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Adams 36 South Floyd 8
Final !
The team played some good football. Tyler had an exceptional game.
Congratulations Adams A Team and Adams B Team on two impressive wins. Those two teams get better everytime I see them play. Also, I would like to say congratulations to South Floyd C Team for their win last night. That little team played very hard. I think that C Team win probably gives them the county championship. South Floyd C Team players, coaches, and parents should be very proud of that accomplishment.
how did keens and anderson do
Is this part of a Middle School League?
Yes, It is elementary and middle school football. Floyd Co. breaks it down this way;
A-team-7th and 8th graders
B-team--5th and 6th graders
c-team-3rd and 4th graders
County Schools
Allen Central
Betsy Layne
South Floyd

A-teams from Betsy Layne, Allen Middle and Adams Middle also participates in the Big Sandy Conference which breaks down into a large school division and a small school division. There is no conference for B-team or C-team.
Good game except the lack of sportsmanship.
BigBlueRush Wrote:Good game except the lack of sportsmanship.

hawg laig Wrote:Yes, It is elementary and middle school football. Floyd Co. breaks it down this way;
A-team-7th and 8th graders
B-team--5th and 6th graders
c-team-3rd and 4th graders
County Schools
Allen Central
Betsy Layne
South Floyd

A-teams from Betsy Layne, Allen Middle and Adams Middle also participates in the Big Sandy Conference which breaks down into a large school division and a small school division. There is no conference for B-team or C-team.

South Floyd is the only Floyd County team not in the Big Sandy Valley Conference.
BigBlueRush Wrote:Good game except the lack of sportsmanship.

Please explain????
I thought the sportsmanship was fine.
Please explain BigBlueRush "lack of sportsmanship". I thought the players played hard, the coaches coached hard, and the fans cheered for their teams. I thought thats what football is all about.
ballerfan 1 Wrote:Please explain BigBlueRush "lack of sportsmanship". I thought the players played hard, the coaches coached hard, and the fans cheered for their teams. I thought thats what football is all about.
bigbluerush is the same one in the other thread that said south floyd was going to beat adams by 6 points he must play for south floyd,
lol i do not play for sf and what do you call it when a team onside kicks when there up 36-0. To me thats not very good sportsmanship.
BigBlueRush Wrote:lol i do not play for sf and what do you call it when a team onside kicks when there up 36-0. To me thats not very good sportsmanship.

It could be..?? Is it good sportsmanship when the refs allow the clock to be ran the entire game. From the opening kick off even when the chains are being moved after getting a first down? But only for the home team? When the opposing team are ran out of a huddle and told you only have 15 seconds during a time out when the home team takes as long as they like? Or maybe when the opposing team is limited to 35/40 seconds to get a play in and to get it off before being penalized, when the home team takes 55 to 65 seconds? No matter how good or bad a team is they deserve to win or get beat on the field in fair play! If one team doesn't want to honor that, then why should another team? Sometimes coaches get what they ask for. I personally know for a fact that these situations occur when playing at SF.:eyeroll:
Congrats Blackcats!
First of all it was 28-0 with 3:00 left in the second quarter. The final was all of 36-8. Do you think it could have been worse ??????? Second, we did not onside kick. It is called a SQUIB kick. If you noticed we kicked to around the 35 yard line all night. I always teach my players that running up the score is never a good idea. Maybe you should pay more attention before making WILD statements. :dontthink
Adams Middle does not run up the score on anyone!!! In the games I have witnessed the Blackcats play hard regardless of what players they have on the field.
Coach Howell does a first class job! When the score starts going up so do the substitutions. Like it was said before it could have been worse and it would be wrong to fault the kids for giving their all when they get their opportunity to play.
BigBlueRush Wrote:lol i do not play for sf and what do you call it when a team onside kicks when there up 36-0. To me thats not very good sportsmanship.

Rain makes for slick footballs. Slick footballs make for some bad kicks. I am sure that if you ask Tyler Keens or any of the AMS team or any of the coaching staff, that you will be told the same thing. That it was a messed up kick.
Congrats Blackcats!
Hang in there Raiders, keep working hard and good luck!
canoeman06 Wrote:First of all it was 28-0 with 3:00 left in the second quarter. The final was all of 36-8. Do you think it could have been worse ??????? Second, we did not onside kick. It is called a SQUIB kick. If you noticed we kicked to around the 35 yard line all night. I always teach my players that running up the score is never a good idea. Maybe you should pay more attention before making WILD statements. :dontthink

Yeah it could have been worse, but no need to make a comment of that nature to middle school kids. You can tell by what some say on here or how they type, that there not of age. Up 28-0 to nothing in the 2nd. Don't you think you could have kicked it off instead of squibbing? I mean Florida was up 31-0 in the 1st and you didnt see them squibbing, and they won 41-7. Which they prolly would have won by more if Tebow wouldn't have got hurt, but they didnt onside or squib.

Running up the score is never a good idea, but in football theres not much you can do if your up that much that early, besides kick off, keep the ball on the ground, and take your time getting the plays off.
uhavenoidea Wrote:Yeah it could have been worse, but no need to make a comment of that nature to middle school kids. You can tell by what some say on here or how they type, that there not of age. Up 28-0 to nothing in the 2nd. Don't you think you could have kicked it off instead of squibbing? I mean Florida was up 31-0 in the 1st and you didnt see them squibbing, and they won 41-7. Which they prolly would have won by more if Tebow wouldn't have got hurt, but they didnt onside or squib.

Running up the score is never a good idea, but in football theres not much you can do if your up that much that early, besides kick off, keep the ball on the ground, and take your time getting the plays off.

Do you not think that it could have been an accident-he is a middle school kid who has only kicked off in 7 games in his life. Wet ball!! AMS did keep the ball on the ground and substituted freely. I can see that "someone" has no idea!
Rivalrat Wrote:Do you not think that it could have been an accident-he is a middle school kid who has only kicked off in 7 games in his life. Wet ball!! AMS did keep the ball on the ground and substituted freely. I can see that "someone" has no idea!

Their coach just said it was a squib, and they kicked to or around the 35 yard line all night. What does a wet ball have to do with kicking it? I mean if it was a punt, i'd understand. I didn't say they didnt keep it on the ground did I, nor do I say anything about subs.

I can see that someone needs to get out of the creek more or quit hiding in their hole. Quit eatin' that sour cheese.
The coach made the comment because he was accused of running up the score and trying to onside kick ! In order to defend myself and team I thought it was important to note that we had a large lead and scored only once in the final 2 1/2 quarters. We threw ONE pass the entire night and were in no hurry to run plays. My teams have been on the losing end of games that the score was way out of hand, and it sure doesn't feel good ! I know that first hand and would never try to do it to anyone. Even those that LOVE to do it to us ! We always squib kick, its what we do.
Coach Howell
canoeman06 Wrote:The coach made the comment because he was accused of running up the score and trying to onside kick ! In order to defend myself and team I thought it was important to note that we had a large lead and scored only once in the final 2 1/2 quarters. We threw ONE pass the entire night and were in no hurry to run plays. My teams have been on the losing end of games that the score was way out of hand, and it sure doesn't feel good ! I know that first hand and would never try to do it to anyone. Even those that LOVE to do it to us ! We always squib kick, its what we do.
Coach Howell

Perfectly understandable coach.

Good Post!

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