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Prestonsburg 24 - Sheldon Clark 19
Pburgs Qb had someone in his face the whole night but he managed to get away and move the pocket and make plays!!! am i not right ?
And one other things the sc parents need to get over themselves all of ur kids need work not all of them are the god of football!!! So stop blaming other kids and the line bc ur baby didnt have time to throw the ball or someone says ur babys not playin hard come together and stop acting like a bunch of children!!!!
SCHS_16 Wrote:And one other things the sc parents need to get over themselves all of ur kids need work not all of them are the god of football!!! So stop blaming other kids and the line bc ur baby didnt have time to throw the ball or someone says ur babys not playin hard come together and stop acting like a bunch of children!!!!

:Clap: Even tho I am not a fan of Sheldon Clark I have to say what I have read on this post shouldn't be going on. Sheldon Clark lost and they may have not played there best game against the blackcats but the boys need to be encouraged instead of criticized. It is a very difficult thing to play in the rain and esp against a very good team. Do you want your team taking a nose dive like Breathitt? So instead of pointing a finger just say you lost as a total team effort and pat your kids on the back. They played very good from what I saw and deserve the respect of everyone. So Cardinals keep your heads up. Nothing to be ashamed of. Teams better watch out for you.
SCHS_16 Wrote:And one other things the sc parents need to get over themselves all of ur kids need work not all of them are the god of football!!! So stop blaming other kids and the line bc ur baby didnt have time to throw the ball or someone says ur babys not playin hard come together and stop acting like a bunch of children!!!!

This is the whole probably on this site. Our parents are not having a problem with the loss, other than when people get on here and bash their children. We lost, we are over it. All this is doing is causing problems between our coaches, parents and kids. People just need to quit blaming it on anybody. We lost as a team and that is it. Our parents are only saying things on here to defend their child. That is what a real parent does. It seems to me that the ones having a problem with this game are the ones that used to play for the cards. You are not here anymore so get over it. You guys have caused alot of problems here and obviously you don't care. We will get over this as a team, cause that is what we are...A TEAM...
No matter what sport you play or what grade your child is in, they are going to get criticized as long as they are on a field or court playing. It's just the nature of the beast. I've been criticized many times in my life while playing sports and I deserved it. It only makes you realize exactly what you need to get better at. As a parent, the best advice I can give you is to just let it roll off your sleeve. I'm not saying bashing a player is the right thing to do, but when you're on an anonymous message board, there are always going to be downers and it does no good to get on here and try to defend a child. It's basically just pointless and in most cases makes things worse for the kid because "his mommy and daddy had to get on here to defend him because he can't take care of himself". I know I wouldn't want my parents on here taking up for me. I'm a big boy and I can handle it.
Well said but people need to remember that this site is not about bashing individual players or coaches that is made clear. Perhaps this tread ought to be closed to stop this nonsense. Regardless of the outcome of Friday, Sheldon Clark has a outstanding football team, coach and fan support. To bkame coach Hager is totally wrong, he can only call the plays but the players must execute those plays. If they fail; then its on them. Martin County is famous for its failure to enjoy winning. There always has to be something but so what SC lost. SC fans wise up and stop slapping coacxhes and players around. Winning cures alot ills so let the coaches and kids get back to work to doing just that.
Down and Out Wrote:Well said but people need to remember that this site is not about bashing individual players or coaches that is made clear. Perhaps this tread ought to be closed to stop this nonsense. Regardless of the outcome of Friday, Sheldon Clark has a outstanding football team, coach and fan support. To bkame coach Hager is totally wrong, he can only call the plays but the players must execute those plays. If they fail; then its on them. Martin County is famous for its failure to enjoy winning. There always has to be something but so what SC lost. SC fans wise up and stop slapping coacxhes and players around. Winning cures alot ills so let the coaches and kids get back to work to doing just that.

I haven't see any bashing unless I'm just overlooking something. But the fans have a right to express their concern.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:I haven't see any bashing unless I'm just overlooking something. But the fans have a right to express their concern.
Agreed. I haven't seen anything either. People questioning the heart of a particular team is not bashing. These people are just looking for answers.

