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Just For Fun
when coach haywood retires and i hope he dont for a long time..could another good coach with a diffrent system come in and do what he has done?all the kids and the community knows is the bone,so how well could someone do with a different system and who would be your choice..
They would have a great team running some sort of Spread option, would get the ball to athletes in space. They will get the athletes also with those facilities!
thats something they have alot of is good athletes..
I think Belfry is a football community. Whatever offense or defense that the team runs will have the full support of the players and the fans.(I would assume) I don't think they would struggle much with any change. Maybe a little but they wouldn't struggle much.
i agree,just would be diffrent seeing something new
cuppett777 Wrote:when coach haywood retires and i hope he dont for a long time..could another good coach with a diffrent system come in and do what he has done?all the kids and the community knows is the bone,so how well could someone do with a different system and who would be your choice..

When Haywood retires, it will be a sad day for KY football. I know at least one guy that could, and very likely will take it and run with it...
bigcoachallen Wrote:When Haywood retires, it will be a sad day for KY football. I know at least one guy that could, and very likely will take it and run with it...

And no, I am not talking about me. I got still some learning to do, before I dream that big.
bigcoachallen Wrote:When Haywood retires, it will be a sad day for KY football. I know at least one guy that could, and very likely will take it and run with it...

and who would that be
When Haywood finally calls it an end there is no doubt that Belfry will undergo a "re-structuring" period. The Wishbone and 5-2 are all the boys from Pond Creek know, and anytime you have to overhaul the system from top to bottom at a small school it will require a learning curve.

With that said Belfry has several advantages which will expedite the process and vastly increase the likelihood that whoever takes over will have enduring success.

1. Feeder Program- Belfry has several very good coaches in place at an already consolidated feeder program. These coaches are generally young and do a tremendous job of getting the core fundamentals down which is all you can ask of a feeder coach.

2. Facilities- Excellent field and stadium to practice on and reduce injuries, fantastic weight room facilities, a tried and true strength and conditioning program, and the technology to break down film and scout.

3. Fantastic Support Staff- Whether it be the training staff, the managers, the announcers, the bus drives, the boosters who devote all their effort, or the administration who assures Belfry is not only promoted like a champion but dressed as one as well, few programs IN THE NATION can match the pride and support that the staff gives.

4. Talented Young Coaches- One of these coaches could be the next head coach, but even if not the Pirates are truly blessed to have a number of coaches in their 20's and 30's who have been cultivated through the Belfry program and by Haywood. Each of these guys have known nothing but the winning tradition and the effort that is required Monday through Thursday in preperation.

5. Community Support/$$$$$- Let's be honest here.. money is important to sustained success. The Belfry community will always come out in large numbers (even in the "down" years) and the local business owners and corporations are always acting with a vested interest of providing more for the area's athletes. When a coaching staff can focus on the intricate details of the upcoming game or approach the best competion available without having to worry about their budget, it exponentially increases the ammount of time that can be spent preparing for the opposition.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:When Haywood finally calls it an end there is no doubt that Belfry will undergo a "re-structuring" period. The Wishbone and 5-2 are all the boys from Pond Creek know, and anytime you have to overhaul the system from top to bottom at a small school it will require a learning curve.

With that said Belfry has several advantages which will expedite the process and vastly increase the likelihood that whoever takes over will have enduring success.

1. Feeder Program- Belfry has several very good coaches in place at an already consolidated feeder program. These coaches are generally young and do a tremendous job of getting the core fundamentals down which is all you can ask of a feeder coach.

2. Facilities- Excellent field and stadium to practice on and reduce injuries, fantastic weight room facilities, a tried and true strength and conditioning program, and the technology to break down film and scout.

3. Fantastic Support Staff- Whether it be the training staff, the managers, the announcers, the bus drives, the boosters who devote all their effort, or the administration who assures Belfry is not only promoted like a champion but dressed as one as well, few programs IN THE NATION can match the pride and support that the staff gives.

4. Talented Young Coaches- One of these coaches could be the next head coach, but even if not the Pirates are truly blessed to have a number of coaches in their 20's and 30's who have been cultivated through the Belfry program and by Haywood. Each of these guys have known nothing but the winning tradition and the effort that is required Monday through Thursday in preperation.

5. Community Support/$$$$$- Let's be honest here.. money is important to sustained success. The Belfry community will always come out in large numbers (even in the "down" years) and the local business owners and corporations are always acting with a vested interest of providing more for the area's athletes. When a coaching staff can focus on the intricate details of the upcoming game or approach the best competion available without having to worry about their budget, it exponentially increases the ammount of time that can be spent preparing for the opposition.

