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Healthcare Reform Principle
(1) No one should die because they can't afford healthcare.
(2) No one should lose everything because they get sick.

Above and beyond all the garbage rhetoric and poison partisanship, that's really it for me.
thecavemaster Wrote:(1) No one should die because they can't afford healthcare.
(2) No one should lose everything because they get sick.

Above and beyond all the garbage rhetoric and poison partisanship, that's really it for me.

See how simple it is to get your point across without trying to put on a big show?

I agree with you.
It's a nice thought, but who's going to pay for it all? The country is broke. What cavemaster is saying is if he can't afford healthcare and I have some extra money, I should pay for his healthcare as well as my own.
jetpilot Wrote:It's a nice thought, but who's going to pay for it all? The country is broke. What cavemaster is saying is if he can't afford healthcare and I have some extra money, I should pay for his healthcare as well as my own.

Gee I got all excited here because I thought that batman was gonna take care of it. I would think that anybody that can string a bunch of fancy words together like he can, is certainly smarter than you and me put together and is bound to be loaded.

Way to bust my bubble JP!!!!

Seriously, I dont know what the answer is. I wish I did.
thecavemaster Wrote:(1) No one should die because they can't afford healthcare.
(2) No one should lose everything because they get sick.

Above and beyond all the garbage rhetoric and poison partisanship, that's really it for me.

I don't think anyone disagrees with this.

Jetpilot seems to think that somehow tax payer money is going to be used to cover anyone. He needs to check up and see how much money insurance companies make every year. There's no reason to think they won't actually make money if it is ran properly. Which is very doubtful. Im just 100% opposed to all the extras they keep wanting to put in the final bill. Such as RFID chips implanted. You can see some of the other I have in a different thread.
thecavemaster Wrote:(1) No one should die because they can't afford healthcare.
(2) No one should lose everything because they get sick.

Above and beyond all the garbage rhetoric and poison partisanship, that's really it for me.

There are millions of people who can afford but, refuse to buy health insurance because they would rather spend the money on other items or they don't think insurance is needed. I don't think it is the government/taxpayers responsibility to pay their bills when they are able to buy insurance but choose not too.
jetpilot Wrote:It's a nice thought, but who's going to pay for it all? The country is broke. What cavemaster is saying is if he can't afford healthcare and I have some extra money, I should pay for his healthcare as well as my own.

Creative, albeit incorrect, interpretation...
thecavemaster Wrote:Creative, albeit incorrect, interpretation...

If it's incorrect , then dont just make broad statements and leave everybody hanging. What you are advocating as the form of financing?

So I guess instead of razzlin and dazzlin us with some of your fancy words of wisdom , you'll just avoid answering this one huh!!
I say lets go to faith healing. Get the guy on TV who is on one of the religious channels every week. He is the one who talks with the lisp who slaps people on the forehead
and they go into convulsions. Then they are able to walk and talk again and are free of disease.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:If it's incorrect , then dont just make broad statements and leave everybody hanging. What you are advocating as the form of financing?

So I guess instead of razzlin and dazzlin us with some of your fancy words of wisdom , you'll just avoid answering this one huh!!

I would suggest a 5% tax, per capita, on the Cadillac plans within the existing insurance structure. However, I think with differntly aligned priorities, putting this reform into practice is not cost prohibitive.
thecavemaster Wrote:I would suggest a 5% tax, per capita, on the Cadillac plans within the existing insurance structure. However, I think with differntly aligned priorities, putting this reform into practice is not cost prohibitive.

Directly and totally contradicting this:
[ame=""]Kentucky Sports Forum - BlueGrassRivals - View Single Post - Healthcare reform principle[/ame]
thecavemaster Wrote:I would suggest a 5% tax, per capita, on the Cadillac plans within the existing insurance structure. However, I think with differntly aligned priorities, putting this reform into practice is not cost prohibitive.
And you think that would generate enough to cover everyone? :eyeroll:

Just how many people in this country do you think have Cadillac plans to begin with? That wouldn't amount to a drop in a bucket.

