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Birds barometer 9/11
Their are 2 huge matchups to watch tonight that may provide a window into the nationally televised matchup between Highlands and St. Xavier of Cincinnati. The Colerain/ Dupont Manual outcome will be interesting as well as the St. Xavier/St.X matchup representing Ky. and OH. As you all know, St. Xavier of Cincinnati beat Colerain 16-0 earlier this season. Dupont/Colerain should give us some betting odds come Sept. 25th. Go Birds....
When is the game going to be televised and on what channel
Colerain blasted Dupont Manual 49-0. Now, let me set this up for you: St. Xavier beat Colerain 16-0. Highlands struggled against Manual 19-8. You get the picture? It could be an ugly televised night in Ft. Thomas. I predict a St. Xavier blowout by 3TD's in the Bluebirds house......unfortunately. By the way, Louisville St. X just got waxed by "The Bombers" 24-7 tonight. If the Birds win this game, it would be nothing short of a miracle.
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:Colerain blasted Dupont Manual 49-0. Now, let me set this up for you: St. Xavier beat Colerain 16-0. Highlands struggled against Manual 19-8. You get the picture? It could be an ugly televised night in Ft. Thomas. I predict a St. Xavier blowout by 3TD's in the Bluebirds house......unfortunately. By the way, Louisville St. X just got waxed by "The Bombers" 24-7 tonight. If the Birds win this game, it would be nothing short of a miracle.

I am a big Highlands fan and agree it is very unlikely that they can pull off a win agianst St X. I think this team has been over hyped this year. They should have no problem winning the 5A championship, but I see alot of problems in their defense this year. They will not be able to slow X down, however, I think if they give Collinsworth more carries than he has been getting, and with their good passing attack,that they will put some points on the board.I see a score similar to tonighs battle of St. X's, about 2-3 TD difference. Hope I am wrong though.
The Birds will need to try and use AC more because ball control will be more important than scoring points. The less the Bird defense is on the field the better. If AC can get even half the yards per carry he's getting right now they will make it an interesting game. If they show they can't move the ball and sustain a drive or two then it will be a long night.

I wouldn't look too deep into that Colerain score over Manual. After the Cards started out 0 and 2 you knew they were going to punish their next opponent. Cincy ST X beating Louisville ST X by 3 scores was has me worried about the Birds chances.
qryche11 Wrote:The Birds will need to try and use AC more because ball control will be more important than scoring points. The less the Bird defense is on the field the better. If AC can get even half the yards per carry he's getting right now they will make it an interesting game. If they show they can't move the ball and sustain a drive or two then it will be a long night.

I wouldn't look too deep into that Colerain score over Manual. After the Cards started out 0 and 2 you knew they were going to punish their next opponent. Cincy ST X beating Louisville ST X by 3 scores was has me worried about the Birds chances.

Actually they only beat them by 17 points. But I agree that Highlands wants to have long controled drives by AC, instead of their quick strike offense they are used to. If HHS does not get behind in the game early, it could be interesting. I got my ticket to the game this week, and can't wait for the game to start. I think nexts weeks game agianst Boone will not be much of a challenge.

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