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Shelby Valley 48 Leslie Co. 14
No surprise here. Good job Wildcats!
Congratulations Wildcats!
Way to Go Valley!!! Keep the wins coming....
congrats Valley!!
Valley rushes for 439 yards, and has 524 total yards.

Once again SV has very balanced offense, as Hughes, Roberts, Varney and Tackett come close to 100 yards....not quite hiting the mark, but they come close.

Bj Roberts only has 5 rushes for 140 yards.
Dillion Hughes rushed 10 times for 130
Tanner Tackett 11 for 77
Varney 10 for 87

Tanner Tackett also has 17 tackles on Defense
Shelby Valley played ok tonight. On offense they were able to break off several long runs and use their speed advantage to get some scores. They also had a very nice touchdown pass with about 20 seconds left to go before halftime, which gave SV a 27-8 halftime lead and all the momentum.

However, SV probably could have scored even more, were it not for all the penalties. I'd say they had around 15-16 flags tonight, many of the 10-15 yard variety that really short-circuited some drives. They have got to clean up the penalties if they expect to have any shot at hanging with Prestonsburg. Make these kind of mistakes then and it will be a long night.

Still, it was a good win against SV's likely first-round playoff opponent. Congrats Wildcats!

We had 17 penalties for 185 yards, we had 9 before Leslie had got their first one. They called a holding penalty AFTER i scored a 60 yard touchdown, so we had to bring it back. They called an unsportsmanship call on me for asking if that was a late hit lol! Because 4 plays in a row i was late hit, and the ref says " I WAS GONNA CALL IT BUT I DONT NEED TO HEAR YOUR MOUTH" and boom their went the flag haha. Also they called a holding penalty on me when i was on defense and dropped back on pass coverage and didnt touch a single person, didnt even get around a person, When the ref's was saying holding on number 35, i was telling my teammates it was the other team's 35 because i had no idea they was gonna call it on me.!

But Leslie county is a team that never gives up no matter what. We played "ok" tonight but not the best we could.
great win sv...youre on a roll now.
Congrats SV
Great job Valley. We are looking at a real showdown for this district with P-burg and Valley.
hawg laig Wrote:Great job Valley. We are looking at a real showdown for this district with P-burg and Valley.

I don't know if I would go that far, but it should be interesting.
No Shocker, Congrats Valley!
hawg laig Wrote:Great job Valley. We are looking at a real showdown for this district with P-burg and Valley.
:thatsfunn Seriously? Or were you paid to say that? There will be no showdown at all. Just think of the game between Valley and Lawrence Co. May even be worse.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:I don't know if I would go that far, but it should be interesting.

me either, dont think they will be with in 3-4 tds of p-burgTongueirateSho
BJ played well for someone on a hurt ankle.

The best play of the night for me personally was Tanner Tackett blocking 30 yards downfield for Hughes. Great effort I love watching all of you running backs get out and block for each other.
BCF4L Wrote::thatsfunn Seriously? Or were you paid to say that? There will be no showdown at all. Just think of the game between Valley and Lawrence Co. May even be worse.

Well, I guess you should call Valley's coach and tell them to not even practice that week or show up to the game.
5timechamp Wrote:BJ played well for someone on a hurt ankle.

The best play of the night for me personally was Tanner Tackett blocking 30 yards downfield for Hughes. Great effort I love watching all of you running backs get out and block for each other.

ty, but i had a sprained foot, i sprained it on wensday so it was kind of hard to play on but coach said if i showed any pain he was taking me out and i cant stand standing on the side line so i tuffed it out. :thanks:
BCF4L Wrote::thatsfunn Seriously? Or were you paid to say that? There will be no showdown at all. Just think of the game between Valley and Lawrence Co. May even be worse.


I'M not sure if youhave followed SV at all, If yo did at all, then i can't see how you could make this assestment.

the Lawrence game was afist fight, the bulldogs layed perfect , probaby their best all season, and Valley played the worst they have all year.....The game was 28-14 with something aroung 10 min to go in the game, Lawrence kicked 4 onsides kicks, and recovered two of them, how often is this gonna happen in one qtr of football.

If you know something of valley to make you believe that Lawrence is that much better, then you have no clue what youre talkng about at all.

Lawrence was also a bit of mis match for SV, they had huge, strong players, and 85 of em to beat it all.

Prestonsburg has 30 athletic players, a great match-up for Valley.
Okay everybody got their giggles over my comment so here you go!!
1.This summer Valley endured the coaching musical chairs but have risen to the occasion.
2. 2008, P-burg should have destroyed Valley, but instead barely escaped with a win and a distrtict title.
3. Both teams have continually inproved each and every week so Valley now has a sense of what they do well.
4. This is for the district title.
Personally, I think P-burg will win this matchup but folks give Valley some respect, they have overcome adversity and appear to be thriving
SV 's defense really got pushed around against Leslie. The Eagles are a better team running out of the power I. SV has got to get a grip on the penalties. Around 200 yds. Alot of them were out of frustration. They did the same thing out of Knott County Central. Offense was clicking on all cylinders. B.J. Roberts toughed it out and had a great game. Tanner Tackett had 17 tackles. The next two weeks will show us how deep SV could go in the playoffs. Hats off to these young men the seniors are laying the foundation for the years to come.
hawg laig Wrote:Okay everybody got their giggles over my comment so here you go!!
1.This summer Valley endured the coaching musical chairs but have risen to the occasion.
2. 2008, P-burg should have destroyed Valley, but instead barely escaped with a win and a distrtict title.
3. Both teams have continually inproved each and every week so Valley now has a sense of what they do well.
4. This is for the district title.
Personally, I think P-burg will win this matchup but folks give Valley some respect, they have overcome adversity and appear to be thriving

