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Bluegrass/ Shelby West Predictions
Who wins this game? I have seen Shelby West several times and have been impressed with their QB and one of their RB's #22. Both played very well in their win against Anderson Co. last Saturday. Does anyone know anything about Bluegrass Middle? Other than they are defending state champs!
Score is 14-6 Bluegrass at halftime...Great game so far!!
Bluegrass 26 Shelby West 12 Final
Great game! To bad the refs took away a touchdown to tie the game with 2:00 minutes left for a Shelby West player supposedly helping pull the Shelby West running back into the end zone. I have been watching football for a long time and have probably only seen that call made 1 or 2 times, much less in the last 2 minutes of a hotly contested game. Anyway congrats to Bluegrass Middle on a great win.
Not too take anything away from Shelby West because there kids are great football players but in the confrence champioonship game Anderson County got the raw end of the deal. The refs did a horrible job and took Anderson Counties Guts from them early. They called over 13 penalities on Anderson Co. and not one single penalty on Shelby West. I got the game on video and just to keep it clean Anderson Co. was robbed of a undefeated season with be second runner up in the tournament game. Not taking anything away from Shelby West kids it wasn't there fault the refs were unfair but we was on there home field as well, Just wanted to let everyone know the real truth.
Well I want to keep it real also. West made mistakes throughtout the game that cost them the victory against Bluegrass Middle. Bluuegrass won the game not the refs. Anderson was not robbed of anything either they threw interceptions and made other mistakes in the game against West that cost them the game. Were there some questionable calls in both games? I believe there always are calls you can look back on and question. Fact is the kids win them or lose. The kids have got to learn not to let refs or calls that go against them trow them off their game.
I can honestly tell you that the Bluegrass Middle and Shelby West score is a little mis-leading... With 2:00 minutes remaining, Shelby West scored on a 3 yard td and for some god unknown reason, a referee who wanted to be seen, who had not thrown a flag all night, decided to throw a flag for pushing the pile into the end zone.... Come on, are you freaking kidding me... I have been watching football all of my life, coaching football for almost 20 years and I have NEVER seen this call at this point in the game... Let's not even talk about how on the 2 point conversion earlier in the game, that a Shelby West player was ruled down on his knee, even though his leg, his torso and his body was over the goal line, the ref ruled that his knee was down short of the goal line... I'm no genius, but could someone please explain to me how this is possible?

I'm not wanting to take anything away from Bluegrass Middle, because they are a great team with some great players, but let's let the kids decide who wins and looses on the football field, not a FAT out of SHAPE referee that wants to be seen by everyone in the stands... Good luck to Bluegrass Middle on Saturday.....
Navajo4life: Did the game last night have a full crew? I know in some of the playoff games there have not been full offical crews. I am not sure who needs to do something about it but for these playoffs games there needs to be full crews just like you would have on Friday nights.

I know in MS you get games with just 3 and more often than not most games only have 3 but for the playoffs there needs to be a FULL crew. I do not know if people need to talk to the assigning body or what.
AMEN! These games are too important for an official to not be able to make a call because they do not have enough officals to see the entire field. This happened earlier in the year when a QB was clearly across the l.o.s. and the side judge said he couldnt call it because he was not a in position. He had to be down field to look for pass interference on the down field receivers.
Even worse than the call the ref made in the Blugrass and Shelby West game for pushing the pile was the subsequent call 2 plays later of a horse collar tackle/personal foul on Bluegrass. West was at the Bluegrass 12 yard line when this call was made on 3rd down. Instead of half the distance and a automatic first down they were assessed a 5 yard penalty and West was not given the automatic 1st down. The next play a pass was dropped in the endzone effectively ending Shelby West hopes of knotting the game up at 20-20. On the ensuing series a Shelby West player was called for a horse collar/personal foul and Bluegrass was given a automatic 1st down. The refs were horrible!!!! Now with all that said, Bluegrass has a great team and it would not surprise me to see them win the whole thing. They took care of business and won the game, the refs did not win it for them. If Shelby West had of tied the game they could have very well came back and scored immediately. They have that type of team, good quick athletes with size.
We were only suppose to have 3 refs and we had 4 and yes, there were some bad calls and as a Bluegrass parent I was embarassed for that.