Align what priorities?

So in essence, all you are advocating is more tax,tax,tax to cover the balance?
I see alot of people without insurance who have cellphones, tattoos, and cable t.v. who tell me they can't afford it. 95% could if they wanted to.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:And you think that would generate enough to cover everyone? :eyeroll:

Just how many people in this country do you think have Cadillac plans to begin with? That wouldn't amount to a drop in a bucket.

Align what priorities?

So in essence, all you are advocating is more tax,tax,tax to cover the balance?

The Congressional Budget Office crunched numbers suggest Medicare grows at a rate of inflation less than private insurance companies (7% to 4%). I would suggest that aligning priorities more in keeping with preventative medicine, over a twenty year yeriod, would accrue big savings. In essence, I am suggesting that meeting the two goals listed is workable if there is a will to do so, without the kinds of dire cost consequences that you seem certain of. I am no expert in the intricacies of healthcare, and I suspect you aren't either.
thecavemaster Wrote:The Congressional Budget Office crunched numbers suggest Medicare grows at a rate of inflation less than private insurance companies (7% to 4%). I would suggest that aligning priorities more in keeping with preventative medicine, over a twenty year yeriod, would accrue big savings. In essence, I am suggesting that meeting the two goals listed is workable if there is a will to do so, without the kinds of dire cost consequences that you seem certain of. I am no expert in the intricacies of healthcare, and I suspect you aren't either.

Since you are a self proclaiming ignorant individual about health care intricities to begin with, how in blue blazes can you get on here and claim anything at all about the subject? I will let you know though that I am an entrepreneur who pays several hundred thousand dollars a year to insure my employees. So I would say that I am light years ahead of you when it comes to even bringing up the subject of health care. I am also willing to wager that you couldn't look at a balance sheet and make heads or tails out of one, or understand one if someone even explained one to you. It's certainly easy to see that you have no background in business whatsoever. I really wonder if you even pay for anything yourself anyways? Does the toughest part of your month entail going out to the mail box to get that assistance check? Your posts on just about every subject give strong indications that you may in fact be a government freeloader to begin with. You know, one of those guys that demand that the world owes them something for nothing.

All you seem to be advocating here is robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Preventive medicine? 20 years?

Just exactly how much is it going to cost to insure everybody anyways? Give me an exact number on how much preventive medicine over 20 years will save in the long run? Give me an exact number on what taxing Cadillac plans would add up to? Give me some hard evidence, batman, that potential dire consequences dont exist here. Splurt them figures out for all to see. If you dont know any of the variables, then why get on here and talk about stuff that is so far over your head that it would break your neck to look up at?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Since you are a self proclaiming ignorant individual about health care intricities to begin with, how in blue blazes can you get on here and claim anything at all about the subject? I will let you know though that I am an entrepreneur who pays several hundred thousand dollars a year to insure my employees. So I would say that I am light years ahead of you when it comes to even bringing up the subject of health care. I am also willing to wager that you couldn't look at a balance sheet and make heads or tails out of one, or understand one if someone even explained one to you. It's certainly easy to see that you have no background in business whatsoever. I really wonder if you even pay for anything yourself anyways? Does the toughest part of your month entail going out to the mail box to get that assistance check? Your posts on just about every subject give strong indications that you may in fact be a government freeloader to begin with. You know, one of those guys that demand that the world owes them something for nothing.

All you seem to be advocating here is robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Preventive medicine? 20 years?

Just exactly how much is it going to cost to insure everybody anyways? Give me an exact number on how much preventive medicine over 20 years will save in the long run? Give me an exact number on what taxing Cadillac plans would add up to? Give me some hard evidence, batman, that potential dire consequences dont exist here. Splurt them figures out for all to see. If you dont know any of the variables, then why get on here and talk about stuff that is so far over your head that it would break your neck to look up at?

