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UK Basketball releases three Walk-ons
Sources have told 27 Sportsfirst that 3 Kentucky Basketball Walk-ons will not be back next season. Matt Scherbenski, Dwight Perry, and Adam Delph have been dismissed. Coach Calipari told the media in one of his earlier press conferences that he would only keep a few walk-ons. With these players leaving it ups the total to 12 players that have left the program. Mark Krebs is the only walk-on left on the team.
Sorry to hear them go but they would have never seen playing time
I agree
Ah, still hate to hear this. But, its for the better.
With Scherbenske and Perry being seniors to be, I don't see the harm in letting them stay on and finish their playing career at UK. It's not using up scholarships nor would it hurt if they wanted to be there. Just bodies for practice. I was hoping Perry would get to stick around and use up that final scholarship, since he has had one start in his UK career due to a book keeping error that confused he and his cousin, Bobby forcing Dwight into the starting lineup. Scherbenske is originally a KY boy that attended Lexington Christian prior to heading to Oak Hill. I was hoping he would get to stay, and be the hometown boy on the roster bringing in followers close to him. Delph, I can definitely understand him wanting released as he still has time to salvage his college career. With Krebs being the last walk-on on the roster, I hope Coach Cal lends him the final scholarship for this season. Krebs is a KY boy as well, and he's a senior so the scholarship would be back for next year's recruiting class. What could it hurt? None the less I hate that two more seniors were let go.
Sad to hear about Perry. I wanted him to finish his senior year out on the team.
Walkons getting pushed out - Why? Walkons take up no space at all. They do not interefere with practice time for the Scholorship athletes. In most cases, these kids are nothing more than Managers anyhow. This honestly makes no sense to me.
There could be reasons beyond are knowledge who knows, but after reading a few post i understand where you guys are coming from,
Man I read about this yesterday, and hate it for those guys, Especially Dwight. He was always the first one off the bench to greet the players, he just seemed like a good motivater. But it is what it is.
15th region slamdunk Wrote:Man I read about this yesterday, and hate it for those guys, Especially Dwight. He was always the first one off the bench to greet the players, he just seemed like a good motivater. But it is what it is.

I agree. Perry was someone who didn't complain about playing time and would always be the first to congratulate someone if they did something good.
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i mean we can be sorry for them and hope them the best but this kind of stuff happens if you expect nothing but the best . i understand it doesn't hurt us but im sure cal has his own reasons.
beasy_bo Wrote:i mean we can be sorry for them and hope them the best but this kind of stuff happens if you expect nothing but the best . i understand it doesn't hurt us but im sure cal has his own reasons.

They cost you nothing. These kids get no time with the team anyhow. I think this was a pretty cheesy move, but I'll give Cal his reasons, I just don't like it.
I agree, I don't see the point in this either. Having walk-ons doesn't hurt anything, but sometimes it might help to have a couple extra practice bodies. I just don't see the reasoning behind it.

Especially hate to see Dwight Perry go, always seemed like he was UK family.

Coach Cal on the Walk-on situation per

Before the weekend gets underway, I wanted to talk to everyone about our decision not to have the large number of walk-on players some of you may have become accustomed to in recent years.

In my 17 years of college coaching, I have very rarely had walk-ons and when I have it’s usually been another student-athlete, who could help us in practice or game situations because of his size, speed or skill level. I find my practices run at optimum performance when there are 12-13 players. Any more than that and we’re not able to accomplish what I want in each practice.

Believe me, I appreciate the work and effort that goes into being a walk-on.

In meeting with the most recent group of walk-ons, we let all of them know how much the UK family appreciated their hard work and dedication to Wildcat basketball. Any of the former walk-ons who want to transfer and try and play elsewhere will have my staff’s full cooperation in helping them.

I can tell you that we are considering a scholarship position on the team for walk-on Mark Krebs, but we still have some things to decide on that front. I will keep you posted. If we do, at any time, decide to have walk-on tryouts, I will be sure to let everyone know.

I wish we would could make every young boy’s dream come true to suit up in the blue and white, but that’s just not possible. We want to be as fair and as forthright with everyone as we can be.

Thanks for listening to my explanation and have a great weekend.

Go Big Blue!

-Coach Cal

Nice to see a answer to why they was let go,
At least Coach Cal has addressed the decision. So in saying that, considering I've never seen Krebs play beyond high school, I'm wondering what he brings that the others did not?
Fair enough - still don't like it, but fair enough
Stardust Wrote:Fair enough - still don't like it, but fair enough

Me neither, feel like it's a cop out but at least he has some kind of reasoning for it.
Who cares? When UK wins a national title in a year or two people will be saying, "When did UK have walk-ons?"
PC_You_Know Wrote:Who cares? When UK wins a national title in a year or two people will be saying, "When did UK have walk-ons?"

I would like to think that every year UK has walk-ons. Every team in the Nation gives that complimentary exemption to their teams. Why should we be different? It is a sign of dedication and work ethic, something that they students rally around. So, I've got to say that when we win those National Titles, we were rationale enough to have those players that displayed that work ethic that the rest of the players who have been catered to can look up to!
Stardust Wrote:I would like to think that every year UK has walk-ons. Every team in the Nation gives that complimentary exemption to their teams. Why should we be different? It is a sign of dedication and work ethic, something that they students rally around. So, I've got to say that when we win those National Titles, we were rationale enough to have those players that displayed that work ethic that the rest of the players who have been catered to can look up to!
we wont be different we'll just hav other athletes to help work on certain areas that he feels the need to. i do completely agree with the work ethic cause they will always have to prove themselves and if UK does do well then thats guy feels as if he had been a vital part of the team and can tell stories to his family!!! on both sides though. i'm just glad he was man enough to nip it in the bud!!! already more than the forgotten B.C.G.
Stardust Wrote:I would like to think that every year UK has walk-ons. Every team in the Nation gives that complimentary exemption to their teams. Why should we be different? It is a sign of dedication and work ethic, something that they students rally around. So, I've got to say that when we win those National Titles, we were rationale enough to have those players that displayed that work ethic that the rest of the players who have been catered to can look up to!

