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U.S. starts to reap profits on bailout funds
Quote:Nearly a year after the federal rescue of the nation's biggest banks, taxpayers have begun seeing profits from the hundreds of billions of dollars in aid that many critics thought might never be seen again.

The profits, collected from eight of the biggest banks that have fully repaid their obligations to the government, come to about $4 billion, or the equivalent of about 15 percent annually, according to calculations compiled for The New York Times.

That does not include the roughly $35 million the government has earned from 14 smaller banks that have paid back their loans.
lol @ 4 billion. And when these banks fail again what happens? They are only afloat due to HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars and the fact they have liquidated almost all of their assets.

Ill tell you what happens, we go through a much worse recession and we have a debt of 1.7 trillion dollars that we can't afford and our economy completely folds.

Thank you Obama.
Beetle01 Wrote:lol @ 4 billion. And when these banks fail again what happens? They are only afloat due to HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars and the fact they have liquidated almost all of their assets.

Ill tell you what happens, we go through a much worse recession and we have a debt of 1.7 trillion dollars that we can't afford and our economy completely folds.

Thank you Obama.
Those 8 paid back their full amount borrowed plus 4 billion interest. It's a start. Better than not getting it back at all. The first 750 billion didn't come from Obama.
TheRealVille Wrote:Those 8 paid back their full amount borrowed plus 4 billion interest. It's a start. Better than not getting it back at all. The first 750 billion didn't come from Obama.

He did vote in favor of it.
Beetle01 Wrote:He did vote in favor of it.
Yes, but it came from Bush. As you all say, "Bush was President, he signed it".

Would you all rather it not be paid back?
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes, but it came from Bush. As you all say, "Bush was President, he signed it".

Would you all rather it not be paid back?

Just because Bush did doesn't mean I agree with it. I'm a conservative. Bush flipped the table with alot of things while president. He was somewhat of a liberal on economic issues. He also wanted a larger central government and took powers from the states. This as we all know are the key features that make a democrat. However on moral issues he was as conservative as you can be. On the flip side Bill gave powers to the state and had conservative economic values. But very liberal on moral issues. I always liked that guy Just shows that people are usually mixed on political parties and do not always agree with something just because their party leaders do. That makes your attempt at splitting people into pro Bush and anti Bush parties void.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes, but it came from Bush. As you all say, "Bush was President, he signed it".

Would you all rather it not be paid back?

I would rather it be paid back, but its never going to. The banking industry is on the verge of total collapse again. I blame Bush as much as the rest of Washington. But Im tired of the Obama Admin blaming the Bush admin. Apparently the only President not to blame the previous administration is George Washington. Im sick of excuses and the blame game. Do something or get out the way. Like the old saying goes SH!t or get off the pot!.

The Clearing House Association, another name for all the banks that were bailed out over the past year with the generous contributions from all of you, dear taxpayers, are now threatening with another instance of complete systemic collapse if Bloomberg's lawsuit is allowed to proceed unchallenged, let alone if any of the "Audit The Fed" measures are actually implemented. As a reminder, The Clearing House Association consists of ABN Amro, Bank Of America, The Bank Of New York, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, JP Morgan Chase, US Bank and Wells Fargo.

So in other words if we take a look at what they did with all our money, that all the banks will fail.
Profit? The money was borrowed... any 'profit' made is only paying interest on the trillions in debt we owe. I even heard treasury secretary geithner try to say that the "money was being returned with profit to the american taxpayers"... I guess the check is in the mail. haha

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