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Best 3A Team in EKY
OK, I don't care what you say there Belfry and Breathitt lovers. ER can compete with PC and you know it.
Well I don't think Pike Central is one of the best teams either. So you prove nothing to me. East Ridge is not one of the best teams. End of story.
ok but they can beat pc cant they
ER plays Breathitt County in a scrimmage game at ER so we will see how good BC and ER are.
I don't think they can beat Pike Central. We already know Breathitt is better than East Ridge. Get over the Warriors.
warriors#55 Wrote:ER plays Breathitt County in a scrimmage game at ER so we will see how good BC and ER are.

why in the world would breahitt scrimmage er?
warriors#55 Wrote:ER plays Breathitt County in a scrimmage game at ER so we will see how good BC and ER are.

KEY WORD...........SCRIMMAGE.:please:
1. East Ridge- I hear from a source that they can beat a mediocre 3A team.
2. Breathitt County- The upcoming scrimmage with ER should tell us if The bobcats can really compete with the top teams in 3A.
3. Belfry- Year after year they find a way to muster up the energy and passion to pull an upset of the Warriors, but not this year from my sources.

Then you got your Sheldon Clark, Mason County, and Russell.
Alright. Where to start....East Ridge will not scrimmage Breathitt County. As of now anyways. Brad and Coach Holcomb both had scheduling conflicts. as too East Ridge and Pike Central. Like I said earlier neither of them are worthy of being mentioned in this thread. Same Applies to Jackson Co, Lewis Co, East Carter, West Carter, Magoffin Co, and Powell Co..ECT...END OF STORY!
ok east ridge will shut you ALL up this year
Or it will most likely it will shut YOU up.
Is Brad Allen still the coach at East Ridge?
yepp most likely you will be the one to shut up yepp brad is still the coach the warriors have been in the wait room
They have been in the waiting room? Did someone get injured and have to go to the hospital? I hope he recovers quickly.
Do they have a Grammar class at East Ridge? haha
hahahaha sooo funny i cant wait to pburg get killed this year by everone dont you
Haha. Some one is getting upset. Prestonsburg isn't a 3A team so we shouldn't discuss them in this forum. But they will be better than East Ridge that's for sure.
Breathitt will be the best 3A team in EKY by far. They are returning one of the best if not the best player in the state in Channing Fugate. The QB isnt that bad either, Haddix is getting serious looks by alot of D1 programs also. Belfry will be Belfry but this will be considered a rebuilding year for them but they will still win 8 or 9 games. Russell will be there like always, and the dark horse will be Sheldon Clark, but Breathitt will the the class of 3A in EKY.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
whos the best from the west 3A?
UCFB Wrote:whos the best from the west 3A?

Louisville Central. Best team in 3A.
I live in Pike County and ER has been the joke of the county since the formation of the school. Elkhorn City was always competitive in the single A district, and being a triple A school, ER cant beat even middle of the road single a schools. Phelps generally gives them all they can handle and they typically only dress 25 kids.
russell is gonna be good this year but not really good like belfry
warriors#55 Wrote:ok but they can beat pc cant they

Belfry, this year is going to a kinda down year. I would like to say reloading year, because Belfry is well Belfry. They will still be good but I dont think they will be Belfry. If that makes any since.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
Best team Central, Best player from Eastern Ky. is bar-none Fugate.
It would be interesting to see what kind of stats Fugate would have vs. Central's schedule.
PC, I think that Channing would have the same stats against the teams that Central plays. Both of the teams have schedules that are loaded.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
i agree the kid is GOOD
I agree, He is going to get his.
We hit him 16 times behind the L.O.S and just couldn't tackle him. We knew what they were gonna' do, but stopping Fugate was the problem.

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