And in no way do I condone bashing a player. I even stated that above, but when you're apart of an athletic team, everyone gets criticized about something they have done wrong.
This topic has gotten way out of control. People that read this probably think that the Sheldon Clark players, coaches, and parents are at each other's throats. I can assure you that is not the case. The players are fine, the coaches are fine, and as for the parents it doesn't really matter because they have no say on what goes on with the Sheldon Clark team. A word of advice to all the parents out there, don't try to live your life through your kids. It is very unhealthy and not too mention stressful on the kids. Parents sit in the bleaches half time not even knowing what is going on in the game except for their kid isn't getting the ball. They sit and scream "they are holding us" when their team is on offense. Or how about "thats a face mask" when their team is tackling an opposing player. They sit up in the bleachers with their chest stuck out when their kid makes a good play as if to say "I made that!! That kid came from me and he has my genes!!!" Parents please stop living through your kids. These are high school kids, they are not player for money, they don't get commission for scoring td's or making tackles, they play for one, the love of the game! When you argue and point fingers at other players and coaches you take that fun away from your kids, if this is the type of parent you are then you should be ashamed of yourself. With all of that being said I would like to commend my father for being a supportive parent of a three sport athlete. He was very humble after every win, after each loss he showed class, patted me on the back and said " You will get them next time" or "You can't win them all" or "You showed a lot of heart out there, things just didn't go your way tonight" I want to thank my father for being mature and acting like an adult. Because reading this thread and listening to the parents in the Sheldon Clark bleachers (where i have been all season) I now realize how my dad could have acted or things he could have said and done that would have made me turn against the sports that I still love to this day.
Burner Wrote:This topic has gotten way out of control. People that read this probably think that the Sheldon Clark players, coaches, and parents are at each other's throats. I can assure you that is not the case. The players are fine, the coaches are fine, and as for the parents it doesn't really matter because they have no say on what goes on with the Sheldon Clark team. A word of advice to all the parents out there, don't try to live your life through your kids. It is very unhealthy and not too mention stressful on the kids. Parents sit in the bleaches half time not even knowing what is going on in the game except for their kid isn't getting the ball. They sit and scream "they are holding us" when their team is on offense. Or how about "thats a face mask" when their team is tackling an opposing player. They sit up in the bleachers with their chest stuck out when their kid makes a good play as if to say "I made that!! That kid came from me and he has my genes!!!" Parents please stop living through your kids. These are high school kids, they are not player for money, they don't get commission for scoring td's or making tackles, they play for one, the love of the game! When you argue and point fingers at other players and coaches you take that fun away from your kids, if this is the type of parent you are then you should be ashamed of yourself. With all of that being said I would like to commend my father for being a supportive parent of a three sport athlete. He was very humble after every win, after each loss he showed class, patted me on the back and said " You will get them next time" or "You can't win them all" or "You showed a lot of heart out there, things just didn't go your way tonight" I want to thank my father for being mature and acting like an adult. Because reading this thread and listening to the parents in the Sheldon Clark bleachers (where i have been all season) I now realize how my dad could have acted or things he could have said and done that would have made me turn against the sports that I still love to this day.
Excellent post. This should be pasted to the wall of every school in the nation.
Burner Wrote:This topic has gotten way out of control. People that read this probably think that the Sheldon Clark players, coaches, and parents are at each other's throats. I can assure you that is not the case. The players are fine, the coaches are fine, and as for the parents it doesn't really matter because they have no say on what goes on with the Sheldon Clark team. A word of advice to all the parents out there, don't try to live your life through your kids. It is very unhealthy and not too mention stressful on the kids. Parents sit in the bleaches half time not even knowing what is going on in the game except for their kid isn't getting the ball. They sit and scream "they are holding us" when their team is on offense. Or how about "thats a face mask" when their team is tackling an opposing player. They sit up in the bleachers with their chest stuck out when their kid makes a good play as if to say "I made that!! That kid came from me and he has my genes!!!" Parents please stop living through your kids. These are high school kids, they are not player for money, they don't get commission for scoring td's or making tackles, they play for one, the love of the game! When you argue and point fingers at other players and coaches you take that fun away from your kids, if this is the type of parent you are then you should be ashamed of yourself. With all of that being said I would like to commend my father for being a supportive parent of a three sport athlete. He was very humble after every win, after each loss he showed class, patted me on the back and said " You will get them next time" or "You can't win them all" or "You showed a lot of heart out there, things just didn't go your way tonight" I want to thank my father for being mature and acting like an adult. Because reading this thread and listening to the parents in the Sheldon Clark bleachers (where i have been all season) I now realize how my dad could have acted or things he could have said and done that would have made me turn against the sports that I still love to this day.
great post, my father was the same way, and I need to be more like my father and be humble to all for no one is perfect, including myself, and be less critical of how my son, my daughter, coaches, players, play and compete.Thank you, this post really hit me in the gut and made clear what my father has been telling me , " let them play and have fun and treasure the time you have with them for you never know when GOD will call upon you":thanks:
Burner Wrote:This topic has gotten way out of control. People that read this probably think that the Sheldon Clark players, coaches, and parents are at each other's throats. I can assure you that is not the case. The players are fine, the coaches are fine, and as for the parents it doesn't really matter because they have no say on what goes on with the Sheldon Clark team. A word of advice to all the parents out there, don't try to live your life through your kids. It is very unhealthy and not too mention stressful on the kids. Parents sit in the bleaches half time not even knowing what is going on in the game except for their kid isn't getting the ball. They sit and scream "they are holding us" when their team is on offense. Or how about "thats a face mask" when their team is tackling an opposing player. They sit up in the bleachers with their chest stuck out when their kid makes a good play as if to say "I made that!! That kid came from me and he has my genes!!!" Parents please stop living through your kids. These are high school kids, they are not player for money, they don't get commission for scoring td's or making tackles, they play for one, the love of the game! When you argue and point fingers at other players and coaches you take that fun away from your kids, if this is the type of parent you are then you should be ashamed of yourself. With all of that being said I would like to commend my father for being a supportive parent of a three sport athlete. He was very humble after every win, after each loss he showed class, patted me on the back and said " You will get them next time" or "You can't win them all" or "You showed a lot of heart out there, things just didn't go your way tonight" I want to thank my father for being mature and acting like an adult. Because reading this thread and listening to the parents in the Sheldon Clark bleachers (where i have been all season) I now realize how my dad could have acted or things he could have said and done that would have made me turn against the sports that I still love to this day.

