrong but he is against the death penalty and for gays in the military. Those are two typical liberal stances. However he is prolife. But you statement about conservatives made me think about how parties change. I'm reading the book, "Summer for the Gods" right now. Its the Democratic and one time secretary of the state William Jennings Bryan calling people evil for not embracing religion in schools. He is on a witch hunt for evolutionist. But today religion and republicans seem to be thrown together.
TheRealVille Wrote:As you well know, the lawmakers don't always go with the people after elected. You also know, as well as me, that the typical Kentuckian is for the death penalty. You are just like Kimball and jetpilot, you can't stand it if people don't have your views, then ridicule them. A typical conservative reaction, if they don't agree with you, they are wrong, evil and ****ed to ****. Redo the thread, and add a poll, and see if the regular people on this board(Kentuckians) approve of the death penalty or not.
Well now, not really knowing why you choose to pick on me out of the blue, cause I dont think I've said a dang word to you, or a word about you. But that's OK, I guess. At least you lumped me with some good company that show they have a little common sense. My biggest fear would be for you to associated me with DW or batman.:yikes:

Thanks 'ville!!!TongueirateSho
Matman Wrote:I don't think congrssman is a consevative. I may be wrong but he is against the death penalty and for gays in the military. Those are two typical liberal stances. However he is prolife. But you statement about conservatives made me think about how parties change. I'm reading the book, "Summer for the Gods" right now. Its the Democratic and one time secretary of the state William Jennings Bryan calling people evil for not embracing religion in schools. He is on a witch hunt for evolutionist. But today religion and republicans seem to be thrown together.
No, I don't think he is a conservative, he is just acting like one. If you don't agree with them, you are "of the devil", or just plain stupid. If you don't agree with a conservative, you are just evil.

BTW, I am one of the most moral, upstanding people you will ever meet, I just don't force my views on everbody else.
Matman Wrote:I don't think congrssman is a consevative. I may be wrong but he is against the death penalty and for gays in the military. Those are two typical liberal stances. However he is prolife. But you statement about conservatives made me think about how parties change. I'm reading the book, "Summer for the Gods" right now. Its the Democratic and one time secretary of the state William Jennings Bryan calling people evil for not embracing religion in schools. He is on a witch hunt for evolutionist. But today religion and republicans seem to be thrown together.
And this is a reason I respect your opinion, you don't force yours on everybody else. Republicans "usually" represent the opinion of forcing religious views on everybody else.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, I don't think he is a conservative, he is just acting like one. If you don't agree with them, you are "of the devil", or just plain stupid. If you don't agree with a conservative, you are just evil.

BTW, I am one of the most moral, upstanding people you will ever meet, I just don't force my views on everbody else.

Uh, oh.........That's the first sign to beware.:biggrin:

j/k there 'ville

Say what? lol
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Well now, not really knowing why you choose to pick on me out of the blue, cause I dont think I've said a dang word to you, or a word about you. But that's OK, I guess. At least you lumped me with some good company that show they have a little common sense. My biggest fear would be for you to associated me with DW or batman.:yikes:

Thanks 'ville!!!TongueirateSho
It's just that when someone disagrees with you and JP, you ridicule and make fun of them. I guess that makes you two feel smarter.
TheRealVille Wrote:And this is a reason I respect your opinion, you don't force yours on everybody else. Republicans "usually" represent the opinion of forcing religious views on everybody else.

Your kidding right, so buy using your logic, I could say Demorcrats "usually" want to do away with the death penalty but are in favor of late term abortions.

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