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Wolfe County makes Jim Crech the new baseball coach
how do u think the wolves r gonna do now that they got a good coach?
my bad his name is jim creech i splled it wrong
Good luck to the coach. Will he have to replace his coaching staff?
Great hire. I honestly didn't think they would hire him because I never thought wolfe county would ever take baseball serious enough to get a coach of his caliber.
WOW! Looks like we will have a real good program in the next few years. I know it will take a while to get to where we want to go, but now we have the right man to get us there. Sorry PCBaseball, I guess your dream of getting Dylan just went down the tubes.
Congrats Jim! This has been your dream. Now it is reality.
Is this the Jim Creech that played ball at Alice Lloyd in the early 80's?
LionEagle Wrote:Is this the Jim Creech that played ball at Alice Lloyd in the early 80's?
Yes it is. I played against him in high school. He was a lefty throwing in the low 90's with a lot of movement. According to his college coach, he was on his way to the pro's until an arm injury ended his career.
the same jim creech the had the whole breathitt program tore up as an assistant coach?
PCBaseball Wrote:Yes it is. I played against him in high school. He was a lefty throwing in the low 90's with a lot of movement. According to his college coach, he was on his way to the pro's until an arm injury ended his career.

Not much pro talent on that team (Alice Lloyd) 2 players had a tryout down at Eastern I remember Dave Vicini from Lynch & Jeff Humphrey from Fairview.
LionEagle Wrote:Not much pro talent on that team (Alice Lloyd) 2 players had a tryout down at Eastern I remember Dave Vicini from Lynch & Jeff Humphrey from Fairview.
I believe Creech was a little younger than those two guys and according to Coach Melton at Alice Lloyd and Hamilton at morehead, he was definitely on his way to the pros.
PCBaseball Wrote:I believe Creech was a little younger than those two guys and according to Coach Melton at Alice Lloyd and Hamilton at morehead, he was definitely on his way to the pros.
You are correct PCBaseball. He was definitely on his way to playing pro ball. I have heard alot of guys that played against him talk about how good a pitcher he was.He will definitely build us a good baseball program here.
I played at ALC with Jim. Vicini and Humphrey were in the classes before us. Jim could have played pro ball. jmo
UKisN1 Wrote:I played at ALC with Jim. Vicini and Humphrey were in the classes before us. Jim could have played pro ball. jmo
You played with and I played against him and we as well as both of his college coaches have the same opinion. He didn't get alot of credit or publicity because he played at Wolfe Co. but he was as good as any to ever pitch in the 14th.
The guy will run the program into the ground, it will be in worse shape when they choose to remove, he doesn't have a clue. his kid will bat .800 this year if he keeps the book.
perryfan Wrote:The guy will run the program into the ground, it will be in worse shape when they choose to remove, he doesn't have a clue. his kid will bat .800 this year if he keeps the book.
His son may hit .800, but it won't be because Creech will keep the book. He had nothing to do with Wolfe's program last season and his son hit .607 for the year. That is an amazing season for anyone, let alone an 8th grader. Wolfe's program will get much better in the next few years with Creech as their head coach. When he was the lead assistant there in the late 90's, and from everyone I have talked to, he took care of the baseball and the head coach took care of all the paperwork, they came down here and beat us in the first round of the District and turned around and beat Lee Co.for the championship. The guy can flat out coach. Like I said before, I wish we had gotten him here.
That program is heading in the wrong direction, the man has no class , he was just an average player in high school.He played one semester at Alice Loyd College, does that sound like pro material to anybody? His kid will develope in to a nice player ,if he lets him. There are at least 10 other freshmen in the 14 region that are equal to him.
perryfan Wrote:That program is heading in the wrong direction, the man has no class , he was just an average player in high school.He played one semester at Alice Loyd College, does that sound like pro material to anybody? His kid will develope in to a nice player ,if he lets him. There are at least 10 other freshmen in the 14 region that are equal to him.
You continually show how little you know because he played there for at least 5 or 6 semesters and according to his college coach and those who played with him there, he was on his way to the pro's when he hurt his arm his junior year. Talk to those of us who played against him in high school and they will tell you the same thing. It is clear that you don't like him and that is your right, but you can't take away the talent he had or his ability to teach the game and as for his son, don't try to diminish his talent because you don't like his father. If you don't believe Creech was that talented, talk to UKisN1, or read his post in this thread. He played with him at Alice Lloyd and he said the same thing, which is that he was good enough to play in the pros. About the program at Wolfe being headed in the wrong direction, talk to me after this season is over and after next season and we will see if you still have the same opinion. I seriously doubt it.
perryfan Wrote:The guy will run the program into the ground, it will be in worse shape when they choose to remove, he doesn't have a clue. his kid will bat .800 this year if he keeps the book.
You have got to be joking. There is all kinds of excitement here now that he is our coach. He is up at the field all the time working on the field all the players I have spoken to are very excited and are looking forward to playing for him. If they work as hard as he does, we will improve our program very fast. As for his son, you sound like one of those haters on here that downs every highly talented player we have in the 14th region if they don't play for your school. Channing Fugate has gone through the same thing from people on here trying to tear him down. We should be cheering our talented kids on instead of putting them down. We are from Eastern Kentucky and I don't care where in the 14th that a specially talented kid plays, I will cheer them on and not put down their accomplishments. Make no mistake, Creech is a very special baseball talent and if that bothers you, then there is something wrong with you not him or his father.
perryfan Wrote:That program is heading in the wrong direction, the man has no class , he was just an average player in high school.He played one semester at Alice Loyd College, does that sound like pro material to anybody? His kid will develope in to a nice player ,if he lets him. There are at least 10 other freshmen in the 14 region that are equal to him.
If going up is the wrong direction, then you ar right and if there are at least 10 other freshman that are equal to his son as you say, then I am very excited because we are in for alot of good baseball here in the 14th for the next four years. It should be great. Oh, by the way, did you ever see Coach Creech play? I doubt it. I will take the word of all of those that did see him play and they have a much different opinion than the one you have expressed here. Unfortunately, I am too young and did not see him play either, but have talked to many that have and they all said the same thing, ''great pitcher, if not for an arm injury, would have definitely been in the pros.'' I just wish he had gotten this job a few years ago so that I could have played for him.
The man lives and breathes baseball. In our region very few do, I wish the best for Jim and Wolfe Co's program. Either get on the bandwagon or get off him and his kids case.
You dont have a clue. This guy is a legend in his own mind, his kid is a good kid, and a good player. Coach creech was never a pro talent, i played in the late 70s and early 80s, the guy was never on any 14 region allstar teams that i was on, oh.... he must have been hurt then also. You might wake up someday pc baseball ,the man has been run from several programs, breathitt being the last.He had the whole program in a frenzy, and the players didn't like him. Who knows if his so called pro arm hadn't became injured, he might have been a first rate softball player with a big mouth.
I'm pretty sure that ridgerunner is creech himself....He seems to know way too much.... Dylan is very good but I do question the dad's approach a little bit....We'll see what happens in the next few years...Good luck to both the coach and player.
John_Rocker Wrote:I'm pretty sure that ridgerunner is creech himself....He seems to know way too much.... Dylan is very good but I do question the dad's approach a little bit....We'll see what happens in the next few years...Good luck to both the coach and player.
If you had bothered to read my post, you would know that I played for Coach Potter and graduated just a few years ago. As for questioning his approach, the kids are excited to have him here and they are the one's that matter. I believe the program will be much better off and if you had played for Coach Potter as I did, you would say the same thing.
perryfan Wrote:You dont have a clue. This guy is a legend in his own mind, his kid is a good kid, and a good player. Coach creech was never a pro talent, i played in the late 70s and early 80s, the guy was never on any 14 region allstar teams that i was on, oh.... he must have been hurt then also. You might wake up someday pc baseball ,the man has been run from several programs, breathitt being the last.He had the whole program in a frenzy, and the players didn't like him. Who knows if his so called pro arm hadn't became injured, he might have been a first rate softball player with a big mouth.
Truth be told, you probably didn't even play any baseball. I know how the man coaches because my son played for him for two summers and he loves him. I know what kind of talent he was because I played against him for four years. You are the one that needs to wake up as you put it. I saw the man play and I have watched him coach both in practice and in games and he knows what he is doing, like it or not.
33sharpshooter33 Wrote:how do u think the wolves r gonna do now that they got a good coach?