This may be the best thing I've read on here in awhile.
This was without a doubt, the best game I have attended all season. Very good atmosphere, along with some hard hitting football action. The last two touchdowns scored by Sheldon Clark shouldn't have been counted. There is no going around that. They were just simply terrible calls by the officials. On the touchdown where the ball was fumbled, the officials didn't even make a call before huddling up to signal that the Cardinal player scored. I may be crazy, but I'm pretty darn sure that a call is supposed to be made, then officials can huddle up to make a final decision of a play.

On the other hand, this game was a great matchup with two completely different style of teams. Sheldon Clark had every advantage in the world as others above have metioned with home field, running style of play (rain/weather), and not to mention the officials. Prestonsburg overcame every obstacle thrown at them. Michael Burchett kept his poise beautifully and secured a win for the Blackcats. I haven't seen a quarterback as good as him in a long time. He is truly special and should be getting some D1 college looks if he isn't already. McKinney and Craynon had great games as well. I also really like what I'm seeing out of first year player, Cameron Tincher. He is always in the backfield when rushing from the defensive end spot. He looks great out there.

Congrats to the Blackcats and good luck to both teams the rest of the way.
Great Post Burner and KP 10. I did not post earlier or comment because the previous comments were very upsetting to me regarding the players and coaches. I felt the need to comment now because of the great post by
Burner. I, too, appreciate my dad in how he treated me and my coaches during my games. I know he would be there to watch my son play his senior year cause he never missed a game and always encouraged him, but due to him losing his battle with cancer he is no longer in the stands. So parents and grandparents, enjoy the time spent with your children...the memories will last forever.
MiddlesboroAlumni Wrote:This was without a doubt, the best game I have attended all season. Very good atmosphere, along with some hard hitting football action. The last two touchdowns scored by Sheldon Clark shouldn't have been counted. There is no going around that. They were just simply terrible calls by the officials. On the touchdown where the ball was fumbled, the officials didn't even make a call before huddling up to signal that the Cardinal player scored. I may be crazy, but I'm pretty darn sure that a call is supposed to be made, then officials can huddle up to make a final decision of a play.

