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Adams 28 Paintsville 8 (Little Apple Bowl)
Final !!!
Good effort from the cats tonight !
Poorly officiated games all-around! Please don't invite those refs back to Prestonsburg again!

Congratulations Adams C Team on a great victory. Both teams should be proud of the effort. The QB #3 for Adams is definitely the MVP. He took some hard shots but kept getting up and got the first down and TD when the game was on the line. I would have to agree with the last post on the B Team game (The Most HORRIBLY Called Game I've Ever Sat And Watched). Adams B Team boys you should be proud of your effort and keep your heads up. Great job Adams A Team. The tigers didn't have a answer fot #21. Good luck A Team in your last few games and the playoffs.
5th and 6th grade teams had a good win the mvp goes to number 12 who took some hard shots and for pburg good game for number 88......good game for those two
Great job last night Adams A, B, and C Teams. Just wanted to say I'm very proud of you ALL and you do a fantastic job representing your school and town. Keep up the hard work.
What of score of b-team game???
Paintsvill 28 Adams 20
Congrats Adams
Congrats to BOTH teams... Well, I guess I should say all 6 teams.... A,B,and C for Adams and A, B, and C for Paintsville.

Enjoy Apple days this weekend and no better way to start it off than with a good ole' football game!!! Smile

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how did kkens and anderson do this game

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