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Eastern Kentucky ACT Test Scores
Quote:Some Eastern Kentucky schools scored above the state average on the ACT test.
"We just feel like it's really important to get our students ready for college. So we do a lot of ACT student prep with them, so I have to give all the credit to them," Paintsville High School principal Chuck McClure said.
All that credit results in what educators say are impressive test scores.
The average Paintsville student scored 21.3 on the ACT.
This ranks the district in third place, statewide.
"We just work extremely hard. One of our main goals is to make sure our kids go on from here and they are as prepared as they can be for college. We have a 95% rate of our kids going on to college after high school," McClure said.
Pikeville High School also scored above the state average with an average score of 20.1.
"It's something our kids take a lot of pride in. They know it means money for college and those kinds of things. We are pleased, we would like to do better, and we are always looking to improve. But compared to the state average, we are pretty pleased," Pikesville High School principal Royce Mayo said.
Mayo says testing students early is key.
"Our district provides opportunities for seventh graders and ninth graders to take those tests so our students have been exposed to ACT-type materials since the seventh grade. We feel like that has prepared this very well, and gets them very familiar with ACT-type questions," Mayo said.
Some other Eastern Kentucky high schools scored high as well.
Somerset High School's score average was 20.
Harlan High School scored closed to 20, along with Jackson City High School.
Hazard High School scored an average of 19.2.
ACT prep in HS? The only prep I got in HS was for the CATS test.
PC_You_Know Wrote:ACT prep in HS? The only prep I got in HS was for the CATS test.
Some schools think it is more important for kids to do well on cats testing as the school gets the cash for that. The don't get anything from the act scores so some schools are not as concerned with it.
PC_You_Know Wrote:ACT prep in HS? The only prep I got in HS was for the CATS test.

So you failed that and had to settle for dUKe????:biggrin:
The Guru Wrote:Some schools think it is more important for kids to do well on cats testing as the school gets the cash for that. The don't get anything from the act scores so some schools are not as concerned with it.

You are 100% correct!
Well I just graduate in 2009 and We did a lot of ACT prep when i was in school.
Stardust Wrote:So you failed that and had to settle for dUKe????:biggrin:

I hate you. lol.:redboxer:
sheldon clark mostly worried about cats testing imo
PC_You_Know Wrote:I hate you. lol.:redboxer:

LOL :rockon:
My experience with some of the teachers at PHS was they were never there.
Congrats to Pikeville and Paintsville for doing so well. To me this is something that both should be very proud of.

Unlike another school we all know that tries and pass itself off as one of the best Educational Schools in EKY, by bragging about c.a.t.s. score and pimping thier Academic Team out about how many Gov. Cups they have one. That is a GREAT accomplishment by a select group of kids, don't get me wrong. But they has nothing to do with the system as a whole.

Unlike these test scores show.

Good job people.
Magnum PI Wrote:Congrats to Pikeville and Paintsville for doing so well. To me this is something that both should be very proud of.

Unlike another school we all know that tries and pass itself off as one of the best Educational Schools in EKY, by bragging about c.a.t.s. score and pimping thier Academic Team out about how many Gov. Cups they have one. That is a GREAT accomplishment by a select group of kids, don't get me wrong. But they has nothing to do with the system as a whole.

Unlike these test scores show.

Good job people.

Spelled THEIR, WON, THAT. We're proud of our kids. Don't knock them and then say words like "great accomplishments". If it didn't matter, all the schools would not bother with it. Words like "pimping"( when talking about childern) is a poor choice of words pal. I know as long as they keep winning the Cups, there will be people like you who will say it dosen't matter. Good luck to all the children in Johnson County ( Paintsville is in Johnson County, remember??) and surrounding counties on their academic goals. Everytime one of the schools accomplishes something in academics, it only helps erase the way KY shools are viewed. Good luck KY. kids we're proud of you.
bigjim4packers Wrote:Spelled THEIR, WON, THAT. We're proud of our kids. Don't knock them and then say words like "great accomplishments". If it didn't matter, all the schools would not bother with it. Words like "pimping"( when talking about childern) is a poor choice of words pal. I know as long as they keep winning the Cups, there will be people like you who will say it dosen't matter. Good luck to all the children in Johnson County ( Paintsville is in Johnson County, remember??) and surrounding counties on their academic goals. Everytime one of the schools accomplishes something in academics, it only helps erase the way KY shools are viewed. Good luck KY. kids we're proud of you.