On the other hand, this game was a great matchup with two completely different style of teams. Sheldon Clark had every advantage in the world as others above have metioned with home field, running style of play (rain/weather), and not to mention the officials. Prestonsburg overcame every obstacle thrown at them. Michael Burchett kept his poise beautifully and secured a win for the Blackcats. I haven't seen a quarterback as good as him in a long time. He is truly special and should be getting some D1 college looks if he isn't already. McKinney and Craynon had great games as well. I also really like what I'm seeing out of first year player, Cameron Tincher. He is always in the backfield when rushing from the defensive end spot. He looks great out there.

Congrats to the Blackcats and good luck to both teams the rest of the way.
Just an FYI, Burchett visited Purdue this weekend during the Notre Dame game. From what I've read, he's also getting looks from Vanderbilt, Duke, and Wake Forest.
BCF4L Wrote:Just an FYI, Burchett visited Purdue this weekend during the Notre Dame game. From what I've read, he's also getting looks from Vanderbilt, Duke, and Wake Forest.

Senior #36 Austin McKinney (LB) has visits with Marshall, EKU and Cincinnati coming up. He has been contacted a few times by Cincy's coach. They told him if they don't redshirt him his freshman season he would play special teams, but if they do redshirt him he would play LB or safety. Pittsburgh & Louisville are also beginning to get in the mix.

Junior (LB) #51 Alex Griffith is also receiving a lot of interest as well. Not quite sure from what schools.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Senior #36 Austin McKinney (LB) has visits with Marshall, EKU and Cincinnati coming up. He has been contacted a few times by Cincy's coach. They told him if they don't redshirt him his freshman season he would play special teams, but if they do redshirt him he would play LB or safety. Pittsburgh & Louisville are also beginning to get in the mix.

Junior (LB) #51 Alex Griffith is also receiving a lot of interest as well. Not quite sure from what schools.

So far, Griffith has received feelers from EKU, Marshall, WVU, Cincinnati, and Rice.
cat86 Wrote:So far, Griffith has received feelers from EKU, Marshall, WVU, Cincinnati, and Rice.

I was told what schools where recruiting him, but just couldn't recall any of them so I didn't post any, but glad you did. Alex is one heck of a football player.
CLASSIC!!! Michael Burchett goes for an official visit to Purdue, and I would wager my next paycheck he was probably wearing a Nortre Dame Fighting Irish sweatshirt for the game.
hawg laig Wrote:CLASSIC!!! Michael Burchett goes for an official visit to Purdue, and I would wager my next paycheck he was probably wearing a Nortre Dame Fighting Irish sweatshirt for the game.

LMAO... I asked him who he was cheering for and he said deep down ND, although he didn't express it on the Purdue sideline.
I really enjoying watching this Sheldon Clark team play. I respect all of the Sheldon Clark parents for everything they do to support the team including the dinners on thursday nights! We have a good group of parents who, for the most part support the team to the fullest, they (like me) just hate losing. I hate to lose at anything but they need to realize that the boys have had a very tough schedule these first five games. The two games they have lost have been to good teams. Football season is a rollercoaster ride...plenty of ups and downs. Losing to Lawrence county and Prestonsburg will not hinder their chances of winning a district, regional, or even state title. Coach Hager schedules tough teams so he can try out different things and see what works. I love the SCHS players, parents, and coaches. They all just need to learn to stick together through the ups and the downs. Shawn Hager is the kind of coach who will drive 30 minutes out of his way on the first day of practice to pick up a freshman who has never played a single down of high school football just so that kid has a chance to be a part of something special. I respect all head coaches for the time and hard work they put into building a program because we all know they do not do it for the money. So parents please just hang in there, SCHS has had a couple down games this season but there are plenty of ups coming your way in the future. I'm a big supporter of eastern kentucky football so I would like to say good luck to Pburg, Lawrence County, and all the other teams out there working hard towards the same goal....except Belfry!! lol Just kidding I have the upmost respect for Coach Haywood and everything he has done with his team.
SCHS_16 Wrote:Pburgs Qb had someone in his face the whole night but he managed to get away and move the pocket and make plays!!! am i not right ?

