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Voting Rights for Felons
Big movement by Kentucky liberals to reinstate voting rights for felons. A huge demographic of votes for the Dems. What's everyone's thoughts on this?
I guess if they have served their time, shouldn't they be in a position to have all their rights given bak to them?
Stardust Wrote:I guess if they have served their time, shouldn't they be in a position to have all their rights given bak to them?

On this we can agree, brother. :thumpsup::Clap:
Stardust Wrote:I guess if they have served their time, shouldn't they be in a position to have all their rights given bak to them?

They can have their rights returned to them if the right everything that they did in their crimes to take the rights of others.

In example, a woman has the right to feel safe, comfortable with her body, not have nightmares, and much else, so if a man robbs of her of that by raping her, when he can give all of that back to her, he can vote again.

There would be some exceptions, like a person who only hurts themselves with drugs or something, in which case he should have to pass regular drug tests before they can vote.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!

They can have their rights returned to them if the right everything that they did in their crimes to take the rights of others.

In example, a woman has the right to feel safe, comfortable with her body, not have nightmares, and much else, so if a man robbs of her of that by raping her, when he can give all of that back to her, he can vote again.

There would be some exceptions, like a person who only hurts themselves with drugs or something, in which case he should have to pass regular drug tests before they can vote.

I agree, I think that people were doing "Drugs" this past election :biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:On this we can agree, brother. :thumpsup::Clap:

Great! Now I have to change my position....

JK :biggrin::Thumbs:
I am against it totally. Furthermore I don't think a felon convicted of any type of violent crime should be given a fishing or hunting license!
Beetle01 Wrote:Big movement by Kentucky liberals to reinstate voting rights for felons. A huge demographic of votes for the Dems. What's everyone's thoughts on this?

It appears to me that there is a huge block for Republicans. Almost every politician in Clay County is Republican and they are enough of them in prison or getting ready to go to prison to sway an election. This may be the most corrupt county in the state.
DevilsWin Wrote:I am against it totally. Furthermore I don't think a felon convicted of any type of violent crime should be given a fishing or hunting license!
:Thumbs: I absolutely, positively 100% agree with you. This is a gateway to giving them their weapons back, and if they dont get them, then we get to hear the "What about our rights?" bull**** until they do. Should have left well enough alone here. A lot of the inmates return to prison within a short time of their release, and once one has been "institutionalized", they dont think rationally...Our systems are way too lenient (sp?) as it is, as most only get a minimum of what they should get..ah Im done rambling, just a terrible, TERRIBLE mistake. :devilflam
I think it depends on what kind of felony myself, if someone killed someone then no, if someone gets arrested for public intoxication then yea
This thread is about voting rights. How does this have anything to do with fishing license or getting a gun??????
Stardust Wrote:This thread is about voting rights. How does this have anything to do with fishing license or getting a gun??????
Who asked you Dusty?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I think it depends on what kind of felony myself, if someone killed someone then no, if someone gets arrested for public intoxication then yea
Public intoxication is not a felony.
DevilsWin Wrote:Who asked you Dusty?

If you would like to change the topic, please create a thread that is appropriate to the subject.
Stardust Wrote:If you would like to change the topic, please create a thread that is appropriate to the subject.
Oh I was just jokin! Lighten up!:please:
My whole take on the thing is this. Im okay if we want to set up a review board that non-violent, non-drug related, and non-repeat offenders can appeal to and ask for voting rights.

However, there is usually more of a penalty with most crimes than just serving your time. Sometimes you lose your driving privileges. Sometimes you pay fines. Sometimes you have to go to rehab, see a therapist, or do community service.

IMO if you're doing crimes which result in you receiving a felony charge, you're likely not of the right mind to make an educated vote which is in the best interest of our nation. and considering 56% of all violent felons and drug related felons are repeat offenders (thats just the ones that get caught) Im for taking their vote away forever.
Beetle01 Wrote:Big movement by Kentucky liberals to reinstate voting rights for felons. A huge demographic of votes for the Dems. What's everyone's thoughts on this?

