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Pike Co. Central 62 East Ridge 0

Absloutly dispictable the way Chapman left his starters in the game in the 4th with less then 10 mins and a 56 point lead.

Chapman had Allens number tonight.

End of story.
All I have to say is this was a great game for the Hawks played well on both offense and defense by coach Chapman.

Way to go Hawks!
Congrats PC....

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
I am glad P.C. won and will leave it at that.
Were the starters truly in this game with that large of a lead?
so much for a close game truly thought East Ridge would get something going on offense but that never happened tonight. Central controled the game from beggining to end...Now onto a disheartned Sheldon Clark team time to take care of business and pick up 2nd in district...LETS GO HAWKS
PHS95 Wrote:Were the starters truly in this game with that large of a lead?

Yeah. Specifically I noticed the QB #10, WR #1, and RB #13. And I dont think their line ever came out even when Brad Allen put in the Warrior JV.
Real Badman Wrote:Yeah. Specifically I noticed the QB #10, WR #1, and RB #13. And I dont think their line ever came out even when Brad Allen put in the Warrior JV.

Were you at the game? I was and Brad Allen never put Warrior JV in and Coach Chapman started subing at the end of the 3rd quarter.
On their first possession ER was driving the ball down the field when their center was thrown out of the game. I dont know what happened but the offical said he stomped on a player. The ejected player told everyone who would listen on the sideline that the player was holding his leg and he was simply trying to get away. Regardless of what happened losing their center disrupted their offence. On PCCs first TD there was was an take down block/hold that was not called. But I am not making excuses. PCC spread ER out and ran on them at will. They could and did score at will. The clock ran constantly the 4th quarter and PCC still scored 62. I will not comment on who played during the 4th but there seemed as if a message was being sent to someone. The one thing that bothered me about the game was that for the first time this year it seemed if the ER players kind of gave up.
Wow that is so wrong. Brad Allen started subbing in players at the start of the 4th. Chapman left his boys in until around 8 minutes left...then he subbed a few out..But like real badman said....Chapman left #10 #1 #13 and the entire offense in the game...Not to mention numerous onside kicks.(Before anyone makes a case for the kicker...I can see one ball slippin off the edge of his foot...but not every kick in the second half...Chapman went for two everytime they scored. The first string defense stayed in until around 3 minutes left... Chapman displayed horrible sportsmanship tonight against one of his former players. Just remember Chapman what goes around comes around. Great win for the PC team, but bad sportsmanship on the coach...
raiderwave Wrote:Wow that is so wrong. Brad Allen started subbing in players at the start of the 4th. Chapman left his boys in until around 8 minutes left...then he subbed a few out..But like real badman said....Chapman left #10 #1 #13 and the entire offense in the game...Not to mention numerous onside kicks.(Before anyone makes a case for the kicker...I can see one ball slippin off the edge of his foot...but not every kick in the second half...Chapman went for two everytime they scored. The first string defense stayed in until around 3 minutes left... Chapman displayed horrible sportsmanship tonight against one of his former players. Just remember Chapman what goes around comes around. Great win for the PC team, but bad sportsmanship on the coach...

I agree the way the game was going coach Chapman could have subed the skill players a little earlier.
P.S Good Luck next week I really want to see the Warriors pull off an upset.
Congrats Hawks.
Me and my friend wasn't able to attend tonight's game...

But wow...what a statement by PC.

Now if we can beat Sheldon Clark next week...we might just be able to host a playoff game for the 1st time ever.
I was at the game. Nothing against PCC kicker but if you have watched any of their games; they don't have the best extra point kicker. I think PCC did try to kick an extra point early in the game but it was off the mark. I think that PCC like most teams go for 2 because of not being able to complete it. I think the PCC coaching staff are trying to develop their players and give them confidence. The "onside" kick was in my opinion not called from the sideline because none do PCC players ran after the ball that would indicate an onside kick. And no the player didn't try to release his foot he stomped a PCC player. But people will believe what they want.:runtouchd
Wow...I hate to see my school sucking this bad..
raiderwave Wrote:Wow that is so wrong. Brad Allen started subbing in players at the start of the 4th. Chapman left his boys in until around 8 minutes left...then he subbed a few out..But like real badman said....Chapman left #10 #1 #13 and the entire offense in the game...Not to mention numerous onside kicks.(Before anyone makes a case for the kicker...I can see one ball slippin off the edge of his foot...but not every kick in the second half...Chapman went for two everytime they scored. The first string defense stayed in until around 3 minutes left... Chapman displayed horrible sportsmanship tonight against one of his former players. Just remember Chapman what goes around comes around. Great win for the PC team, but bad sportsmanship on the coach...

to make a case for this they dont have a kicker who can kick field goals :Thumbs: as far as the onside kicks go one of the was a mistake by the kicker and that was the one that only went 5 yards and they let ER recover it...But I agree we shouldnt have had the starters in that long but idk if Chapman man have been working on a few things for this weeks up and coming game or what...Allen made his voice heard after the game and all in all he will be able to turn that program around up there but it will take time...He's a class act and a good guy hope he can make this district even more competitve
I don't think losing a center is a 62 point swing, lol...Congrats Central!
Real Badman Wrote:Final.

Absloutly dispictable the way Chapman left his starters in the game in the 4th with less then 10 mins and a 56 point lead.

Chapman had Allens number tonight.

End of story.

