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A Nightmare on Elm Street
They seem to be remaking all the classics

Never did know how he got burned. Was it in the old movies what happen to him?
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^ only hints in story lines
Can't beleive they continue to remake and ruin these original classics.
Atleast Rob Zombie isn't doing it. I hate that guys movies!
cougarpride08 Wrote:Never did know how he got burned. Was it in the old movies what happen to him?

There were a group of parents that got together and burned and tortured him because he was a child molester if i am not mistaken.

alfus21 Wrote:Can't beleive they continue to remake and ruin these original classics.

My wife and i were talking about this a while back and we have came to the conclusion that Hollywood has ran out of movie ideas.
I think it looks good.
Midee1 Wrote:My wife and i were talking about this a while back and we have came to the conclusion that Hollywood has ran out of movie ideas.
Bingo. You can make a horror film, but they are all basically the same. So why not make the old ones that were mega-popular and make some money from it?
Still not the same..
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