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Does Letcher Central have a shot to win 5a?
They don't have a chance and they won't even beat Whitley in their district.
Jshort5 Wrote:What? The Bengals' dont suck as bad as the Lions or Raiders. The Lions and Raiders are with the Chiefs, Browns, 49ers....

Leave my 49ers alone!!! Ah go ahead they deserve it!
They need to change the name from 5A to Highlands class. Because i don't see any team in 5A that can beat them right now.
I agree. There is no team in Eastern or Western Kentucky in their league. You have to go to Louisville to find competition. St. Xavier or Trinity.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:I agree. There is no team in Eastern or Western Kentucky in their league. You have to go to Louisville to find competition. St. Xavier or Trinity.

And that's two teams that have 4 times the enrollment as HHS
Highlands has the luxury of getting a who's who's list of players. Many of them the children of former Bengals.
BCA said it best.

Letcher Central, great team and great program. Only problem is that they are simply not on the level with the Johnson Central's and the Highlands teams of 5A.

They have no legit shot at winning 5A.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Highlands has the luxury of getting a who's who's list of players. Many of them the children of former Bengals.

Now this is a pretty entertaining post. Don't take this personal OrangenowBlue, but I'm sure you are going on what you have heard, and don't realy know the facts.

Trust me, I am no fan of HHS football, since I am from a rival school and my son plays against them. But I do have respect for Dale Mueller and the HHS football program. This is not St. X or Trinity who ship kids in from all across the state. HHS has the best development program for their youth than any other program that I have seen. They develop football players, they don't have this "Who's Who" list of players.

As for your comment about former Bengals players????? What are you talking about when you say MANY? Let's see, I will list you every single player on Highlands football team who's father played for the Cincinnati Bengals:

1. Austin Collinsworth

I guess you get the point!
That's the way they do it in bell co. The pee-wee teams start learning the basics of bell/Hilton football. You will see Coach Hilton at those pee wee games. That is what we are hoping Coach Larkey is building in Harlan County. We now have a pee wee league and Coach Larkey is a familiar face at those and really working to get us behind the program. You have to respect HHS with what they have and can do but hopefully we can challenge them and become an elite team from eastern KY.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Highlands has the luxury of getting a who's who's list of players. Many of them the children of former Bengals.

With all due respect, you really are not familiar with Highlands football. And for that reason you really shouldn't post things you know nothing about. Collinsworths mother is a Highlands grad. Her entire family lives in Fort Thomas and all her siblings attended Highlands. John Bankemper, her bother, was a Highlands football star in the early 80's. His son Spencer is also a Senior with Austin on this year Highlands team.

Domato Peko, is the only other Bengal that had a nephew on the team. Peko went on to play at Union College.
tradition Wrote:With all due respect, you really are not familiar with Highlands football. And for that reason you really shouldn't post things you know nothing about. Collinsworths mother is a Highlands grad. Her entire family lives in Fort Thomas and all her siblings attended Highlands. John Bankemper, her bother, was a Highlands football star in the early 80's. His son Spencer is also a Senior with Austin on this year Highlands team.

Domato Peko, is the only other Bengal that had a nephew on the team. Peko went on to play at Union College.

Patriot Wrote:That's the way they do it in bell co. The pee-wee teams start learning the basics of bell/Hilton football. You will see Coach Hilton at those pee wee games. That is what we are hoping Coach Larkey is building in Harlan County. We now have a pee wee league and Coach Larkey is a familiar face at those and really working to get us behind the program. You have to respect HHS with what they have and can do but hopefully we can challenge them and become an elite team from eastern KY.

Coach Larkey will build you all a good football program just give him time.
Stardust Wrote:Now this is a pretty entertaining post. Don't take this personal OrangenowBlue, but I'm sure you are going on what you have heard, and don't realy know the facts.