Looks like the program is in good hands no matter what. Just curious, how is the coach doing? I heard he wasn't feeling good the last couple of months. I work with a guy who played for him.
cougarpride08 Wrote:Looks like the program is in good hands no matter what. Just curious, how is the coach doing? I heard he wasn't feeling good the last couple of months. I work with a guy who played for him.

You are misinformed, he is in great health.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:When Haywood finally calls it an end there is no doubt that Belfry will undergo a "re-structuring" period. The Wishbone and 5-2 are all the boys from Pond Creek know, and anytime you have to overhaul the system from top to bottom at a small school it will require a learning curve.

With that said Belfry has several advantages which will expedite the process and vastly increase the likelihood that whoever takes over will have enduring success.

1. Feeder Program- Belfry has several very good coaches in place at an already consolidated feeder program. These coaches are generally young and do a tremendous job of getting the core fundamentals down which is all you can ask of a feeder coach.

2. Facilities- Excellent field and stadium to practice on and reduce injuries, fantastic weight room facilities, a tried and true strength and conditioning program, and the technology to break down film and scout.

3. Fantastic Support Staff- Whether it be the training staff, the managers, the announcers, the bus drives, the boosters who devote all their effort, or the administration who assures Belfry is not only promoted like a champion but dressed as one as well, few programs IN THE NATION can match the pride and support that the staff gives.

4. Talented Young Coaches- One of these coaches could be the next head coach, but even if not the Pirates are truly blessed to have a number of coaches in their 20's and 30's who have been cultivated through the Belfry program and by Haywood. Each of these guys have known nothing but the winning tradition and the effort that is required Monday through Thursday in preperation.

5. Community Support/$$$$$- Let's be honest here.. money is important to sustained success. The Belfry community will always come out in large numbers (even in the "down" years) and the local business owners and corporations are always acting with a vested interest of providing more for the area's athletes. When a coaching staff can focus on the intricate details of the upcoming game or approach the best competion available without having to worry about their budget, it exponentially increases the ammount of time that can be spent preparing for the opposition.

Why would the system be overhauled?????
throw deep Wrote:Why would the system be overhauled?????

he was saying if coach haywood wasnt there and they brought in someone new..
BIG shoes to fill!! I do believe that Coach has embedded a tradition at Belfry that will continue for many years to come. Every team has its up and down years and many say this is the down year for Belfry. Granted, we have lost a few great ballplayers but with Coach (and his staff) at the helm, the boys will work and dedicate themselves to be nothing but the best. Each coach on the field gets the upmost respect as this is what is expected from the players. Coach Haywood teaches these young men MORE than football. They have devotional before each game, they have FCA meetings, they know Wednesday nights are youth church nights and practice accomidates this.... Each and every assistant coach that is a part of the Belfry program will continue on WHEN Coach Haywood retires, with this basic infastructure. Belfry football is just that.... Belfry! I'm sure that if asked even when retired, Coach Haywood would be available for input and suggestions. He is that dedicated and truely a top-notch christian man! Hopefully though, we won't have to worry about this type of situtation for a few more years now.... Smile

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
So nobody thinks that they will hire outside the Belfry family when Haywood retires?
King Leonidas Wrote:So nobody thinks that they will hire outside the Belfry family when Haywood retires?

I'm not saying that but I do know that any of the coaches who are assistants to Coach Haywood know the program inside and out. That's a hard one to predict as Belfry football is basically a community. EKU had a very nice post which describes the dedication of BOTH the staff at BHS and the community support that it takes to make the program what it is. Whomever does take over whenever Coach decides its time to retire, does have a huge set of footsteps to walk in. Everyone is so used to the Coach Haywood style of how things are supposed to be done and basically, are done that change would IMHO be hard (adjustable, but hard) if a hire was made outside of the Belfry familiy.....

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
I think if Belfry had more a up tempo style of Offense, they would be hard to stop. Kids want to play in a open system where they have chances to make plays and be ready to play in college. With the facilities and athletes they could draw in, with a spread offense they would be even tougher to stop!!!
Coach Haywood is the man. 34 years as a head coach and runs the same offense he started with, and why not, nobody has demonstrated the ability to consistently stop it. He has run the same eight basic plays ( trap, counter, draw, reverse, base , Oklahoma, Oklahoma pass and triple option) for the entire time. Belfry would be foolish to go outside of the "Haywood family" for a new head coach. The trite saying, if it ain't broke, don't fix it applies here. But folks, I don't see him retiring any time soon. He loves it too much.
throw deep Wrote:You are misinformed, he is in great health.

That is really good to know. I would like to meet him. Will get a chance when he comes to Letcher Co this year.
I am the same as you if ain't broke don't fix it, but the thread title is Just for fun. They would dangerous with a new system!
Don't even want to think about Belfry Pirates without him.

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