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Perry Central 37 Breathitt Co. 14
What happened to the D-Linemen someone said on the prediction thread was going to be in the backfield all night..I did'nt see him
JMEWLS Wrote:Perry Central just proved tonight that they are the real deal. They held Breathitt scoreless in the second half, and done it with a depleated defensive line. The Bobcats were outplayed, outhustled, and outcoached tonight. Breathitt is still a talented team, Channing is a horse, but the Commodores knew how to stop him.

Great job by the Dores coaches and players! 3-0!

I'd imagine Breathitt Co. was completely exhausted chasing Amis all over the field, leaving no gas in the tank for the Bobcats after halftime. He ran the Prestonsburg defense ragged last year, and almost won the game for PC singlehandedly. That young man is a jackrabbit !!
I predicted PCC to win check out the other thread. PCC congrats and I will stick to my previous post after SC beat Breathitt Co. Breathitt Co is OVERRATED!!! 1-3 proves it.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:With all due respect.. not sure I can buy that. If he was the top underclassman receiver in Georgia he would instantly be one of the top 2-3 players in the state of Kentucky.

He didn't play football last year cause Lee Co. don't have a football team. Any stats from this game?
TheBrahmaBull Wrote:Mason County is my choice as of now.

I guess you will add their avatar as well now, huh?
I notice you removed Breathitt's, wow. lmao
Man I had Breathitt being a title contender this year, whats up with them?
MayfieldCardinal Wrote:Man I had Breathitt being a title contender this year, whats up with them?

They don't know how to spread the ball out. Fugate & Haddix is the only players that touch the ball on offense. They have plenty of other nice looking players that don't get any opportunities.

Like I've stated before - if you can stop Breathitt's run game then they're in trouble. Until Breathitt can utilize other players in their offense like Fletcher or another player then they may not even get past the 2nd round of the playoffs.
Perry Central just wore Breathitt out....
PCC has a lot of talented underclassmen for once and they don't have to have half the team playing both ways
The first half was looking bad for the commodores but they stuck it out and by the 4th quarter they were probably averaging 5 yards a rush against a tired Breathitt county defense
I think Breathitt will get it together before long, and PCC may be a force to be reckoned with this year
They play Letcher in a couple of weeks
Does anyone think Perry Central may crash the mountain top 10?
There's a lot of good talent in there
Wow!!! Way to go PC. Breathitt may be taking a few games off. Something new in Jackson?
theres only one thing to say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
POCO HISTORY #70 Wrote:i can tell you right now they dont suck...channing fugate is the best running back in state....mayb the best in the past few years....he has a full scholarship to play at tennessee....haddix is also a good player....and they have a transfer wr from lee co who will get a very good scholarship when he graduates.....i beleive its the coaching....they have worked theirselves away from the spread the run the channing fugate offense...their way to predictable.....any team with talent will beat breathitt unless they start changing up the play calling.....just remember....breathitt lost alot of o-lineman and d-lineman last year...that prolly has something to do with it....but they started the season off like this last year and it all turned out good....they made it to the state championship...well c in a couple of weeks how the rest of the season will be...IMO

Who do we have from Lee Co.?Nobody.
Does anyone know anything about the injured wr(i think) from Breathitt?
he looked like he had a broken ankle
JMEWLS Wrote:I agree, Breathitt has no new receiver. If so, he wasn't on the field tonight.

I believe everyone is refering to Pittman.He didn't come.
Come on Breathitt, I know you can do better.:Cheerlead
Congrats Perry County Central
Goodness, BEATDOWN! Expected a 7 point game either way but not this outcome! Congrats PCC!
richardhead Wrote:I guess you will add their avatar as well now, huh?
I notice you removed Breathitt's, wow. lmao
You obviously do not know what you are talking about LMAO. I never had a Breathitt avatar. And I took off all the teams that I support, not just Breathitt. A loss or 5 will not change my devotion to my favorite team. See Below!
Twitter: @tc_analytics

i really thought the cats would be 4-0 at this point but they do deserve an award most over-hyped team in 2009 to me looks like the cats have no heart they play a good first 24 minutes and forget about the most important part of the game the finish.......
remember kids its not how you start its how you finish!
I have not saw Breathitt play, but everyone I talk to says that Haddix and Fugate are their only weapons and the line is not that good. It is hard to compete with good teams with a weak line and only two good skill people.
Congrats to PCC:Thumbs:Breathit needs to regroup and rededicate or it could be a long season in Jackson. :rockon:
cj2561 Wrote:There isn't that many team that can play the same boy all game and win. Fugate and Haddix was on the field all game... To me they look like they get tired.