Also, please let us know how the injured Shelby West player is, he is certainly in all our thoughts and prayers. You never want to see anyone injured.

That being said Bluegrass did have an off night they were not playing their best. All our boys were not on their game and I think having 3 weeks off had a lot to do with that. I hope they plan to bring it on Saturday, because they will not go much farther if they continue to play the way they did last night...
Thank you for your concern Footballmom, the kid was released from the hospital last night around 1:30 A.M. he has a slight concussion with about 12 stiches in his mouth, no broken jaw, which was what was first thought of... He is doing well, just has a bad headache today... Thank you also for acknowledging that there was several bad calls and I don't know if we would have been able to win or not, but to have the refs determine that outcome of that game at that time was just embarassing on that refs part... With that said, good luck to bluegrass Middle, if we were going to loose that game, might as well be to the future State Champions

It had a full crew of 4 guys, if that's what you call a full crew, but if I had to do over again, I would have 3 competent refs than what we had last night....
footballmom Wrote:We were only suppose to have 3 refs and we had 4 ...

I hope this does not come across in a bad tone. I am just asking a few questions so certain things can be addressed after the season.

Why were you only suppose to have 3? In the game I watched there was only 3 but I assumed that was because one of the officals did not show up. Did someone state that only 3 officals were needed for these games?
No, it did not come as a bad tone...I would have some of the same questions as you...We can compare notes about our thoughts for things to be discussed after the season my biggest being inconsistency and the making up/changing of rules as you go...but that is for another discussion in Feb with the KYMSFA, and off topic for this thread..

In our paperwork as host....3 officials were to be provided. We were given the 3 names for the officials that were to be present. We have no idea where the 4th official came from, whether KYMSFA sent an additional or what....
Also, there was confusion about whether or not that the gate fee was going to split 1/2 way between the host team and away team... I'm happy with the playoff format, but hopefully, we can have refs that are assigned by KYMSFA next year instead of having refs that have worked for a previous school more than once in the year.... That's where you run into team getting "homered" as what happened last night at Bluegrass..
Navajo4life....Oh no, they were not our refs....we take no credit for that crew....
IMHO....The way the gate fee works is absolutely unfair to the host can't even take your costs off the top so if we needed to paint the field the cost should be shared by both teams...right...nope not with has to come out of your you host you lose..and that's just one small example....You make more money being the visitor...

And there I will stop with my complaints....I will quietly go rock in the corner and remember, we are doing this for the boys, we are doing this for the boys, we are....
One thing for sure it needs to be mandatory 4 man crew. I would honestly like 5 but 3 man crews are just not going to work.

Gate split: Now I have no issue with the cost of the officials being taken off the top of the gates. The cost of paint though is not that big of a deal. I say that assuming a school does not pay someone to come in to paint it. To me that is like asking to pay for the electricity for the lights.

The away team has the travel cost to deal with. I venture to say the travel cost is more than the cost of painting the field. I know last year we brought as many fans to the game as the host site had.

I am sure many of us are taking notes on how to make this better. I hope more people are at the meeting next year.

One thing I had an issue with last year was the holdback issue which is much more common in some areas than others. When I have a coach just flat out say all his 7th grades are going to repeat the 7th grade. Our 8th grade team could have played as a 7th grade team the past 2 players due to age. What I mean by that is we had 2 players that were 14 before Aug 1st.
I agree I'm being petty, but it's been a whole host of things that all just added up...But overall, I think this is a great program for the boys...It really gives them an opportunity to play other teams from around the state...
Dont polish your trophy to soon bluegrass, if you have to come to corbin... trick or treet! the redhounds are still alive. This team not like yours, they are still runner ups from state. your class graduated! it will be a good game but if it is at corbin... you would be next bowling green!
REDHOUND NATION! Wrote:Dont polish your trophy to soon bluegrass, if you have to come to corbin... trick or treet! the redhounds are still alive. This team not like yours, they are still runner ups from state. your class graduated! it will be a good game but if it is at corbin... you would be next bowling green!