How much does a guy walking for a couple of years who doesn't have a heart attack save? Multiply that several million times and see what you come up with, as you wipe the Double Whopper sauce from your eager mouth. I don't know all the intricacies, which is why I posted a couple of general principles that I believe in. If there is a will in this country to acccomplish those two goals, there's enough policy wonk brilliance to find a way. "Government freeloader"? Is that the best you got? You're right because you own a business and have a high opinion of your self?
^Still haven't responded to post #11...You want everyone to have health care but have no idea how to pay for it.
jetpilot Wrote:^Still haven't responded to post #11...You want everyone to have health care but have no idea how to pay for it.

We start by taxing the income you and Mr. Kimball don't report... I offered a couple of suggestions. Are you and Mr. Kimball suggesting that building bigger and bigger weapons systems is always affordable, rational, while, at the same time, arguing that this nation can't find a way to see that healthcare is a right? Send me a copy of the gospel you guys read. It sounds like Darwin wrote it.
thecavemaster Wrote:How much does a guy walking for a couple of years who doesn't have a heart attack save? Multiply that several million times and see what you come up with, as you wipe the Double Whopper sauce from your eager mouth. I don't know all the intricacies, which is why I posted a couple of general principles that I believe in. If there is a will in this country to acccomplish those two goals, there's enough policy wonk brilliance to find a way. "Government freeloader"? Is that the best you got? You're right because you own a business and have a high opinion of your self?

1) I dont know how much you save when you walk, you tell me? Tell us where those figures are readily available. Should that not be something that every one probably needs to be doing regardless of if one's health insurance is government sponsored, or self supporting. For that matter even if one dont have any coverage at all. Isn't that a common sense thing to begin with. Are we supposed to wait on "big brother" to tell us when to breath or go to the bathroom too? Very disapointed in your responce on this one batman. I, at least figured you for one of those patented around and around and around answers that go nowhere. Mutiply what times a million? What is the principal we are using to start our calculations with anyways? Give me a number batman!!

2) Double Whopper sauce? Now that's a creative one there(as well as relative). Have a little trouble when the heat gets applied, I see!!. I think the question is, "Is that all that you have?" Got news for you pal, 51 years old, 6'1" and still @208. Wanna spar a round or two?

3) Again as I have stated, if one does not know the intricacies of something that one is proclaiming to be all knowing about, one is probably well advised to keep one's self quiet on what one doesn't know squat about.

4) "Is that the best I got?" Another indication that I am probably dead on!!! I notice you fail to counter a dispute to my theory. Apparently what I had was securely enough.

5) I have a high opinion of what people like me do for this country. We are what constitutes the backbone of this country's economy. However, for what it's worth, I freely admit I have done nothing on my own. My Lord has lead me in everything I do, and have done in this life. Just using what he gave me, and have worked my tail off while doing it. I figured that's what he wants me to do. Not wait for someone to give me something for nothing. Get the drift of that?
thecavemaster Wrote:We start by taxing the income you and Mr. Kimball don't report... I offered a couple of suggestions. Are you and Mr. Kimball suggesting that building bigger and bigger weapons systems is always affordable, rational, while, at the same time, arguing that this nation can't find a way to see that healthcare is a right? Send me a copy of the gospel you guys read. It sounds like Darwin wrote it.
Man, you really are weak today!!! Major bummer.

How about some substance on something? Can you offer anything at all? Just a tidbit, perhaps?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Man, you really are weak today!!! Major bummer.

How about some substance on something? Can you offer anything at all? Just a tidbit, perhaps?

