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Former Lawrence Co coach Chuke Williams
Hey just wanted to pass the following along..Former Lawrence Co. coach Chuke is in very bad health... He is battling Cancer that has moved to his brain....
Lawrence Co will be holding a dinner for him the weekend of the Shelby valley game... So all former coaches and players please plan on attending and send all your prayers... They dont know if he will even make it that long to even attend... Cont to to pray for him and his family!!!!!!
My prayers go to him and his family
God Bless!
I just went to visit him today but missed him. I played for him and coached with him. I also worked 2 summers for him. We've butted heads before but in the end I love and respect him. I appreciate the opportunities he gave to me and I really appreciate him opening the door for me to start coaching. I've golfed, talked etc with a lot of former players and as we have grown into young men we have learned to respect the tough love he showed. Some of it we might not have understood at a younger age but have learned to respect it with age/experience.
Chukes teams took on his personality. They were tough, physical and got after you. I know as long as I'm around LC guys like Chuke, Coach Goldsmith, Eddie Wayne, Luke Varney etc will never die as I'll always try to share stories with the kids of what the tradition means at LC.
Chuke I love you and you are in my prayers! I appreciate everything you have done for me!
Prayers & thoughts are with Chuke and his family!
Wow that is terrible news.. Chuke taught me how to drive, he is a great guy. My thoughts and prayers are definitely with him and his family.
This is horrible news. He is honestly one of the great guys not just in football but in life. And Mine and My family's prayers go out to him and his entire family.
Where all has he coached other than Lawrence County and Prestonsburg.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Where all has he coached other than Lawrence County and Prestonsburg.

Sheldon Clark
One of the GREAT coaches of EKY! I love you Chuke and my payers are with you every night! God Speed Coach! Love and MISS you!
This is Horrible News....Prayers & thoughts are with Chuke and his family!
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Where all has he coached other than Lawrence County and Prestonsburg.

Bourbon Co, Magoffin Co, Sheldon Clark, and Paintsville
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Where all has he coached other than Lawrence County and Prestonsburg.

Bourbon Co, Magoffin Co, Sheldon Clark, and Paintsville. One of the most admired and controversial coaches of all-time in Eastern KY. May God Bless you, Chuke!!
Many prayers from Pikeville go out to you Chuke.
I know he had been around most of my life coaching and Im not a youngster anymore.
This is tragic news.. God Bless you Chuke Williams...You are in everyones prayers..
My thoughts and prayers
Thoughts and prayers as well. I can still see him on the sidelines in the sandals.
#18 thoughts and prayers to chuke and his family.
Thanks for the update Batpuff I hadn't heard anything in several weeks and was just wondering how he was doing yesterday. Thoughts and prayers.
Chuke's teams were heck on wheels on offense. Very fun to watch but terrible to play against. Prayers to him and his family.
Prayers go out to his family and friends from here in Bell Co.
Prayers from Rockcastle County and from Lindsey Wilson College!
He coached me at Betsy Layne for 1 yr. never made us feel stupid but always teaching the game the way a good coach is supposed to coach. He has a great personality and alot of corisma. Chuke would wear those white tube sox to his knees and flip flops....My family is praying for you coach....
Chuke did me a huge favor in High School that I will never forget. He is a really good guy. I will pray for Chuke and his family in this tough time.
Prayers goes to coach Williams and his family from a longtime Sheldon Clark Cardinal fan.
I played for Chuke @ Magoffin in the early 90s. He was tough and mean, just like a football coach should be. I also coached against him when he was @ Paintsville (the second time). I really hate to hear this. Love him or hate him, you had to respect the guy. I will pray for you, coach. Stay tough and mean!
Will pray for him. I loved talking football with chuke. In the grocery store or at a gas station he was all football. I loved his offensive mind. LC had the best team in the state the year they lost to bourbon co. Best team doesnt always win. I loved that offense. You think your ball carrier is stopped dead but wait a minute he doesnt have the ball. Then 10 yards downfield ,,their is the ball carrier. I look for mike copley at greenup running chuke's offense and with the addition of the kid from ashland to be alot better team.Thanks for the info batbuff!!
Reading all these post makes me realize that football fans are great people!!!
Thoughts and prayers coach, from PIKE Co.
Thoughts an prayers to him an his famly. From all the folks in Ashland.

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