Should really be interesting next week when hawks and cardnals meet. kids follow the example put in front of them and from what i have personally witnessed the past 2 weeks well it will really not be pretty next week. i will leave it at that.
should be a good game next week bewteen cards and pc ..where are they palying at?
They should release the names of the 2 fools who voted ER in the AP this week.

Congrats Hawks.
East Ridge started the game off the right way, on the first drive ER moved the ball at will on the Central defense. East Ridge scored on a about a 37 yard run by Dalton Lewis before having it called back and an East Ridge player being ejected. After that and the missing of another Starter on the line ER had major newly not so experienced players and depth problems at the line which lead too the breakdown of the East Ridge rushing attack. That and the ER defense is what lost East Ridge the game. With all that said good luck Coach Allen on the rest of the season and your future at East Ridge. Remember Chapman, what goes around comes around. Im pretty sure Coach Hager is upset about that loss too Belfry and is looking for someone too take it out on. Dont be suprised too have the points racked up on you.
P.C was subing in the 3rd
Coach chapman also did not mean to onside. If you didnt notice it was very muddy the kick was ment to go deep.
I guess Chapman should have ran onto the field and tackled #10 on his 5 carries,5 td's and around 300 yard's' all within about 10 min's. left in the 3rd quarter.Chapman should have also called alot of pass plays so the game could have got really out of hand. However #10 did not run or throw the ball after his 6th and last carry in which ER stopped him early in the 3rd quarter, even though he was still in the game he was not tryng to score. Also during this time Chapman was mixing in subs on both side of the ball. Chapman called a very basic offensive package in this game ER just coudn't stop it. If Chapman was trying to run the score up #10 would have been a big part of the offense in the second half and he was not. Chapman is a great coach and teacher and in my opinion did not do any thing wrong in this game. PC was just a way better team.
hawk2 Wrote:I guess Chapman should have ran onto the field and tackled #10 on his 5 carries,5 td's and around 300 yard's' all within about 10 min's. left in the 3rd quarter.Chapman should have also called alot of pass plays so the game could have got really out of hand. However #10 did not run or throw the ball after his 6th and last carry in which ER stopped him early in the 3rd quarter, even though he was still in the game he was not tryng to score. Also during this time Chapman was mixing in subs on both side of the ball. Chapman called a very basic offensive package in this game ER just coudn't stop it. If Chapman was trying to run the score up #10 would have been a big part of the offense in the second half and he was not. Chapman is a great coach and teacher and in my opinion did not do any thing wrong in this game. PC was just a way better team.

I really have no idea what game you watched. #10 didn't come out of the game until very late in the 4th quarter. If I remember correctly chapman did throw the ball in the 4th quarter...It was a muddy night, and everybody on the field had muddy jerseys, There was 20+ players for Pike Central that left with clean jerseys...that never seen a down....Chapman went for onside kicks the entire second half, and went for 2 everytime he scored....He is a great coach but he is not a great man....Pike Central is indeed a better team than East Ridge, but to say that Chapman didn't run it up is bull...He did and he intended on it...I lost a lot of respect for him after this one. I wish PC the best of luck but if Hager has a chance to run it up, I hope he takes...Good Luck Friday
piratefan989 Wrote:Should really be interesting next week when hawks and cardnals meet. kids follow the example put in front of them and from what i have personally witnessed the past 2 weeks well it will really not be pretty next week. i will leave it at that.

Are you talking about Belfry, Pike Central or Sheldon Clark? Because they have all three had issues that last two weeks.
I really wish posters on here would read other posts before commenting on them. I never said losing the center caused a 62 point spead. But if you were at the game and know anything about football you could see that ER running game suffered greatly because of the Ejection. Point 2 I never said the player did not stomp on the PC player. I was watching ER score a TD so I dont know what happened and just know the ER players side of the story. I stated PCC could and did score whenever they wanted. I dont think the kick offs were onsides to recover the ball but to stop ER from getting runbacks on a muddy field. As I have coached before I never question who or when a coach plays players. A coach must do whats best for his team. But when people get on here and say # 10 did not play most all the 4th quarter I say What game were you watching?! I stand by my statement that there was a message to be sent here. Many of us here at ER got it. Every dog has his day.
CONGRATES HAWKS!!! Everyone will think what they want,Coach Chapman may have his faults,but so do we all,Good Luck next week at Sheldon Clark !! OH and for the record he subed in 3rd Quarter,my son is a Freshman and he played!!!

hawk2 Wrote:I guess Chapman should have ran onto the field and tackled #10 on his 5 carries,5 td's and around 300 yard's' all within about 10 min's. left in the 3rd quarter.Chapman should have also called alot of pass plays so the game could have got really out of hand. However #10 did not run or throw the ball after his 6th and last carry in which ER stopped him early in the 3rd quarter, even though he was still in the game he was not tryng to score. Also during this time Chapman was mixing in subs on both side of the ball. Chapman called a very basic offensive package in this game ER just coudn't stop it. If Chapman was trying to run the score up #10 would have been a big part of the offense in the second half and he was not. Chapman is a great coach and teacher and in my opinion did not do any thing wrong in this game. PC was just a way better team.

Amen...I think that the problem is that he's making a lot of people nervous in the district. Pike Central is not going to be the step child any longer.....what other reason would there be for putting down a program who is after 11 years beginning to maybe experience a little success. i suggest that they get over it because the Hawks will be no one's whipping post from this point on.

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