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Shelby Valley Baseball Players
Ok guys. This addressed to the SVHS Baseball players. Listen you dont know who i am but understand if you guys would quit getting down on yourself when the other team is ahead. You would be a great ball team. I know I've seen you guys do it before. I think if you guys could pull your crap together YOU would Be GREAT!!!!!
He's showing pride in his school man. Actually not even his school. That kid is in the 8th grade. :thanks:
Mr.Rainman Wrote:He's showing pride in his school man. Actually not even his school. That kid is in the 8th grade. How about being a little bit more mature?:thanks:

AMEN!!!! I AGREE 100%
Mr.Rainman Wrote:He's showing pride in his school man. Actually not even his school. That kid is in the 8th grade. How about being a little bit more mature?:thanks:

Thanks rainman I appreciate someone taking this seriously
yea they can play ball when they want but they need a better coach
Mr.cold Wrote:yea they can play ball when they want but they need a better coach

No there coach is great ive seen some practices he pushes his players to succede but thats not all he is focused on yea winning would be a good thing but he wants his players to learn baseball and play it for fun not just winning. this is his first year coaching and he got hired late so he didnt have a lot of time with his players before their first game. Dont blame the coach because he is doing his job and more
icy heat Wrote:No there coach is great ive seen some practices he pushes his players to succede but thats not all he is focused on yea winning would be a good thing but he wants his players to learn baseball and play it for fun not just winning. this is his first year coaching and he got hired late so he didnt have a lot of time with his players before their first game. Dont blame the coach because he is doing his job and more

I agree Coach Ratliff and his assistants have done a great job. Also most of his kids havent played any varsity ball before this year.
well i kno for a fact they have a pitcher that can throw the ball
icy heat Wrote:No there coach is great ive seen some practices he pushes his players to succede but thats not all he is focused on yea winning would be a good thing but he wants his players to learn baseball and play it for fun not just winning. this is his first year coaching and he got hired late so he didnt have a lot of time with his players before their first game. Dont blame the coach because he is doing his job and more

yea he might be a good coach but what i hear from the players all they do in practice is he hits them the ball and he hits it over the fence. With the players valley has they should have won their district.
mullinstiger55 Wrote:well i kno for a fact they have a pitcher that can throw the ball

Yea they do have a great pitcher but he can't pitch every game for valley and just wait till next year they will be a team to rekon with :argue:
Hey man did it ever occur to you that maybe he is trying to learn them to track the ball that is hit over their head! And just maybe ever now and then it might go over the fence. I am a player my self, and coach Ratliff wants the best out of us day in and day out. :ChairHit:
Mr.cold Wrote:yea they can play ball when they want but they need a better coach

No....You need a better feeder system.....It starts even b4 little league.
Mr.cold Wrote:yea he might be a good coach but what i hear from the players all they do in practice is he hits them the ball and he hits it over the fence. With the players valley has they should have won their district.

My vote for most absurd post on BGR in 2009. That is unless I am on the basketball thread and dont realize it. LMAO
I Could Not Agree More!!!!
Coach Ratliff does push the boys. True, Valley does pretty much have the same athletes that's in basketball and football. But, the fact is baseball is a totally different game than football and basketball. Baseball is a little more difficult. But, I see the coach and the players trying hard day in and day out and they should be good next year.
Ok SV now its almost district time.. WE NEED TO QUIT GETTING DOWN ON OURSELVES because we play a lot better when we stay in the game
Mr.cold Wrote:yea he might be a good coach but what i hear from the players all they do in practice is he hits them the ball and he hits it over the fence. With the players valley has they should have won their district.
He may hit the ball out once in a while but what do you expect.. i hate it when people expect the coach to be perfect we all make mistakes even coaches. And when SV does lose its not automaticly the coaches fault it depends on wheter SV gives up our not. So dont make the coach out to look bad. I am sure you play some kind of sport and you cant say your coach is perfect....... :argue:
SV has too much talent to be 2-14, that is all I know. I say they give him another year and if he doesn't turn it around get him out of there. The players don't seem to respect him that much.
icy heat Wrote:He may hit the ball out once in a while but what do you expect.. i hate it when people expect the coach to be perfect we all make mistakes even coaches. And when SV does lose its not automaticly the coaches fault it depends on wheter SV gives up our not. So dont make the coach out to look bad. I am sure you play some kind of sport and you cant say your coach is perfect....... :argue:

Any coach that is worth anything will be the first to tell you they will take the blame for every loss, and any coach that doesn't do that is not worth the time and effort. No coach should ever blame the players for everything that goes on. Because in all honesty attitude does reflect leadership.
Uncle Fester Wrote:SV has too much talent to be 2-14, that is all I know. I say they give him another year and if he doesn't turn it around get him out of there. The players don't seem to respect him that much.

Most players on the team respect him. Well, actually the ones that actually want to play. SV did beat South Floyd twice last night. Not saying much but that's 2 wins. :biggrin: 4-14
JackRabbitSlim Wrote:Any coach that is worth anything will be the first to tell you they will take the blame for every loss, and any coach that doesn't do that is not worth the time and effort. No coach should ever blame the players for everything that goes on. Because in all honesty attitude does reflect leadership.

He does take the blame I'm just trying to say that everybody says they need a new coach because they aren't winning.. This is his first year you can't expect for them to be with a perfect record he needs some time to work with his team
I think the biggest problem at SV w/baseball is that nobody (else) cares. It doesn't matter how good the coach is, how good the team is, etc., with no support its hard to get excited and if you're not excited about the game, then its hard to win. Also, don't give up on a coach after one season - everyone should've known this would be a tough season. A new coach and what, 6 new starters for the varsity? Its not that the potential isn't there - its just going to take time. Don't give up on Coach Ratliff or these boys - they've got the potential, but its just going to take time.
mic_man Wrote:I think the biggest problem at SV w/baseball is that nobody (else) cares. It doesn't matter how good the coach is, how good the team is, etc., with no support its hard to get excited and if you're not excited about the game, then its hard to win. Also, don't give up on a coach after one season - everyone should've known this would be a tough season. A new coach and what, 6 new starters for the varsity? Its not that the potential isn't there - its just going to take time. Don't give up on Coach Ratliff or these boys - they've got the potential, but its just going to take time.

Great post! :thanks:
Its all comes down to having a legit little league program. Most of these kids have never played much baseball when they get to the high school level. So the coach has to learn them basic fundamentals which should have been taught in LL. I played at Shelby valley a few years back nobody cares about baseball in Dorton or Virgie all they done was put a basketball in my hand. So its going to be impossible for a Shelby Valley team to succeed until they Get people who start working with the Kids at a young age. They should start by getting Dortons LL field fixed so the kids will have somwhere to play.
icy heat Wrote:He does take the blame

That's part of the deal as a coach, isn't it... you get the blame for the bad and give the team all the credit for the good. Smile Believe me, I know - been there, done that... These boys will come around - it just takes time. Maybe they'll surprise us all in the district...

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