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1A Region 7 meet-worst run meet of all time !
From the high jump bar being out of level by 4 inches at one point severely hampering the left side jumpers to no less than 6 races started and then stopped in the middle and taken all the way back and started again , to the wrong girl being disqualified in the 300 hurdles this was the worst run meet in the history of track and field. There is no doubt that this affected the outcome of some events. Pitiful is the only word to describe it.:HitWall: :HitWall: :HitWall: :ChairHit: :ChairHit: :ChairHit:
where was the meet held? Did anyone report the mistakes or the judges to the KHSAA?
LET EM PLAY Wrote:From the high jump bar being out of level by 4 inches at one point severely hampering the left side jumpers to no less than 6 races started and then stopped in the middle and taken all the way back and started again , to the wrong girl being disqualified in the 300 hurdles this was the worst run meet in the history of track and field. There is no doubt that this affected the outcome of some events. Pitiful is the only word to describe it.:HitWall: :HitWall: :HitWall: :ChairHit: :ChairHit: :ChairHit:

My thinking is I would file this with the state. If have you have pic. or more I think you might get someone to at least take a look. Good luck !!!!!
I did attend the meet since it was at Russell and I must say that the officals did a good job of keeping everything in tact, you act as if it were a complete disaster. Give me a break!
devilhorns05 Wrote:I did attend the meet since it was at Russell and I must say that the officals did a good job of keeping everything in tact, you act as if it were a complete disaster. Give me a break!

I don't know what meet you watched, but I guarantee you there were numerous complaints made to the Khsaa along with film. This was regionals, this kind of thing is not supposed to happen here. Ask the two twin high jumpers if it was a complete disaster or not or the young lady who was DQ-ED . Nobody is blaming Russell if that is what your all ruffled about.The officials got through it and that was about it! Lets see what the eastern kentucky people have to say about it, Paintsville,Pikeville, SV,Betsy Lane,Jenkins etc......... I'm not asking anyone to take my word for it.
The numerous races that were started then called back was pretty bad. No one could understand why it kept happening and I would guess that several of the kids who ran those races weren't happy about running 100 M or so and then having to go back to the start line and run it again. They seemed to have the most problem with the 200M.

I didn't know anything about the high jump because we didn't have any high jumpers.
They would not have had to run the extra 100m if they would have known better to stop when they hear the gun go off twice. They even started blowing the whistle because Ii guess most schools didnt know about the gun thing and they still kept running, dont blame the officals they tried to help the runners as much as they could. Also dont be mad just because it was an offical meet and you do get dq if you do something wrong you dont get by with it, same way as in state.
devilhorns05 Wrote:They would not have had to run the extra 100m if they would have known better to stop when they hear the gun go off twice. They even started blowing the whistle because Ii guess most schools didnt know about the gun thing and they still kept running, dont blame the officals they tried to help the runners as much as they could. Also dont be mad just because it was an offical meet and you do get dq if you do something wrong you dont get by with it, same way as in state.

I'm not mad about anything. I could care less. It didn't cost our athletes anything. I agree that the kids should know that (which our kids do), but my only question is why did it happen 3 or 4 times in the 200 M?

I was just answering a question of another poster with what actually happened. It's not a big deal to me. Everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes they cannot be avoided. Admit the mistake and move on. I have never seen a perfect track meet--including State!
devilhorns05 Wrote:They would not have had to run the extra 100m if they would have known better to stop when they hear the gun go off twice. They even started blowing the whistle because Ii guess most schools didnt know about the gun thing and they still kept running, dont blame the officals they tried to help the runners as much as they could. Also dont be mad just because it was an offical meet and you do get dq if you do something wrong you dont get by with it, same way as in state.
Someone is getting defensive.
devilhorns05 Wrote:They would not have had to run the extra 100m if they would have known better to stop when they hear the gun go off twice. They even started blowing the whistle because Ii guess most schools didnt know about the gun thing and they still kept running, dont blame the officals they tried to help the runners as much as they could. Also dont be mad just because it was an offical meet and you do get dq if you do something wrong you dont get by with it, same way as in state.

You are truly the Devils Advocate. :devilflam
Old Shooter Wrote:You are truly the Devils Advocate. :devilflam

:dontthink Actually it was Fairview who was running the meet, Russell is 2a I was there because I did not feel like driving to Rowan County since I have no kids who run track.
In most of the races the gun did not go off twice since the starter didn't know there was a problem. The whistle was blown by the people at the finish line.
LET EM PLAY Wrote:In most of the races the gun did not go off twice since the starter didn't know there was a problem. The whistle was blown by the people at the finish line.

Geeeezzh, do you some cheese with your whine?
Intentional Foul Wrote:Geeeezzh, do you some cheese with your whine?

Wow how original ,you are truly an intellectual.:worthy:

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