You're right, but it's not a fair comparison for the Cardinal QB. The linemen and LBs chasing him were MUCH quicker than the big men chasing Burchett. Sheldon Clark had a big size advantage in the trenches, but P-burg had just as big a speed advantage there.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I personally just think hager chokes, but who knows,

Sheldon Clark is (37-12) from 2005-2008. In '05 they go to Hyden and upset Leslie County 20-19 in the second round of the playoffs, just last year they go to Maysville and upset Mason County 26-20 in o.t. in the secon round. Coach Hager has taken the Cards to the regional championship game in two of the last four years.

Martin County does not have the feeder program that Belfry does, they had better hope and pray that he doesn't leave for greener pastures once coach Haywood decides to hang it up. Because I think coach Hager would have to be at the top of their wish list. He is a WINNER. Gets the most out of the talent he has.
Congrats to P burg
rawlingsfan Wrote:Sheldon Clark is (37-12) from 2005-2008. In '05 they go to Hyden and upset Leslie County 20-19 in the second round of the playoffs, just last year they go to Maysville and upset Mason County 26-20 in o.t. in the secon round. Coach Hager has taken the Cards to the regional championship game in two of the last four years.

Martin County does not have the feeder program that Belfry does, they had better hope and pray that he doesn't leave for greener pastures once coach Haywood decides to hang it up. Because I think coach Hager would have to be at the top of their wish list. He is a WINNER. Gets the most out of the talent he has.

I agree totally with this. This Prestonsburg fan has the utmost respect for Hager. He is a great coach, very classy, and very well respected by most.
cat86 Wrote:I agree totally with this. This Prestonsburg fan has the utmost respect for Hager. He is a great coach, very classy, and very well respected by most.

Absolutely...Coach Hager has been excellent for the Cardinals.

Frankly, successfully following a winning previous coach is a very tough thing to do. When expectations of winning are established in a program, fans/supporters are necessarily less patient of sub-par results. Coach H has put a fundamentally sound product on the field since his hire.
well me myself i think hager is an excellent coach, i juss think that we need to work harder and suck it up!!
Since things have settled down regarding the Prestonsburg @ Sheldon Clark game, I would like to make a comment that makes a lot of sense: (at least to me) “The thrill of victory or the agony of defeat” right after the game causes many of us to say and/or write comments that we, if we had given careful thought to the situation, we would not have spoken or written. The emotions are at a high point or a low point, depending upon whether you are on the winning side or the losing one. But at either point, we can loose site of the big picture.

Let us stop and consider before we say or write anything about a contest, especially when we bash a player by name or a coach by name. This definitely does not help the individual players, the coaches, or the team. I think the operative word here is, team.

Let us get 100% behind the Cards; they have a great group of athletes, who are also fine young men. Let us encourage and boost them, not criticize them. Let us leave the criticizing (which should, by all means, be constructive and in the TEACHING mode) to the coaching staff.

Obviously I am a Sheldon Clark fan and wish them well the remainder of the regular season and in the district play-offs. The first district game is October 9; let’s give the team and Coach Hager our total support!

Thanks for letting an older guy ramble.
paulcssi Wrote:Since things have settled down regarding the Prestonsburg @ Sheldon Clark game, I would like to make a comment that makes a lot of sense: (at least to me) “The thrill of victory or the agony of defeat” right after the game causes many of us to say and/or write comments that we, if we had given careful thought to the situation, we would not have spoken or written. The emotions are at a high point or a low point, depending upon whether you are on the winning side or the losing one. But at either point, we can loose site of the big picture.

Let us stop and consider before we say or write anything about a contest, especially when we bash a player by name or a coach by name. This definitely does not help the individual players, the coaches, or the team. I think the operative word here is, team.

Let us get 100% behind the Cards; they have a great group of athletes, who are also fine young men. Let us encourage and boost them, not criticize them. Let us leave the criticizing (which should, by all means, be constructive and in the TEACHING mode) to the coaching staff.

Obviously I am a Sheldon Clark fan and wish them well the remainder of the regular season and in the district play-offs. The first district game is October 9; let’s give the team and Coach Hager our total support!

Thanks for letting an older guy ramble.

Supremely played, my friend. Excellent point and something that we all need to hear from time to time. Thanks for posting this...
Both teams are very good and this one came down to the finals seconds but SC could not pull this one over. It was a great game for both teams #10 QB for P-Burg he is a monster, kid needs to send out film to colleges, bright future.

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