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Phelps/Matewan, WV Scrimmage
Tonight who wins.
Gettin ready too head down that way myself. I though Big Creek WVa was going too attend this too?
phelps gets killed
14-0 Matewan..Phelps did ok tho
Phelps held their ground tonight. A few turnovers. Phelps did better then even I thought. But they didnt really play a nobody. Jenkins is prob much better then this Matewan team. Good luck Hornets
Phelps will do ok this season,we did ok..Im ready for th pcb...
man this looks good for phelps and not good for matewan, who is supposed to be better than last year, way to go phelps..
Phelps is alot better than last year..go hornets.
I'm assuming that Matewan is down from last season, correct?
phelpsboy81 Wrote:Phelps will do ok this season,we did ok..Im ready for th pcb...
Better get ready for Jenkins first :eyeroll:
I sorry to tell you this, but you are wrong. Matewan scored at least 6 touchdown without our 1st team all-stater, Cody Gooslin. After this being said, Phelps did fine, and should be proud of the growth of their football progam!
BlackcatAlum Wrote:I'm assuming that Matewan is down from last season, correct?

i saw Matewan against KCC and they didnt look that great.

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