Dont get me wrong man, I love teams allowing walk-ons, and love even more when some walk-ons earn scholly spots, but with the way things are going with UK, and how many top 10 picks Calipari is going to produce here, who is really going to know the names of the walk-ons outside of the people who actually know them?
PC_You_Know Wrote:Dont get me wrong man, I love teams allowing walk-ons, and love even more when some walk-ons earn scholly spots, but with the way things are going with UK, and how many top 10 picks Calipari is going to produce here, who is really going to know the names of the walk-ons outside of the people who actually know them?

Every single student at UK will know them, Gurranteed!
Stardust Wrote:Every single student at UK will know them, Gurranteed!

Thats what I just stated, those kids will actually know who they are, what about the fans at home? Not many people are going to know about the 1 kid who gets on as a walk on.
PC_You_Know Wrote:Thats what I just stated, those kids will actually know who they are, what about the fans at home? Not many people are going to know about the 1 kid who gets on as a walk on.

I didn't know the three that got let go, I'm saying that I don't agree with the decision to let them go period! Cal letting these guys go just doesn't wash. It affects nothing, thus, why let them go in the first place, especially if no one knows them, and they were never going to play - regardless if they were still playing for BCG or now with Cal!
I'll say this, I'd rather see 4 or 5 walk-ons than one. I just think it would be better to see who made the walk-on list this year, rather than, which highly talented kid amazed coach Cal so much but we didn't have a scholly for.
Stardust Wrote:I didn't know the three that got let go, I'm saying that I don't agree with the decision to let them go period! Cal letting these guys go just doesn't wash. It affects nothing, thus, why let them go in the first place, especially if no one knows them, and they were never going to play - regardless if they were still playing for BCG or now with Cal!

I couldn't care less about the walk-ons. They aren't owed anything. They were let on the team to help with practice, and knew that their situations could change at any moment.

They were let go to allow practices to be more productive, as Cal mentioned in his statement. These walk-ons did not have the size, speed, or skill level to be any help in a game or practice, so they were let go. It's Cal's team, and he did what he thought was best for the team as a whole.
alfus21 Wrote:I couldn't care less about the walk-ons. They aren't owed anything. They were let on the team to help with practice, and knew that their situations could change at any moment.

They were let go to allow practices to be more productive, as Cal mentioned in his statement. These walk-ons did not have the size, speed, or skill level to be any help in a game or practice, so they were let go. It's Cal's team, and he did what he thought was best for the team as a whole.

I Couldnt have said it any better myself, seriously this was dead on, we all love to see walk-ons come in and hit a 3 but seriously we dont have a team were the walk-ons are better than the scholarship players like we had in some recent years, mark curry i believe started a few games? i think he was a walk-on dont hold me to it
alfus21 Wrote:I couldn't care less about the walk-ons. They aren't owed anything. They were let on the team to help with practice, and knew that their situations could change at any moment.

They were let go to allow practices to be more productive, as Cal mentioned in his statement. These walk-ons did not have the size, speed, or skill level to be any help in a game or practice, so they were let go. It's Cal's team, and he did what he thought was best for the team as a whole.

This is rather shortsighted and ignorant to what every college program in the country does. Your line of thinking goes completely against what you just iterated. Walk-on's are owed nothing, yet walk-ons make it due to work-ethic, decication and pride. 99% of walk-ons get it! They appreciate what they have earned. They epitome the American worker who puts in his hard work and is rewarded with the opportunity to come back and work another day. It's a shame you have no clue what the walk-on exerience is all about! It's more than just the athlete! Just goofy!

They are the one's who you should be proud of to wear the UK colors, but instead you get off on the glory of a guy who comes in, plays one year, and could have cared less about the University of Kentucky Wildcat program. Those guys are rented athletes, that have no desire at all to be considered "Student Athlete". The Walk-on is the guy who is cheered loudest by the students and the fans, why, because they represent the REAL World. Sorry, but it looks like those who have the same ideology as the above post, just don't get!
Stardust Wrote:This is rather shortsighted and ignorant to what every college program in the country does. Your line of thinking goes completely against what you just iterated. Walk-on's are owed nothing, yet walk-ons make it due to work-ethic, decication and pride. 99% of walk-ons get it! They appreciate what they have earned. They epitome the American worker who puts in his hard work and is rewarded with the opportunity to come back and work another day. It's a shame you have no clue what the walk-on exerience is all about! It's more than just the athlete! Just goofy!

They are the one's who you should be proud of to wear the UK colors, but instead you get off on the glory of a guy who comes in, plays one year, and could have cared less about the University of Kentucky Wildcat program. Those guys are rented athletes, that have no desire at all to be considered "Student Athlete". The Walk-on is the guy who is cheered loudest by the students and the fans, why, because they represent the REAL World. Sorry, but it looks like those who have the same ideology as the above post, just don't get!

Wow couldnt have said it better myself!!!!!!!!!!! Wait im confused i dont know who to agree with,

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