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Do you work out?
Had a so-so workout today.

I put it in the new blog.
65 minutes on the bike
13.59 miles
Who lifting?
Me trying to act bigger than I am(lol)[Image:]
torQQue Wrote:I have a home gym in my house and I workout almost everyday except Saturdays. I use to work out religiously until I got married. I got really out of shape and overweight. I'm was not getting any younger so I decided it was time to get back in shape. I have been working out now for 8 months and I have lost about 35lbs and starting to gain some significant muscle definition again.

I am now down to 199lbs and my goal is a lean 175. I am 6'2 so that should a pretty healthly weight for me. Recently, I added the P90x program to my workout to help shed more fat. My goal is to obtain a six pack(something I have never had in my life). The exercise part is easy, it's just the dieting that gets to me. I have been dieting strictly the last few weeks, and I am starting to dream about Sloppy Joes and Homemade french fries. I also dream about hot dogs, hamburgers and chocolate chip cookies. It's sad, but I really do.

Anyway my workout look like this. I also try to do 100 push ups everyday on top of all the workouts.

Monday - Chest, 2 miles on treadmill, Ab ripper X
Tuesday- Shoulders and back - 2miles on treadmill - P90x cardio
Wednesday- Biceps, Triceps, and forearms - 2miles on treadmill - P90x upper
Thursday- Legs, 2miles on treadmill, P90x Lower Body
Friday - Chest again, 2 miles on treadmill, Ab ripper X
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Rest or P90X Yoga(basically stretching)

WOW! That's pretty intense right there! Won't catch me puttin forth that much effort. You must look like the Arnold!
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:Me trying to act bigger than I am(lol)[Image:]

There's a lot that's wrong with this pic, but the worse thing is the ohio shirt, that needs to go! haha, jk.
I definitely need to start hitting the gym.
I was lifting 4 days a week about a year ago and I tore my right bicep. I had put on 15lbs of muscle was doing real good untill then. I'm six foot six and its hard for me to gain weight. I'm getting ready to start back I cant wait!!!!

p.s I had lifted about 2 years to get that 15 lbs...
I work out hardly ever lately been really busy, but about 2months ago was the last time I was lifting on a regular bases.
Week 4 day two of the p90x workout.
It's gotten easier but it is still h!!!.
Ive taken off 4 years of lifting and I am starting back as soon school starts if I like it or not. but when I was lifting regularly i gained weight due to not dieting. with my normal routine at school with no working out i weigh anywhere from 300-315 on any given day. but once i pack muscle on I weigh close to 340-350 with muscle and no dieting my goal for the spring semester when track starts is 300 and less with muscle or 320 and be healthy cause my weight does not bother me all that much.
I run 5 miles a day, every weekday and lift for around an hour and fifteeen minutes every weekday and take the weekends off. Don't eat hardly anything besides tuna and chicken breast when I do decide to eat.
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:I run 5 miles a day, every weekday and lift for around an hour and fifteeen minutes every weekday and take the weekends off. Don't eat hardly anything besides tuna and chicken breast when I do decide to eat.

Really? Wow you are prob alot better in shape then me.
Tomorrow will make 26 out of the 28 days I have worked out and some days I have had two workouts to do.

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