Where is the info that says felons are huge voting block for the Dems...:eyeroll:
Beetle01 Wrote:My whole take on the thing is this. Im okay if we want to set up a review board that non-violent, non-drug related, and non-repeat offenders can appeal to and ask for voting rights.

However, there is usually more of a penalty with most crimes than just serving your time. Sometimes you lose your driving privileges. Sometimes you pay fines. Sometimes you have to go to rehab, see a therapist, or do community service.

IMO if you're doing crimes which result in you receiving a felony charge, you're likely not of the right mind to make an educated vote which is in the best interest of our nation. and considering 56% of all violent felons and drug related felons are repeat offenders (thats just the ones that get caught) Im for taking their vote away forever.

yeah because there is so many felonies that are non-violent, non-drug related or not repeat offenders. This statement is a joke! I can agree murders shouldnt be allowed to vote however if a person makes a mistake in their youth such as a drug related crime,or convicted of having sex with a 17 year old girl when the other guy is just 18 is not something tht requires a life time ban of thier basic human rights if the pay their debt to society then they should be allowed to vote.
There are lot of people who make uneducated votes every election...just b/c they are not felons doesn't mean they are knowledgable of the issues......there should be a more subjective process than just saying...oops you have a felony conviction you can't vote...this is a country of 2nd chances
eastkyfootballfan Wrote:yeah because there is so many felonies that are non-violent, non-drug related or not repeat offenders. This statement is a joke! I can agree murders shouldnt be allowed to vote however if a person makes a mistake in their youth such as a drug related crime,or convicted of having sex with a 17 year old girl when the other guy is just 18 is not something tht requires a life time ban of thier basic human rights if the pay their debt to society then they should be allowed to vote.

First off it is not a felony for an 18y/o to have sex with a 17y/o in our state.

As for the drug related ones, thats up for debate, but I stand by my opinion on the subject.
pagan Wrote:There are lot of people who make uneducated votes every election...just b/c they are not felons doesn't mean they are knowledgable of the issues......there should be a more subjective process than just saying...oops you have a felony conviction you can't vote...this is a country of 2nd chances

I think you should take time and go visit some of these felons who deserve a second chance. Many of whom are anti American. They belong to extremist groups. Many of which are envolved in very large networks that work toward underminding the country and the laws in which it is based upon. Its true that all felons are not the same. However here in EKY we have the opertunity to learn about a cross section of our society that most of us never even knew existed.
Matman Wrote:I think you should take time and go visit some of these felons who deserve a second chance. Many of whom are anti American. They belong to extremist groups. Many of which are envolved in very large networks that work toward underminding the country and the laws in which it is based upon. Its true that all felons are not the same. However here in EKY we have the opertunity to learn about a cross section of our society that most of us never even knew existed.

Many of whom are anti-american?...I don't know about the 'MANY" part, but i'm sure there some just like there non felons living in this country who are anti-american....look i'm not saying all felons, but maybe you should look at how broad felony crimes can't just sweep them all into the same category and that's not right suggesting that if you have a felony you can NEVER vote again...once again depending on the crime you were convicted of....and actually i have looked at the prison systems.....i have no idea where you get you info with 'MANY', but if that's true then obviously i missed that....anyways i think the point is moot anyways b/c i'd say most felons would be like most american citizens and not vote anyways
pagan Wrote:Many of whom are anti-american?...I don't know about the 'MANY" part, but i'm sure there some just like there non felons living in this country who are anti-american....look i'm not saying all felons, but maybe you should look at how broad felony crimes can't just sweep them all into the same category and that's not right suggesting that if you have a felony you can NEVER vote again...once again depending on the crime you were convicted of....and actually i have looked at the prison systems.....i have no idea where you get you info with 'MANY', but if that's true then obviously i missed that....anyways i think the point is moot anyways b/c i'd say most felons would be like most american citizens and not vote anyways

