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Illegal workers.

I doubt this is the only company employing over a thousand illegal workers that could be paying Americans.
Im not gonna say anything about illegal workers or immigrants anymore, because we all may have to go to Mexico to get jobs within the next 3 1/2 years..
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Im not gonna say anything about illegal workers or immigrants anymore, because we all may have to go to Mexico to get jobs within the next 3 1/2 years..

I agree Hoss, 1000%!!!!!!!!!!!!:Thumbs:
Sure mexicans work for 10 cents an hour but a lot of the jobs that I see them on are jobs that no one else wants. Cutting grass, picking up trash, painting horse park fences, etc. If some people didn't think they were too good for a hard working job like that, the unemployment rate may not be as high. I totally disagree with illegals taking jobs away from people that actually want to work, but some jobs have to be done and they seem like the only ones that want to do it. I have more of a problem with inmates having better health care plans that some of the working class. If anyone has seen or read about the Sheriff, I believe in Arizona, that set up a prison camp full of tents making inmates eat balogna sandwiches and drink water to save the state money is my kind of guy. Jail isn't supposed to have its privileges, it's supposed to be hard not a walk down the hill off of "The Little House on the Prairie". You do the crime, you should do the time.
DALE Wrote:Sure mexicans work for 10 cents an hour but a lot of the jobs that I see them on are jobs that no one else wants. Cutting grass, picking up trash, painting horse park fences, etc. If some people didn't think they were too good for a hard working job like that, the unemployment rate may not be as high. I totally disagree with illegals taking jobs away from people that actually want to work, but some jobs have to be done and they seem like the only ones that want to do it. I have more of a problem with inmates having better health care plans that some of the working class. If anyone has seen or read about the Sheriff, I believe in Arizona, that set up a prison camp full of tents making inmates eat balogna sandwiches and drink water to save the state money is my kind of guy. Jail isn't supposed to have its privileges, it's supposed to be hard not a walk down the hill off of "The Little House on the Prairie". You do the crime, you should do the time.
I was thinking the same thing when I saw the thread.
DALE Wrote:Sure mexicans work for 10 cents an hour but a lot of the jobs that I see them on are jobs that no one else wants. Cutting grass, picking up trash, painting horse park fences, etc. If some people didn't think they were too good for a hard working job like that, the unemployment rate may not be as high. I totally disagree with illegals taking jobs away from people that actually want to work, but some jobs have to be done and they seem like the only ones that want to do it. I have more of a problem with inmates having better health care plans that some of the working class. If anyone has seen or read about the Sheriff, I believe in Arizona, that set up a prison camp full of tents making inmates eat balogna sandwiches and drink water to save the state money is my kind of guy. Jail isn't supposed to have its privileges, it's supposed to be hard not a walk down the hill off of "The Little House on the Prairie". You do the crime, you should do the time.

Wait a second, you just got done saying that mexicans will work for 10 cents and hour, then you say that they will do the jobs no one else will do. Let's be real here, who is going to work for 10 cents an hour when the democratic govenrment has made it too easy to not work at all and get paid very fairly to do NOTHING. Wlefare is the issue, and it is a sticking point between the left and the right. The Left wants to take care of it;s people but not make them responsible for doing anything. The Right has no issues with giving people money from the government, but not give it for free. There are parks to be cleanend, grass to be cut: let governement programs give welfare to those who will do these types of tasks. Illegal imigrants SHOULD not be taking jobs, and if they are taking jobs because they will work for pennies on the dollar, than it is the business paying the menial rate that is taking advantage of the system.
TheRealVille Wrote:I was thinking the same thing when I saw the thread.

Thinking what?
Stardust Wrote:Thinking what?
That the Mexicans will do jobs that most Americans feel are too inferior jobs for them. I agree with you on the government making people that get the money from them to do some of these jobs for the money they get. I don't know how the government would implement it, but it would be a good thing to make the welfare recipients do those state odd jobs.
TheRealVille Wrote:That the Mexicans will do jobs that most Americans feel are too inferior jobs for them. I agree with you on the government making people that get the money from them to do some of these jobs for the money they get. I don't know how the government would implement it, but it would be a good thing to make the welfare recipients do those state odd jobs.

Gotcha. I think in my previous post, I was trying to state that it's not so much that people won't do those jobs, but if you are going to pay an illegal immigrant $2.50 an hour, then what American who is eligible for welfare would do it? It's the companies that are seeking the $2.50 worker that is making this as much of an issue as it is in having the illegal immigrants here. Thoughts??
Stardust Wrote:Gotcha. I think in my previous post, I was trying to state that it's not so much that people won't do those jobs, but if you are going to pay an illegal immigrant $2.50 an hour, then what American who is eligible for welfare would do it? It's the companies that are seeking the $2.50 worker that is making this as much of an issue as it is in having the illegal immigrants here. Thoughts??
I totally agree, hold the companies accountable for working illegal Mexicans at all, and for underpaying the legal ones. If they were made to hold to the minimum wage standards that might help, I dunno. I guess one way they get by with paying 2.50 an hour is that, what illegal is going to turn them in and risk going back to Mexico?
TheRealVille Wrote:I totally agree, hold the companies accountable for working illegal Mexicans at all, and for underpaying the legal ones. If they were made to hold to the minimum wage standards that might help, I dunno. I guess one way they get by with paying 2.50 an hour is that, what illegal is going to turn them in and risk going back to Mexico?

Yep, dead on! :Thumbs:
A friend of mine came up with the solution to this problem. We trade 1 hillbilly drawing SSI for 1 illegal mexican, that way we will have people here in the Eastern part of the state who will work, and:thatsfunn everyone elses job will be safe, because a hillbilly drawing a SSI check ain't gonna take anyones job.
hawg laig Wrote:A friend of mine came up with the solution to this problem. We trade 1 hillbilly drawing SSI for 1 illegal mexican, that way we will have people here in the Eastern part of the state who will work, and:thatsfunn everyone elses job will be safe, because a hillbilly drawing a SSI check ain't gonna take anyones job.

I say lets go 2 to 1. Lets give them 1 hillbilly drawing SSI and 1 hillbilly pillhead for 1 illegal immigrant.
The illegal immigration problem is a combination of welfare and greedy businesses who want more for less. They need to go to jail first before someone who violated the law only looking for a job.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:I say lets go 2 to 1. Lets give them 1 hillbilly drawing SSI and 1 hillbilly pillhead for 1 illegal immigrant.

LOL Id say you would run out of hillbillys drawing ssi, before you would hilbilly pill heads!!!!!!:lmao:
Most of eastern kentucky would be speaking spanish with a hillbilly twang
:Clap:Cant wait to hear them count......."Uner, dose..."
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Most of eastern kentucky would be speaking spanish with a hillbilly twang
Yeah, but instead of trace for three, it would be Dale Earnhardt

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