Redhound, we don't ever polish anything in advance, and you will find no where on here where a Bluegrass Middle school person/coach/supporter even states we are going to win it all, we take it one game at a time. We are an extremely humble team, and grateful for every win, as we understand we could lose the next game. Do we celebrate after the wins ABSOLUTELY, but we don't trash talk it.

I do have to correct the misconception that our class graduated, only a part of our last year's team "graduated" we are a 6, 7 & 8th combined team, so we have 7th & 8th graders that played in the state game last year (as 6th & 7th graders) that are back this year.

We look forward to playing you tomorrow and know it will be a great game for both teams. Best of Luck.
I heard the game will be at Lex. Cath. not sure of time...
The school called and said, 5:00pm at lex. cath.
REDHOUND NATION, don't get to full of yourself or ahead of yourself... Bluegrass Middle is an excellent team that is very well coached... Don't bite off more than you can chew.... Because that big DAWG might bite you where it hurts....
I just want to clarify for some of you folks on comments made by the KYMSFA.

First of all, EVERYTHING to do with that game is written down ahead of time. Everything from the KYMSFA rep who is there to administrate it, to the officials who are referees, to sponsors, etc. There are never any secrets about anything.

Secondly, the KYMSFA "strongly suggests" that there be 4 refs for each of the playoff games. The sheet has a spot for 4 names (check for yourself). There are many schools who use only 3 during the season and are thereby doing the same thing in these playoff games. That is to be corrected by next year.

Now, footballmom, just so you know, the last 2 years Bluegrass has not had to travel in the first round of the playoffs. My team came there and played you all in the first round last year and we heard some of the same complaints you are saying right now. In your game the other night, the Bluegrass AD did not want the 4th ref. The KYMSFA representative who was there insisted.

Its funny you bring up the field paint issue (again). When we came down there last year, the the Bluegrass folks tried to take $200 off the game receipts for "field paint". I laughed because before the game I had stood at midfield with the John Hardin coach. He made a comment that "those guys repainted the Bulldog out here, but they didn't touch yardlines? Heck, their mascot isn't even the BULLDOGS". You can see from the attached picture what I sent to them to refute their $200 claim. Needless to say, the split was settled appropriately soon thereafter.

I say that to simply inform you all that everything is laid out, IN WRITING, to every member school who participates. This is not a mandatory deal. No one is forcing anyone to play in these playoffs. We set this up, under the understanding of all of the coaches, that this would be the procedures for handling these things. It's not for anyone to "make money". It is like you said - for the players.

I know that from the stands looking down things are probably not what they seem sometimes. However, just please believe me when I say that this is supposed to be as even as we can make it. Will refs make bad calls? Certainly. Will there be teams who could have/should have made it further if put on a different side of a bracket? No doubt. However, this is set up, with the best and most honest of intentions. I can guarantee you that 100%.
I have NO COMPLAINTS about how things are set up and how things have went down with this playoff system, my only complaint was that 2 refs took it upon themselves to make themselves the focal point of a VERY GOOD game between two teams that were evenly matched, as far as I'm concerned... That's what looks bad to us being from Shelby West, but we did not do things in the 1st half that put us behind the 8 ball to begin the 2nd half... However, with that being said, I am so glad that the middle schools now have an opportunity to play other teams from around the state...
FF40212- did not intend to stir up anything...Only to state new program has some kinks..but worth it for the boys..

I will go back to rocking in the corner....
Dont mean to come off cocky, Im most certain that bluegrass will give us more then we want! From my point of view the brackets need more improving, But at the same time I understand that this is only the second year! Believe me, we are tickeled pink just to extend our season, God knows they end entirely to soon!! So good luck to all, we hope to be playing your team soon!! GO HOUNDS!!
Like I said there was no penalities called against your Warriors if that is fair then you didn't watch the game. I'm not saying our boys didn't make mistakes but we are talking about 7th and 8th graders. The Refs called a terrible game is what i was trying to say.
No problem, footballmom. I hope that my post didn't read "disrespectfully" to you either. I wasn't writing it that way!

Congratulations to both teams.

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