When you say you have looked at the prison system what does that mean? Have you gone in and talked to federal inmates. Have you worked as a federal officer. Or have you looked on the internet. Most people do not realize the life inside of prison. Even the high security prisons have inmates just walking around. Going to class. Going to recreation and participating in leagues. Prison is the perfect place for extremist groups to recruit. Alot of inmates already hold a grudge against the US government. After all thats who locked them up. Now you take the fact that most people in federal prison are at least affiliated with these groups. An inmate will join the group just for protection sometimes. Sometimes the groups don't give them a choice....join or die.
let em vote then we can put the CON back in Congress
Matman Wrote:When you say you have looked at the prison system what does that mean? Have you gone in and talked to federal inmates. Have you worked as a federal officer. Or have you looked on the internet. Most people do not realize the life inside of prison. Even the high security prisons have inmates just walking around. Going to class. Going to recreation and participating in leagues. Prison is the perfect place for extremist groups to recruit. Alot of inmates already hold a grudge against the US government. After all thats who locked them up. Now you take the fact that most people in federal prison are at least affiliated with these groups. An inmate will join the group just for protection sometimes. Sometimes the groups don't give them a choice....join or die.

It means I've read about them....looked at those MSNBC specials on them...and yes i have talked to many inmates and corrections officers...took some criminology classes in college...quite a bit of interesting stuff....just like to point out my degree wasn't in criminology... the high security ones as you say have people walking around....not exactly...there is a merit system depending on what prison you are in...not all of them are run the same and those inmates have to earn those privileges..and if they act up and get out of line for any reason then it is lock down and trust me that is not fun...sometimes minor things like not making your bed will get you in lock down..big trouble..and a lot the high security ones put them in isolation for almost 24 hours....allowed 1 phone call month.....1 HOUR a day for its not a picnic in the high security ones....prisoners have less rights than dogs in prison if the powers that be choose to bring down the far as the ALOT of inmates hold a grudge against the U.S. Gov't...i've read of extremists, but nothing that says anything about there being alot....most of them break off into the bloods, crypts, latin kings, dead man inc., etc. street gangs....gang association more than extremists....these gangs are dangerous no doubt, but I'm not worried about them becoming terrorists extremists..maybe violent criminals....they join up in prison to survive....I've read nothing that suggests of any heavy recruiting by extremists....I'm not saying I'm a qualified expert, but as far as this board goes I'm just as knowledgeable as anyone else...also I'm not have nor have i ever said that all felons should get back their voting rights, but like i said there are different degrees of felonies...class a,b,c,d, etc....and then if convicted of one of those...those classes even break down into more categories...i understand your point of view and your doubt that makes for a scary scenario....its just i don't think that's happening...some felons in my opinion depending on their crime deserve another shot and should not losing their voting rights....:yikes:
pagan Wrote:It means I've read about them....looked at those MSNBC specials on them...and yes i have talked to many inmates and corrections officers...took some criminology classes in college...quite a bit of interesting stuff....just like to point out my degree wasn't in criminology... the high security ones as you say have people walking around....not exactly...there is a merit system depending on what prison you are in...not all of them are run the same and those inmates have to earn those privileges..and if they act up and get out of line for any reason then it is lock down and trust me that is not fun...sometimes minor things like not making your bed will get you in lock down..big trouble..and a lot the high security ones put them in isolation for almost 24 hours....allowed 1 phone call month.....1 HOUR a day for its not a picnic in the high security ones....prisoners have less rights than dogs in prison if the powers that be choose to bring down the far as the ALOT of inmates hold a grudge against the U.S. Gov't...i've read of extremists, but nothing that says anything about there being alot....most of them break off into the bloods, crypts, latin kings, dead man inc., etc. street gangs....gang association more than extremists....these gangs are dangerous no doubt, but I'm not worried about them becoming terrorists extremists..maybe violent criminals....they join up in prison to survive....I've read nothing that suggests of any heavy recruiting by extremists....I'm not saying I'm a qualified expert, but as far as this board goes I'm just as knowledgeable as anyone else...also I'm not have nor have i ever said that all felons should get back their voting rights, but like i said there are different degrees of felonies...class a,b,c,d, etc....and then if convicted of one of those...those classes even break down into more categories...i understand your point of view and your doubt that makes for a scary scenario....its just i don't think that's happening...some felons in my opinion depending on their crime deserve another shot and should not losing their voting rights....:yikes:

