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I have not been on here for a coupe of years. Im not a woman. I just want to take my hat off to You, Batbuff for your role with our team. Glad to see your still helping out with the team,,,and man we have a team. A team that could be very very dangerous. Batbuff is easily the best fan lawrence County has. he always see's the good in the boys. Something i used to not do. Instead of negative posts i just didnt post at all but am energised and ready to start posting good positive posts. My nephew decided to not play this year and I hope Batbuff might talk to him about next year. He could start lifting weights right now and really be ready for his last year. He is brody and sherry is my sister batbuff just so you know who i am. Hats off to you and hope everything is fine between us. Thanks for being super fan of the county.:rockon:
It's Batpuff. Not Batbuff. Big Grin
^ lol, oops, maybe Batpuff is not all that!!!
I know its batpuff but I am just so excited over the enormous potential the LC yeam has and Batpuff never doubted them a second,, and for that he should be complimented.
catwoman Wrote:I know its batpuff but I am just so excited over the enormous potential the LC yeam has and Batpuff never doubted them a second,, and for that he should be complimented.

If you knew it was Batpuff, why did you spell it Batbuff???:redboxer:
Jshort5 Wrote:If you knew it was Batpuff, why did you spell it Batbuff???:redboxer:

LOL I have been called worse. LMAO. Any how thanks CW for the compliment I Love every part of what I do to help those kids.... If I didnt I wouldnt be there.
Batpuff I know its early but how many games do you think we can win? I know this might sound crazy but looking at who we play I think we can go undefeated.
catwoman Wrote:Batpuff I know its early but how many games do you think we can win? I know this might sound crazy but looking at who we play I think we can go undefeated.

I am not going to say that but we will win our share... Take it one game at a time... we have two weeks to get ready for our next game in SC...
catwoman Wrote:I have not been on here for a coupe of years. Im not a woman. I just want to take my hat off to You, Batbuff for your role with our team. Glad to see your still helping out with the team,,,and man we have a team. A team that could be very very dangerous. Batbuff is easily the best fan lawrence County has. he always see's the good in the boys. Something i used to not do. Instead of negative posts i just didnt post at all but am energised and ready to start posting good positive posts. My nephew decided to not play this year and I hope Batbuff might talk to him about next year. He could start lifting weights right now and really be ready for his last year. He is brody and sherry is my sister batbuff just so you know who i am. Hats off to you and hope everything is fine between us. Thanks for being super fan of the county.:rockon:
Well said. Glad to see that I am not the only one who feels this way. :Thumbs:
I like you too Puff.
If you are not a woman, why would you name yourself catwoman?
TheRealVille Wrote:If you are not a woman, why would you name yourself catwoman?
Maybe he likes the movie Batman..... Maybe he is posting under his wife's name.... No need to question....

BTW, good to hear your workin hard Batpuff!! Kudos!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
TheRealVille Wrote:If you are not a woman, why would you name yourself catwoman?
First, the whole gender test on the South African runner, now this??? :yikes:

I concur with Kimball. Puffmeister is my homey.
And Dougie.
Ring'Em Up Wrote:First, the whole gender test on the South African runner, now this??? :yikes:

I concur with Kimball. Puffmeister is my homey.
And Dougie.

You and Dougie could pass as twins.

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