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East Ridge 32 - Phelps 14
Twitter: @tc_analytics

East Ridge had over 400 yards rushing.
Can someone give me a break down of the game? I was unable to attend.
Phelps did ok playing a 3a school..
phelpsboy81 Wrote:Phelps did ok playing a 3a school..
now now, don't use that excuse. Just yesterday all phelps fans on here picked phelps by at least two touchdowns.
Jimmy Dugan Wrote:now now, don't use that excuse. Just yesterday all phelps fans on here picked phelps by at least two touchdowns.

Well there is a big difference in 1A football to 3A. Congrats Warriors!
phelpsboy81 Wrote:Phelps did ok playing a 3a school..

JackFrost Wrote:Well there is a big difference in 1A football to 3A. Congrats Warriors!
not saying there isn't, but all the phelps folks thought they had this one in the bag.
thetribe Wrote:Can someone give me a break down of the game? I was unable to attend.

Not sure on the exact stats but I know Patrick Casey and Dalton Lewis both had close to 200 yards rushing for ER. They had too much speed for Phelps.
no Phelps fans talk about the warriors now
phelps should have won this one. first thing more than half the starters were either sick or hurt this whole week. the mvp for phelps, greg blankenship, didnt even practice yesterday. on top of that they didnt play very good. but what happened happened and phelps has to move past it and get better.
Congrats Warriors
East Ridge dominated this game. The Warrior line over powered the Hornet defense. I must say neither Phelps or East Ridge played too their full potential. Im very proud of both the Warriors and Hornets! best of luck too both during the season!
GO WARRIORS! Dalton Lewis, Patrick Casy, watch out for those two boys. They're coming!
Great job E.R.
Congrats to my bud B Radical and his East Ridge Warriors. I predicted this game to end in a tie even though I knew it wouldn't happen, just couldn't pick against either one of my buddies. I look for Jesse Ray and his Hornets to regroup and bounce back.
Notre Dame Football…GO IRISH
Congrats ER
First off I'd like to congratulate BOTH teams. ER on their win and Phelps for not giving up.

I know that I will probably get slammed for this one but I got to say it.... Phelps a 1A school played a 3A school that is in Belfry's district.... The game WAS NOT a blow out as some predicted and Phelps actually got on the board first. I'm very proud of Coach Peck, his staff and mostly those boys. They are working very hard and they are heading in the right direction!! Excellent showing boys...... You know your weaknesses and you know what you have to work on... Go back on the field next week, practice and fix it! Smile

Also, I am utterly amazed at the numbers Phelps had out on the field tonight. For the last few years the numbers have been down but to see that many kids out on the field tonight, spoke volumes to me that Coach Peck is doing what needs to be done!

Again, congrats to both teams!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Hmmm, a little closer than I thought it would be...

Congrats to ER on the win, and to Phelps for staying competitive with a much larger school.

Congrats ER
Yes ER is a much larger school but ER had 35 players and phelps had 31 players.Thats what it had in the PCB book. As far as the other messages i read on the sickness part.Er had sickness up there too but they fought through it.As far as the talk i think you all should be quiet about it cause now you all know whos better.But anyway good luck on you season hornets.
dallasfan Wrote:Yes ER is a much larger school but ER had 35 players and phelps had 31 players.Thats what it had in the PCB book. As far as the other messages i read on the sickness part.Er had sickness up there too but they fought through it.As far as the talk i think you all should be quiet about it cause now you all know whos better.But anyway good luck on you season hornets.

From what I saw Phelps had 38 players..... Did I miss count???

Anyway, congrats to both teams on a well played game!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Coaches send there rosters and team pics in before the PCB os its possible Phelps picked up new players
it was a hard fought game by both the warriors and the hornests, and i beleive the warriors shocked a lot of people after the game. CONGRATS WARRIORS!!!!
This is not your typical ER team. I think some people are gonna get fooled this season. The Warriors are not gonna be the easy win that they have been for other teams in the past. They have a good thing going with the double wing and the are elusive as all get out. I would be shocked if they don't win at least 5 games this season, possibly 6 or 7. Keep this in mind, if you keep the ball the other team can't score. Long drives are the key to ER's success this season and Coach Allen's system will do just that.

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