You know, before you go and try and correct someone on their spelling. At least make sure you can freakin spell yourself. :lmao:

Children, doesn't, every time, schools.....I mean jeez man come on.

Oh and thanks for the geography lesson. Paintsville is in Johnson Co? Next time I'm up there, I will check it And by the way Pikeville is in Pike Co. Just in case you didn't know.

And I didn't put those kids down. Only the way that school system tries to use them to prove what kind of academic system they are. But, all one has to do is look at all of the different state testing scores and one will see.

But, I didn't say any school's name. So, I guess if the shoe fits.
how do you spell ACT? really I think the ACT is a joke...All it proves is how good you can take a test..I took it once and got an 18 and was happy with that going to prestonsburg. I go to college and you have to have a 21 to take college classes like college algebra and college with my 18 I could only qualify for lower classes so I took the placement test and tested into college algebra and English 101 and 102 and I took english as a Bi-Term thats why I think the ACT is a joke...
Not only is the ACT a joke, but some of the high school classes in EKY are a joke. I had friends in high school who took pre-cal as a senior class, well I didn't, my first semester at PC, they failed MTH 111 and I passed pre-cal.
Yel the ACT is a joke, because some kids dont test well but do good on writing and other types of work in school. Then you have kids that take easy classes and dont try much in school but are good test takers and do good on the ACT. IMO I dont any school should just teach kids about whats on the ACT, but they should teach them about life and get the prepared, also teach your basic classes and get the college bound kids ready for college, and teach them what they will see and be doing in college...
im glad you two see it the way I see it...and I agree about teachers teaching kids about "life" in general and kids would be better off in the long run...
baseballfan Wrote:Yel the ACT is a joke, because some kids dont test well but do good on writing and other types of work in school. Then you have kids that take easy classes and dont try much in school but are good test takers and do good on the ACT. IMO I dont any school should just teach kids about whats on the ACT, but they should teach them about life and get the prepared, also teach your basic classes and get the college bound kids ready for college, and teach them what they will see and be doing in college...
It looks like they are getting them ready for college. PV also has a 95% rate of going on to college. You do know that higher ACT'S gets college paid for too, right?

Quote:"We just work extremely hard. One of our main goals is to make sure our kids go on from here and they are as prepared as they can be for college. We have a 95% rate of our kids going on to college after high school," McClure said.
^ I know that higher ACT gets more money and help for college....But does teach ACT to the kids get you prepared when your in college....Do you ever right any research papers for ACT....No you dont....And im not ditiching any schools im just sayin I hate that Colleges look at what your ACT says alot more then they look at what you have done in school.....

And congrats Paintsville and pikeville for their overall high scoring...
baseballfan Wrote:^ I know that higher ACT gets more money and help for college....But does teach ACT to the kids get you prepared when your in college....Do you ever right any research papers for ACT....No you dont....And im not ditiching any schools im just sayin I hate that Colleges look at what your ACT says alot more then they look at what you have done in school.....

And congrats Paintsville and pikeville for their overall high scoring...

I write mine.
Jackson #1 in 14th on ACT
bigben Wrote:Jackson #1 in 14th on ACT

14th Region I'm assuming
Nefarious83 Wrote:14th Region I'm assuming

yes, my bad
I felt that my high school was gearing towards preparation for the CATS test by far and you can see it in how that school ranked with this new release about ACT scores. Thankfully I scored higher than the school's average, haha.

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