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Freshman Teams in the 15th
Alright lets hear it
What freshman team do you think stands out in the 15th?
I don't think that Pikeville's has lost yet...or if they have it's only been like one game!
Pikeville's freshman are undefeated, I believe, but, if Paintsville freshmans, actually played on a freshman team, they would destroy everybody.
Paintsville doesn't play them on the freshmen team tho. I dont know anything about Pikeville but heard they were pretty good. SF and P-burg also have some young talent.
I would like to see Pikeville's freshman team play Paintsvilles freshman. I know Paintsville would win, but I would liek to see how they would do compared to their high school, and I would liek to see what the future is going to look like for the 15th region. Also, Pikeville was undefeated but tehy lost two in a row because of not playing together, but they hope to get back on track!
i think pikeville would win i think they r undefeated with there talent it would be hard to stop them but paintsville would be a good match
Paintsville would kill Pikeville!
i agree with you goat but i just think Paintsville has a whole lot of talent
ill try and see if we can get a game scheduled with them
I'm pretty for sure that Pikevilles freshman team is planning on playing David School sometime this week
No Paintsville would make Pikeville cry, as they would any other freshman team in the 15th.
haha Well put jbc2006

Posted Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:30 pm:

"dirty30" Wrote:haha Well put jbc2006

but i do think Pikeville's freshman would play wiht htem better than any other freshman team around here
pikeville has a great freshmen team w/ the honakers eric shockey watson ritchie josh staggs bell n all kindsa other great players...

it would be a great game if they did play paintsville...but in the end i think the panthers would end up winnin...
Shelby Valley :wink:
"go panthers!!!" Wrote:pikeville has a great freshmen team w/ the honakers eric shockey watson ritchie josh staggs bell n all kindsa other great players...

it would be a great game if they did play paintsville...but in the end i think the panthers would end up winnin...

Despite all of the talent Pikeville has i think Paintsville would be too much for the young Panthers
you also cant forget matt clevenger..he plays iwht the freshman team also
so you have all kinds of talent and a great 6th man in ritchie or staggs
lately they have been alternating games at the starting 3 position
good things could come from these panthers! Big Grin
well i talked to jordan price and he told me they lost by 17
but take this into consideration:
Jake Bryant didnt play wiht them
I'm guessing their team didnt take this game too seriously
would u think the same?
yea i dont think they took the game to seriously because bryant didnt play and ive talked to players and the were not really playing team ball just firing it up whenever the could get a shot i dont think that dorton could play against sv's true starting 5
there is no chance Dorton could play against Valley's true starting 5
well the freshman seeding goes as follows as of yesterday
1.Pikeville/Shelby Valley
2.East Ridge
BUT today ER beat Pikeville and Betsy Layne, and Betsy Layne beat Valley last week I do believe.
hmm this is interesting
I cant wait to see the freshman tourny coming up in 2 weeks
its gonna be a good one
i hope to see a lot of fans in attendance but not likely lol
When Dorton beat SV's freshman Jacob Bryant didn't play. But I guarantee that the rest of them wanted to win. I mean why would the freshman want to lose to 8th graders? :roll:
They just got outhustled, plus Dorton's guards are alot better than that on SV's freshman team. Jake would have made it a different game but Dorton would still compete.
haha trust me if Pikeville's freshman played Dorton's 8th grade they would win by about 20 or 30
this is really unnaccpetable on Valleys part
just not what should be coming from a team wiht this much talent!
Heard Jacob Bryant could be at ER next year and Jordan Price will be back.
i think there is a freshmen tournament on feb 26 at AC, all 58th district teams are in it I also know Johnson Central is in it so I guess we will find out!
"Jesus Shuttlesworth" Wrote:Heard Jacob Bryant could be at ER next year

"Jesus Shuttlesworth" Wrote:Heard Jacob Bryant could be at ER next year and Jordan Price will be back.

No chance of that ever happening.
If Bryant goes anywhere besides Valley it would be Jenkins and I dont see him going there...also Price loves it at there is not reason for him to move either
Whoever told you this had no idea what they were talkin about
Point blank no questions asked write it up forget about any other team it's over Paintsville ALL THE WAY.

Musique30: Musique30: Musique30: Musique30: Musique30:
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ok out of this thread we have accumulated that Paintsvilles freshman team (if they had one) would dominate everyone
can we now please talk about the other teams...
lol im sorry if u got mad i thought it was kinda funny my self.

But in a realistic thought Pikeville has a decent one Valley is always good Pike Central is horrible.
im not mad at all im just saying we should try and let some other teams get some recognition too lol

btu yea pikevile's decent but tehy need some work

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