Yeah i agree...the prison system breaks down into street gangs more so than jihad extemists H*LL bent on destroying for the voting rights things....people without felony convictions don't use their right to vote so i dont see a problem with felons having the same right not to vote either...if they've done their time and paid their debt then and live in society then they should have a say if they want one:Thumbs:
flavorflav Wrote:Yeah i agree...the prison system breaks down into street gangs more so than jihad extemists H*LL bent on destroying for the voting rights things....people without felony convictions don't use their right to vote so i dont see a problem with felons having the same right not to vote either...if they've done their time and paid their debt then and live in society then they should have a say if they want one:Thumbs:
The largest group in USP BIG SANDY right here in martin co is muslims. Some of which are labeled terrorist.
pagan Wrote:It means I've read about them....looked at those MSNBC specials on them...and yes i have talked to many inmates and corrections officers...took some criminology classes in college...quite a bit of interesting stuff....just like to point out my degree wasn't in criminology... the high security ones as you say have people walking around....not exactly...there is a merit system depending on what prison you are in...not all of them are run the same and those inmates have to earn those privileges..and if they act up and get out of line for any reason then it is lock down and trust me that is not fun...sometimes minor things like not making your bed will get you in lock down..big trouble..and a lot the high security ones put them in isolation for almost 24 hours....allowed 1 phone call month.....1 HOUR a day for its not a picnic in the high security ones....prisoners have less rights than dogs in prison if the powers that be choose to bring down the far as the ALOT of inmates hold a grudge against the U.S. Gov't...i've read of extremists, but nothing that says anything about there being alot....most of them break off into the bloods, crypts, latin kings, dead man inc., etc. street gangs....gang association more than extremists....these gangs are dangerous no doubt, but I'm not worried about them becoming terrorists extremists..maybe violent criminals....they join up in prison to survive....I've read nothing that suggests of any heavy recruiting by extremists....I'm not saying I'm a qualified expert, but as far as this board goes I'm just as knowledgeable as anyone else...also I'm not have nor have i ever said that all felons should get back their voting rights, but like i said there are different degrees of felonies...class a,b,c,d, etc....and then if convicted of one of those...those classes even break down into more categories...i understand your point of view and your doubt that makes for a scary scenario....its just i don't think that's happening...some felons in my opinion depending on their crime deserve another shot and should not losing their voting rights....:yikes:

Actually your probally not as qualified. Theres quite a few of us on here that have worked in maximum security federal prisons. Lockdowns do not happen that easily. I seen an officer get stabbed 7 times 3 of which in the head and they were locked down for less than a day. Your mistaken about how the point system works as well. The point system does make up your security levels as long as there are no variables. But you have to earn the right to be in a 23 hr lock down facility not the other way around. Theres only one. Thats the ADX in colorado. USP big sandy is the next level down from that. They are starting to implement a new system into some of the USPs. Its called a SMU. Special management unit. That will allow more institutions to become 23 hour lock downs without meeting the criteria to be an ADX. And there is alot of recruitment going on. Many of the crips and bloods are now muslim. Alot of DC inmates are now muslim. We even see a few white inmates becomeing muslim probally due to the fact of a couple white muslim extremist that were involve with terrorist oranizations being in prison right here in kentucky.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I think it depends on what kind of felony myself, if someone killed someone then no, if someone gets arrested for public intoxication then yea

I'm confused, are we taking Felons as in people who had a sentence of over a year in prison or just charged persons in general? If a year in prison, a felon wouldn't be someone charged with PI.
PC_You_Know Wrote:I'm confused, are we taking Felons as in people who had a sentence of over a year in prison or just charged persons in general? If a year in prison, a felon wouldn't be someone charged with PI.

If you committed a felony you should lose your rights. Felonies are serious crimes. PI is not a felony. Remember what the great Philosopher Baretta said-" Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time."

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