You believe that the United States of America can't give what every other Western democracy does? Can't afford it? I'm not talking about state run medicine here either? You come across with your smug and smearing smarm fest and think you've said something? Preventative medicine, embraced and practiced, could save billions over the next ten to twenty years. Do I really have to cite book and verse? Anyway, I told your wife over lunch the details.
thecavemaster Wrote:You believe that the United States of America can't give what every other Western democracy does? Can't afford it? I'm not talking about state run medicine here either? You come across with your smug and smearing smarm fest and think you've said something? Preventative medicine, embraced and practiced, could save billions over the next ten to twenty years. Do I really have to cite book and verse? Anyway, I told your wife over lunch the details.
Then counter it big boy, with a little substance on just anything.

Could it save billions? Crunch the numbers there batman, and let us see this big plan of yours. Dont want no theories. Give us all something cold and hard to gander at.

Naw, the wife has taste. haha

A sad sorry site seein you gravel like this batman. What would catwoman think??
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Then counter it big boy, with a little substance on just anything.

Could it save billions? Crunch the numbers there batman, and let us see this big plan of yours. Dont want no theories. Give us all something cold and hard to gander at.

Naw, the wife has taste. haha

A sad sorry site seein you gravel like this. Be a man about it.

Gravel? What? This country can afford to accomplish the two principles that began this thread. You deny that? By the way, I'm apologizing for the wife comment. Uncalled for. I'm done with personal attacks. You do what you got to.
thecavemaster Wrote:Gravel? What? This country can afford to accomplish the two principles that began this thread. You deny that? By the way, I'm apologizing for the wife comment. Uncalled for. I'm done with personal attacks. You do what you got to.
Gravel..., as in resorting to the personal stuff when you had absolutely nothing of substance to come back with. Expected better, expected at least something. Kinda disappointed. But no matter, apology accepted.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Then counter it big boy, with a little substance on just anything.

Could it save billions? Crunch the numbers there batman, and let us see this big plan of yours. Dont want no theories. Give us all something cold and hard to gander at.

Naw, the wife has taste. haha

A sad sorry site seein you gravel like this batman. What would catwoman think??

Mr.Kimball Wrote:Gravel..., as in resorting to the personal stuff when you had absolutely nothing of substance to come back with. Expected better, expected at least something. Kinda disappointed. But no matter, apology accepted.

You are saying that we can't afford the outworking of the two principles that began this thread? Is that correct?
thecavemaster Wrote:You are saying that we can't afford the outworking of the two principles that began this thread? Is that correct?

I am (again). Like your President, you have yet to give anything resembling an intelligent answer on how it will be paid for.
jetpilot Wrote:I am (again). Like your President, you have yet to give anything resembling an intelligent answer on how it will be paid for.

What is your intelligent assertion? That we can't afford those two principles? No matter what we do? Even though other Western democracies can? Is it that we can't, or that you don't think it's a worthwhile goal? My Boss won't touch me... he's the one peed in your large sweetened tea... sorry about that acidic taste.
I think it boils down to this.

Which do you care more about. Your wallet or your neighbor.

If the answer is the former rather than the later, good luck passing through the eye of the needle.

Blessed are the meek. Blessed are the peace makers.

What would Jesus do?
DevilsWin Wrote:I think it boils down to this.

Which do you care more about. Your wallet or your neighbor.

If the answer is the former rather than the later, good luck passing through the eye of the needle.

Blessed are the meek. Blessed are the peace makers.

What would Jesus do?
I am assuming your shooting this out to me. If you go to the #2 post in this thread, I said I am all for everybody having health care. I simply asked how it will be paid for, and nobody seems to be able to come up with any concrete solutions on how to do so.

Jesus would pay for his employee's health care I believe, if he owned a business. I also believe he would invite any needful person into his own home. I do both. How about you?

Since you are just as much the expert on this as Caveman, how about you cruching a few numbers and you giving the solution. So far, all you have done is mimic the other tell nothing posts. Tell us all how we are gonna do it when the country's broke?
Quote:Even though other Western democracies can?

Perhaps other western democracies aren't broke. You ever think about that?

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