This was just to keep his son there.Nothing more.:please::lmao:
perryfan Wrote:You dont have a clue. This guy is a legend in his own mind, his kid is a good kid, and a good player. Coach creech was never a pro talent, i played in the late 70s and early 80s, the guy was never on any 14 region allstar teams that i was on, oh.... he must have been hurt then also. You might wake up someday pc baseball ,the man has been run from several programs, breathitt being the last.He had the whole program in a frenzy, and the players didn't like him. Who knows if his so called pro arm hadn't became injured, he might have been a first rate softball player with a big mouth.

I applaud Wolfe County for finally of making a decision in the best interest these boys who play baseball. I know Jim and Dylan Creech both very well. Jim Creech lives and breathes baseball. He knows the game inside and out. The baseball team is full of talent and deserves a coach that will lead them in the right direction. For those of you who think that he is going to drive the team into the ground, let's have this conversation when the baseball season is over.
Now I would like to move along and discuss Dylan Creech, his son.
For Perryfan who suggests that Dylan will hit .800 next year because his dad will be keeping the books... That is a low blow. I know for a fact his dad did not keep the books in last year's season and yet he is listed in the state records for his career batting average. Dylan earns his achievements. This kid works hard. He practices constantly and when he is not playing with the high school team, he is playing with the traveling team in Lexington. He strives to be the best player he can be. It is Jim Creech who helped mentor his son into the player he is. I am not on here saying that Dylan is the best there ever will be, but he does have potential to be killer and part of it is thanks to his dad's guidance. So, when he is successful, it will not because his dad keeps the books, it is because he is TALENTED!
In closing, I look forward to watching all of these young men under the direction of their new coach. There is plenty of talent to show through on this team!
Good Luck To The Wolves On The Upcoming Season! Dylan Will Be A Heck Of A Player Before He Graduates High School

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