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Letcher 8th 34 Belfry 8th 8 (Big Sandy Playoffs)
Final ! Impressive job from Coach Howard's bunch !
Letcher 8th will take on Johnson Central 8th in the finals of the Big Sandy Conference playoffs next Saturday !
Congrats Coach Howard!
Congrats to Letcher Co. and Coach Howard!!
I am more than proud of my boys for their effort this afternoon against Belfry. Both teams played great on a cold muddy day. Coach May had his field looking as good as it possibly could and his kids played really well. I know he's a classy guy and will not say this so I will say it for him, he has had the same problem I had early in the season with the flu bug biting some of his kids this week and that never helps a coach when it's tourny time. Once again I am proud of all of my kids and love each and every one of the dearly. This win was a group effort from the offense to the defense to special teams and coaches and the players on the bench were great and showed support and loyalty to their team-mates throughout the game.

I liked the prediction of the fellow that said my team lost to much talent from last year and predicted we would lose 34-0. That was great bulletin board material for my guys and they eat it up.
Congrats coach Howard, staff and players. You teach and play football the way it is suppose to be played. You have a top notch staff and program. Good luck in you championship game.
Big win lcc ,one more game
Coach Howard Wrote:I am more than proud of my boys for their effort this afternoon against Belfry. Both teams played great on a cold muddy day. Coach May had his field looking as good as it possibly could and his kids played really well. I know he's a classy guy and will not say this so I will say it for him, he has had the same problem I had early in the season with the flu bug biting some of his kids this week and that never helps a coach when it's tourny time. Once again I am proud of all of my kids and love each and every one of the dearly. This win was a group effort from the offense to the defense to special teams and coaches and the players on the bench were great and showed support and loyalty to their team-mates throughout the game.

I liked the prediction of the fellow that said my team lost to much talent from last year and predicted we would lose 34-0. That was great bulletin board material for my guys and they eat it up.

My cousin teaches and coaches and BMS, but he's been in Lexington since September because his son was born 16 weeks early. Anyway, he came back home to work this past week and said the flu virus had wiped out half the 8th grade team, but wasn't sure if they would be better by the time this game was played.

He also speaks very highly of you and your family. Would have liked to see both teams healthy in this one, but best of luck to you guys against JC.
Pike County administration isn't smart enough to give the kids a couple days off school to get better. Any smart parent would not have thier chidlren out when they test positive for the flu. That is their excuse as to why school has been in session while there have been over 100 kids out at various schools within the county. There ya go, keep on spreadin it around. Not a wise decision IMHO.
Coach Howard, congrats, you have a really nice team, we came over and played you're JV team and found the surroundings great (at least I did when I was in high school I played against a great WHITESBURG team (1987 I think coach I'm getting older LOL ) so much is given to the hype , but, here's an old school guy saying I loved playing on this old field (I shared it with my son, #13 and my father who hails from LCC , win or lose sometimes the bigger picture is what's it's all about !!!!!) Thanks, for the memories, a big fan of your's and your program.
how long will theese kids be out?

i hate it for those kids, they could've won the big sandy,
i hope all of them get well soon.
Congrats to Howard and his team. That's what happens when teams over look someone just because they had beaten them earlier in the season. How could anyone overlook the defending champions of the Big Sandy??? I was at the game and overheard a Belfry parent say that there had been sicknesses but all of their starters were there for the game. If you want to talk sickness big #75 for LCC was running a 101 temp and it had been up to 103 and the player that dominated the last time they played Belfry was out with an injured ankle #14. Excuses, excuses, we have dealt with the flu all year long. We had to cancel three games in the last two weeks and were held out from practicing for 10 days right before the tourny started and you haven't heard us whining about it on here. Give us a break we showed up to play and brought that old Cougar tradition with us and you saw the final score, give us some credit instead of saying poor old Belfry has the flu. Earlier in the week I read on here someone posting that the Cougars would lose 34-0 and just laughed, obviously they do not know what GAMERS these boys are, Howard always does his best coaching around tournament time. Again congratulations go out to the Cougars on a hard fought game and I thought you looked like the team from last year, maybe a little better.
Congratulations LCC! That 8th Grade Belfry Team has beaten a lot of teams over the years and is a great bunch of Football Players. That is why your win is such a big win. That is why I love Mountain Football - the mountain boys never give up or stop believeing in themselves. Sometimes the best way to learn the game of football is through a loss. Great season and grade school careers for both teams. Good luck LCC in your last game.
nice win lcc.
Lambert #1 Wrote:Congrats to Howard and his team. That's what happens when teams over look someone just because they had beaten them earlier in the season. How could anyone overlook the defending champions of the Big Sandy??? I was at the game and overheard a Belfry parent say that there had been sicknesses but all of their starters were there for the game. If you want to talk sickness big #75 for LCC was running a 101 temp and it had been up to 103 and the player that dominated the last time they played Belfry was out with an injured ankle #14. Excuses, excuses, we have dealt with the flu all year long. We had to cancel three games in the last two weeks and were held out from practicing for 10 days right before the tourny started and you haven't heard us whining about it on here. Give us a break we showed up to play and brought that old Cougar tradition with us and you saw the final score, give us some credit instead of saying poor old Belfry has the flu. Earlier in the week I read on here someone posting that the Cougars would lose 34-0 and just laughed, obviously they do not know what GAMERS these boys are, Howard always does his best coaching around tournament time. Again congratulations go out to the Cougars on a hard fought game and I thought you looked like the team from last year, maybe a little better.

the person that posted the thing aout sickness first was coach howard?
Great win for LCC. Can't wait till Sat. to see the JCMS vrs. LCC game.
Hey guys I just put on there that I knew Belfry had been having problems with some of the same stuff we were going through. I had sick kids myself that day, it seems that this daggone flu has hurt everyone this year. It cost me 3 games down the stretch and I had to cancel games with Hazard, Clay County and Leslie but I was lucky enough to have the Leslie Coach go out of his way and do me a favor so I could get an 8th grade night in for my kids and parents. Like I said it was a good game and we both had sick kids and neither of us wanted to make any excuses, Coach may is a classy guy and he told me before the game he had all of his kids there just like I did and we both had a few sick and whether it made a difference in the game nobody knows. Both teams were ready and we played with what we had.
In the end, Letcher played harder, faster, and stronger than did Belfry. When one team does this, and the other one doesn't, then you get scores like 34-8. I was really impressed with how hard the Letcher backs ran the ball, and when they did throw, the QB had nice accuracy and touch. Sometimes one team is just better than the other on a particular day, and Letcher was the much better team Saturday.
no excuses fof bms. i said weeks ago, lcc would be ready and they were. they came here and whipped bms. the only player that was physical for bms was #32. good lick lcc in the campionship.
I couldnt understand why #32 didnt plat defense, the first game i thought he was the difference. He didnt get on the field on d.

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