Trust me, I am no fan of HHS football, since I am from a rival school and my son plays against them. But I do have respect for Dale Mueller and the HHS football program. This is not St. X or Trinity who ship kids in from all across the state. HHS has the best development program for their youth than any other program that I have seen. They develop football players, they don't have this "Who's Who" list of players.

As for your comment about former Bengals players????? What are you talking about when you say MANY? Let's see, I will list you every single player on Highlands football team who's father played for the Cincinnati Bengals:

1. Austin Collinsworth

I guess you get the point!

I apologize in regards to the Bengals players. It is poor secondhand info. However the Highlands program is not a squeaky clean program and didnt they have to forfeit games a few years ago(Bell County) although they were allowed to keep their state title due to playing an ineligible player. There may be more to this. If Highlands was squeaky clean in regards to this player, let me know.
I am amazed of all the Northern Kentucky people who are reading a thread about Letcher County Central.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:I apologize in regards to the Bengals players. It is poor secondhand info. However the Highlands program is not a squeaky clean program and didnt they have to forfeit games a few years ago(Bell County) although they were allowed to keep their state title due to playing an ineligible player. There may be more to this. If Highlands was squeaky clean in regards to this player, let me know.

I think what it all boiled down to was the courts saying he could play early in the season, then the night before the 3A championship game, the KHSAA saying that he couldn't. Mueller played him through much of the season in good faith in compliance with the court order. At one point I heard that there was some thought given to petitioning to have the stripped games restored to the actual outcomes, but I know there was also a "let sleeping dogs lie" school of thought to keep the KHSAA from having another snit.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:I am amazed of all the Northern Kentucky people who are reading a thread about Letcher County Central.

I read it because it was a) about 5A, and b) football.
As long as they get to keep the trophy, I wouldn't worry about it. Thanks for clearing that up.
Can you dig it? Wrote:I think what it all boiled down to was the courts saying he could play early in the season, then the night before the 3A championship game, the KHSAA saying that he couldn't. Mueller played him through much of the season in good faith in compliance with the court order. At one point I heard that there was some thought given to petitioning to have the stripped games restored to the actual outcomes, but I know there was also a "let sleeping dogs lie" school of thought to keep the KHSAA from having another snit.

In addition; recently it was found by the state legislature that the KHSAA acted inappropriately and could not over rule a court order. Mitchell was never found to be in the wrong. It could very well mean that the games that had been taken away that season just may be given back to Highlands.
Can you dig it? Wrote:I read it because it was a) about 5A, and b) football.

Can you dig it? Wrote:I read it because it was a) about 5A, and b) football.

tradition Wrote:In addition; recently it was found by the state legislature that the KHSAA acted inappropriately and could not over rule a court order. Mitchell was never found to be in the wrong. It could very well mean that the games that had been taken away that season just may be given back to Highlands.

Sort of. The Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee of the General Assembly (comprised of both Dems and Reps and of both the House and the Senate) told the KHSAA several months ago that the KHSAA did not have the power to sanction schools that played a kid during the time period the courts were holding the kid to be eligible, even if the court order was subsequently overturned. But the ARRS did not tell the KHSAA they had to give Highlands it's wins back (and I doubt they will much like I doubt the KHSAA will ever voluntarily do so).

Had the ARRS taken this position before the Mitchell case, you are correct in thinking that Highlands could not have been sanctioned by the KHSAA and forced to forfeit the wins.

What is truly surprising to me is that the KHSAA believed it could sanction the school if the legal order of eligibility was subsequently replaced with an order of ineligibility, yet the KHSAA imposed the sanctions before the merits of Mitchell's case were finally determined. In other words, after the temporary injunction of eligibility was overturned, but before the case was final, the KHSAA imposed the sanctions. Had the KHSAA waited until the final decision by the court was made, they couldn't have imposed the sanctions because, the court system's final determination on the matter was that Mitchell was indeed eligible.

In other words, the KHSAA stuck it to Highlands. Not that such will get a lot of sympathy in many parts of the state. Ultimately however, the KHSAA rather foolish behavior is what got the legislature to tell the KHSAA, in no uncertain terms, you better not do that again, or else.