I think that SV has the team and athletes to beat P-burg.With that said, I also think that they will have to cut out the penalties,play as a team,and the defensive secondary will have to defend the pass much better than they did against Leslie Co...On a neutral field and both teams playing their games, I think SV could beat them.But, it being at P-burg and on a muddy field(and they will see to it that it's muddy) I'm afraid that P-burg will win this match-up. Hope not though.....I bleed SV blue.
Prove me wrong BigCats.
JIMLEE58 Wrote:I think that SV has the team and athletes to beat P-burg.With that said, I also think that they will have to cut out the penalties,play as a team,and the defensive secondary will have to defend the pass much better than they did against Leslie Co...On a neutral field and both teams playing their games, I think SV could beat them.But, it being at P-burg and on a muddy field(and they will see to it that it's muddy) I'm afraid that P-burg will win this match-up. Hope not though.....I bleed SV blue.
Prove me wrong BigCats.
Prestonsburg doesn't water their field if that's what you're insinuating. They haven't done that since they built the new stadium. And if SV couldn't defend the pass against Leslie Co. then what makes you think they could beat Prestonsburg? Prestonsburg has the best passing game in the mountains this year. I don't care if this game was played on the moon, Prestonsburg would dominate SV.
JIMLEE58 Wrote:I think that SV has the team and athletes to beat P-burg.With that said, I also think that they will have to cut out the penalties,play as a team,and the defensive secondary will have to defend the pass much better than they did against Leslie Co...On a neutral field and both teams playing their games, I think SV could beat them.But, it being at P-burg and on a muddy field(and they will see to it that it's muddy) I'm afraid that P-burg will win this match-up. Hope not though.....I bleed SV blue.
Prove me wrong BigCats.

Nothing but respect from this fan in what Shelby Valley has put together this season... :Thumbs:

With that said, I can't believe you'd think the Blackcats would water their field. It would hurt Prestonsburg wayyy more than Valley.

How will Shelby Valley's secondary manage to "defend the pass much better than they did against Leslie Co." ?!? Unless they're willing to drop 6 or 7 into coverage, I don't know how it could...

I believe the most important factor in this matchup will be whether Shelby Valley can accomplish what Belfry and Sheldon Clark failed to do against the Blackcats - keep the game low scoring while hogging the time of possession to limit P-burg's offensive touches.
Congrats to the Wildcats.

Shelby Valley now has a window of opportunity to not only have a great season, but to construct a foundation for the program to grow. They seem to have the chemistry and confidence that is needed to be successful.
I was glad to see increase in numbers from previous seasons.

Just remember that for teams to have such extraordinary offensive stats there has to be some hard work going on up front. I saw different linemen getting off of their first block and getting a second block down field.

The next game will be a great measuring stick to see where the Cats stack up for the stretch to the playoffs.
Leslie only had very few passing yards against Shelby Valley.. They had 200 yds rushing, though. Leslie turned the ball over inside the 20 4 times.. 3 fumbles and a turnover on downs. With 2:18 left in the 1st half, the score was 14-8. Then, as Leslie is known to do, imploded when the fullback broke about 7 tackles and converted a 4th and 12... They ended up scoring twice, w/ 2:18 left in the first half.. Thats what happens when you have to rely on Freshmen and Sophomores...
bcf4l Wrote:prestonsburg doesn't water their field if that's what you're insinuating. They haven't done that since they built the new stadium. And if sv couldn't defend the pass against leslie co. Then what makes you think they could beat prestonsburg? Prestonsburg has the best passing game in the mountains this year. I don't care if this game was played on the moon, prestonsburg would dominate sv.

not insinuating anything....just lucky enough to arrive quite early, year before last, at the district championship game and see p-burg's sprinkler system at know, the big red ones with the flashing lights on top. As for defending the pass, i said they would have to do it much better against p-burg....much better.....and if it were on the moon,we would stand a better chance....can't get fire trucks there.
"Son, there's some people you just can't be nice to." My Dad told me that, and I see it proven again and again.
I pulled for the kids at Valley with the coaching debacle this summer. I am glad to see them get every win they can because it makes their district that much better.
First and foremost I am a strong fan of all Floyd Co. teams especially P-burg. To imply that Valley could beat P-burg on a neutral field is asinine.
Stating P-burg waters the field to slow Valley down is just as silly because in four years I've never seen Valley have outstanding speed.
I will say this with all the smack talk that will come from Valley prior to the game, the kids in blue better be ready to play!!!
JIMLEE58 Wrote:not insinuating anything....just lucky enough to arrive quite early, year before last, at the district championship game and see p-burg's sprinkler system at know, the big red ones with the flashing lights on top. As for defending the pass, i said they would have to do it much better against p-burg....much better.....and if it were on the moon,we would stand a better chance....can't get fire trucks there.
You've lost your mind. Prestonsburg does not, and I repeat, does not water their field. You can say whatever you want, but it's a new field and in great shape. P-burg wouldn't do anything to tear their field up including watering it. SV couldn't beat Prestonsburg at Prestonsburg, at Valley, or on the moon.
BCF4L Wrote:You've lost your mind. Prestonsburg does not, and I repeat, does not water their field. You can say whatever you want, but it's a new field and in great shape. P-burg wouldn't do anything to tear their field up including watering it. SV couldn't beat Prestonsburg at Prestonsburg, at Valley, or on the moon.

I've seen a lot bigger upsets.

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