:dontthink That is no excuse...Jordan Amis and a couple of the PCC's lineman play both ways all game too. Didn't seem to slow them down much...Better conditioning,maybe?!?
I would say a 0-3 start for Breathitt has hurt Fugate's Mr. football chances. Looks like Holcomb is missing his d cordinator bad. Makes you wonder who was really running the show at Breathitt, they can't win a game after their d cordinator left. Look for some big running up on scores vs. Powell, Estill and Magoffin in the district. I don't know Magoffin may give them a game. Holcomb will be out to get the stats back up on lesser teams.
perry just outplayed breathitt. pcc is in way better shape. it was 7-14 breathitt at halftime and pcc came out the 2nd half and just took it to them. i dont think they had an offensive posession in the 2nd half that wasnt a scoring drive. perrys oline did what they wanted with breathitts dline. pcc ran and threw the ball well in the 2nd half. jordan amis and brian rankin led the running attack and every time we needed a big play through the air, jordan would find an open man because he had all day in his pass protection. i was really impressed with pccs defense though, they are the real deal. they shut haddix and fugate down after some people said they would have a breakout game. breathitts only 2 tds were a half back pass on 4th and goal on the 10 from channing to somebody and jade threw a 40yrd td that dakota ritchie i think made a great catch on, other than that breathitt could do nothing offensively. the defense won this game, along with them having more heart and being in better shape. this could be the biggest win in pcc football history and bert browne is loving it right now. i also want to say something about the fans. pcc fans last night were the loudest fans ive ever seen. they put breathitts fans to shame, almost like they werent even there. but congrats pcc on the big win.
Does anyone have any defensive stats?..and how many picks did Perry end up with 4?..I think with Hollon out and Coach "Bebo" Combs calling the defense Perry COULD win the district
i dont know the stats, but i know that matt robinson, austin pray, devin turner, and paul hughes all had interceptions. the linebacker crew(matt and jr robinson and devin turner) played great, lighting up jade and channing all night. and the secondary played well all night besides the long passing td. jordan amis also had a real big hit in the 4th i think that hurt one of breathitt countys players, #81.
I am flat out shocked. Breathitt County was just simply overrated. Channing Fugate is not overrated, but the rest (including Jade Haddix) were way overhyped. These three losses were to great teams, but we can't make excuses anymore. The injury factor, luck, or all the above didn't make this loss happen. All three of theses losses were by being outplayed, out-coached, and out-hearted.

Congrats Commodores!
king360 Wrote:Does anyone have any defensive stats?..and how many picks did Perry end up with 4?..I think with Hollon out and Coach "Bebo" Combs calling the defense Perry COULD win the district

4 picks and 3 fumble recoveries were the TO stats for PCC
still no word on tackles or anything
The win last night was PCC biggest win in school history. They wanted to win the game more than Breathitt. Since everyone is telling whats wrong with breathitt and i am going to spread my opinion too. Breathitt has a very excellent team and they will be better come playoff time and also if the coaches dont get those boys inshape its really going to be a long season. Channing Fugate is out of shape bad. You can tell because he always has his hands on his hips and it also doesnt help that he never comes out of the game. He does not need to be on the kick off team because he is or will be prone to an injury and he only needs to play defense on 3rd downs and against very good teams and in games that mean something. Jade Haddix has the making for a good QB and just doesnt have the line he had last year. You also got to give the other kids a chance on the team to make plays and not just kill the two guys who are the offense or who you think is the offense. I think if you have too use your back up QB and use jade as a wide out or in the backfield with channing because he makes or will make the defense have to key on two players instead of one.
bac2369 Wrote:The win last night was PCC biggest win in school history. They wanted to win the game more than Breathitt. Since everyone is telling whats wrong with breathitt and i am going to spread my opinion too. Breathitt has a very excellent team and they will be better come playoff time and also if the coaches dont get those boys inshape its really going to be a long season. Channing Fugate is out of shape bad. You can tell because he always has his hands on his hips and it also doesnt help that he never comes out of the game. He does not need to be on the kick off team because he is or will be prone to an injury and he only needs to play defense on 3rd downs and against very good teams and in games that mean something. Jade Haddix has the making for a good QB and just doesnt have the line he had last year. You also got to give the other kids a chance on the team to make plays and not just kill the two guys who are the offense or who you think is the offense. I think if you have too use your back up QB and use jade as a wide out or in the backfield with channing because he makes or will make the defense have to key on two players instead of one.

good post
the conditioning just wasn't there
I wander if JPC has a opening on his staff at PC?

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