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A little help? Please vote for me...
If you've been to recently, you might have seen the image contest for the Big Blue Madness tickets. Well, Blue and I are in the final 7. So if you haven't already voted for the girls in picture 2, please take about 30 seconds and give us a vote on the right.

I don't know if it needs to be said, but we are "My Boy Blue and His Owner." Thanks! Smile
I voted for you, but I'm not really sure what I voted on. Hope you win!
Thanks. Smile

It's for tickets to UK's first basketball practice of the year. Tickets are actually free but they will be harder to come by this year.
You got my vote ZMG good luck
I voted, but I better get one of the tickets if you win
Voted. Good Luck!
Stardust Wrote:I voted, but I better get one of the tickets if you win

Sorry, SD it's already been promised to me. :1:
Looks like you are in the lead!

Can you attach the image? I was not able to view any of the images.
I voted for you...
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

lwc Wrote:Looks like you are in the lead!

Can you attach the image? I was not able to view any of the images.

It looks like I'm 100 or so votes out of 3rd place. Oh well. The post with the pictures moved to the 2nd page, but I'll attach mine... And thanks for the votes. Smile

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