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Favorite drill to run?
With practice a little more than a month away I wanted to get what you guys think is the best drill to run at football practice.
I think it is illegal now but when I was in school, it was the Bull-in-the-Ring.
Well said. Bull in the ring is the king of drills.
cougarpride08 Wrote:explain!

MY favorite is the drill is were you put 2 people on this thing with straps on both ends and see who can drag the other person like 10 yards. you keep going until someone beats everyone else.
that is cool enough.
The Bull It Is The Best
what is that?
Bull in the ring is where you get every player on the football team in a cricle and put one player in the middle. The player constantly chops his feet, having to keep on his toes, and as the coach calls out players numbers, those players must go hit the player in the center of the circle. It was banned because of how dangerous it became from the people coming from any angle. One thing is for sure though, this drill made you a man.
I'll second the Oklahoma drill.
TheCandyManIsBack Wrote:I'll second the Oklahoma drill.

Oklahoma is definitely a favorite. I like the Machine Gun Drill: two lines of players, with one player about 3-4 yds away, facing them. The player points to the first person in either line, and the "machine gun" begins. The "hitters" alternate each time (so both lines & both shoulders of the hitter are going). The coach has to be there to keep them from coming too fast. They are instructed to wait until the hitter is reset, before they come at him.

You can coach proper technique for dipping the shoulder, firing up the forearm, and sheding the "blocker". Great drill especially for LBs.
There is absolutely nothing like that first day in full pads when you hear a coach yell "OKLAHOMAS!!!" Best drill ever. I hated Bull in the Ring because it is so pointless. Why not just have your players go run into a brick wall for fifteen minutes?
Box Drill

I got it from the Kansas City Chiefs D-Line coach.

Paint a 5yard by 5 Yard Box. You have a d-lineman, O-lineman and a back. The object is for the o-line to block the d-line and stay in the box. The back has to stay behind the o-line man. D- line has to tackle the back. Usually ends when the back gets tackled, or the d-lineman gets pancaked.

Another version we do, is a man on one end and a man on the other. On the whistle, then meet in the middle. Theoretically, they're supposed to drive each other out. But we teach a full blown brawl without swinging. First one out of the box runs the hill. Whether they get drove out, packed out or dragged out.
That sounds cool.
Oklahoma is by far the best but I like pat and go for the skill guys. lol\
Blood Alley
My absolute favorite would have to be gasers at the end of practice. Ahh nothing like the sight of death coming.
BOBCAT-BLACK & GOLD Wrote:Blood Alley

Haven't heard of that one
JackFrost Wrote:Haven't heard of that one

Blood Alley
Line up one guy against three blockers and a ball 15 yards away. He then attempts to get the ball.

"You can find out really quick who's a real player,” coach Mark Little said.

While the drill is tough, most players look forward to the opportunity to prove themselves worthy of playing time.

"I look forward to it,” Josh Stanley said. "It's a time to separate the boys from the men. It tests us physically and mentally.”
This is the Oklahoma drill I'm accustomed to from back in college with a slight alteration. Behind the linemen a WR and DB would also go at it, the DB would try to shed the block and come up to help out on the tackle. Best practice for in game simulation in my opinion. Loved the drill and the contact.

hate to be the guy who gives up the tackle.

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