I'm told by KHSAA personnel that the KHSAA was repeatedly warned by a KHSAA board member that they couldn't be imposing sanctions against schools that were doing nothing but complying with court orders, but that the KHSAA choose to ignore that advise. The KHSAA felt that they needed to intimidate the schools in to not following court orders or else it would create a flood of legal actions by players upset with eligibility decisions of the KHSAA. The KHSAA's logic was that no one would bother going to court to get an injunction if the school still wasn't going to play you out of fear that the school would be sanctioned if the injunction was later overturned. While that logic may in fact be true and may perhaps be best for high school athletics, the legislators correctly determined that no state agency (which would include the KHSAA) has the power to force schools to ignore court orders, even those that may have been improperly issued. The KHSAA basically felt that it was above the rule of law, which regardless of the nobility of their intentions, was wrong.

Sorry to get off thread, but I felt the need to get true facts out there as there are so many misconceptions about this issue on this board and throughout the state. We'll still be talking about this case when Mitchell has kids playing high school football.
It all boils down to the fact that the KHSAA tried to overrule the government and the government put them in there place. Back to LCC I think they gave them a entertaining game two years ago. I think the first drive we was passing pretty good against them. Our problem was special teams. We had two punts blocked against us in that game that lead to two td's. If I am not mistaken we was the first team to score on them in the playoffs. We may have lost that game bad, but we did get some respect out of them.
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cougarpride08 Wrote:It all boils down to the fact that the KHSAA tried to overrule the government and the government put them in there place. Back to LCC I think they gave them a entertaining game two years ago. I think the first drive we was passing pretty good against them. Our problem was special teams. We had two punts blocked against us in that game that lead to two td's. If I am not mistaken we was the first team to score on them in the playoffs. We may have lost that game bad, but we did get some respect out of them.

I think it is safe to say that Highlands respects every team they play.
[quote=Stardust]Now this is a pretty entertaining post. Don't take this personal OrangenowBlue, but I'm sure you are going on what you have heard, and don't realy know the facts.

Trust me, I am no fan of HHS football, since I am from a rival school and my son plays against them.

Stardust I would have bet a million dollars that you were a Highlands fan, What a show of sportmanship!
I say no, but the season hasnt started yet so who knows what can or will happen.
I like Letcher Central and I think they have a top notch program. However, I really doubt if they have a legitimate chance for the 5A championship this year. There are some really good teams out there to compete against. Highlands is definitly the super power in 5A and I don't figure that will change this upcomming season. Lot of people mention Johnson Central and they also have a top notch program. However, I think LCC's program is just as good and can probably play with JC and maybe beat them, but it would definitely be a good game.
I still think LCC is about of year away from being comparable to Johnson Central. I would have to see more substantial improvement before I believe they can play with Highlands. They are making strides every year.
everyone has a shot at the bad do these boys want it? thats what it comes down 2
[quote=cougarpride08]It all boils down to the fact that the KHSAA tried to overrule the government and the government put them in there place. Back to LCC I think they gave them a entertaining game two years ago. I think the first drive we was passing pretty good against them. Our problem was special teams. We had two punts blocked against us in that game that lead to two td's. If I am not mistaken we was the first team to score on them in the playoffs. We may have lost that game bad, but we did get some respect out of them.[/QUOTE]

Yes, LCC did. I knew that Charlie was having hamstring issues and it would affect his ability to run the ball. But I was impressed with how much he gutted it out throughout the game. He was one of the best qbs, even with the injury, we played that year. I was very impressed with the conduct of the players also. They acted very classy and played clean, hard football. Not surprising though: when you have role models in the football program like their coaches, the kids turn out pretty good themselves.
charlie22 if you all ever come to LCC for a playoff game, I promise you will receive good down to home hospitality. Ask Harlan Co and the rest of the people who came down here and played.
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