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John Wall Update...
From the same site I'm apart of that gave me the information of Bledsoe's committment.

Here is a quote from a member who generally doesn't make recruiting statements like this but here is what he said:

"This could go down as the greatest recruiting day in UK's history. Stay tuned."

When asked to elaborate on this, a member with high credibility on the recruiting front who has sources at major programs said this in response to some other memers:

"Apparently, the Wall stuff is going to start moving now..."

Take it for what you will...
So, Wall to UK too??? :Wave:
bigjim4packers Wrote:So, Wall to UK too??? :Wave:

Not as of right now but when more information is let out on the current situation you all will be the first to know...

The same guy who has legit credentials who said that the Wall party is starting to move now has said in the past and is on record for saying that he says that UK will most likely get Wall. He is on record for saying that he is about "95%" sure on that...

I'll keep you all updated on the situation...
BaseballIsLife Wrote:From the same site I'm apart of that gave me the information of Bledsoe's committment.

Here is a quote from a member who generally doesn't make recruiting statements like this but here is what he said:

"This could go down as the greatest recruiting day in UK's history. Stay tuned."

When asked to elaborate on this, a member with high credibility on the recruiting front who has sources at major programs said this in response to some other memers:

"Apparently, the Wall stuff is going to start moving now..."

Take it for what you will...

And you never know he could be moving to find a new school? I hope not but you never know until the letter is signed!
Bleacher_Creature_10 Wrote:And you never know he could be moving to find a new school? I hope not but you never know until the letter is signed!

Yet again that is why I said take it for what you will and these are coming from some people who have credentials are in the know-how of the recruiting front so when they make statements like this they are putting their credibility on the line. The 1st statement on my original post generally doesn't make recruiting statements like that one so I can't speak for them but the second one is from a well known member with high credibility and good sources so if you take anything from my post, believe the 2nd statement over the 1st...
I'm referring now the person who made the 1st statement in my original post as CR and the person who made the 2nd statement as SSF.

CR just made this statement in response to SSF's first:

"It already moved. The moves are just being more public..."

SSF responded with this:

"I expect to hear something by this weekend...

I don't know about anything sooner."
You aren't a member of the CIA or FBI are you? Why not just talk and converse like a regular person?:biggrin:
If Wall signs with or committs to KENTUCKY today, then I will take off work the rest of the week and party like it's 1999
I hope something starts to happen with this kid, the act is getting alittle old.
TheRealVille Wrote:You aren't a member of the CIA or FBI are you? Why not just talk and converse like a regular person?:biggrin:

I wish :biggrin: .

These guys love to toy with us and talk in tongues. They have alot of information on their hands but often don't release it because they try to substantiate it first so as to find some validity in it. They are very reliable I might add and often are some of the first to know whats going and whats happening with whom before anyone else...
With the Bledsoe kid signing will we run a three guard offense? If Wall signs this is our starting 5. Look at it and drool.

1-wall pg
2-bledsoe pg
3-meeks- sg

Keep in mind this is "IF" we get wall and "IF' Meeks and Patterson stay.
^I'd love to run a 3 guard offense or even a 4 and 1. For some reason those offenses have always intrigued me as they will often spread the floor and run with the ball and it always makes the game exciting.
cougarpride08 Wrote:With the Bledsoe kid signing will we run a three guard offense? If Wall signs this is our starting 5. Look at it and drool.

1-wall pg
2-bledsoe pg
3-meeks- sg

Keep in mind this is "IF" we get wall and "IF' Meeks and Patterson stay.

Hmm, see ive heard that bledsoe isnt the best shooter and would probally play behind wall giving the talented darius miller the start
Assuming Wall is coming to KY, here you have the starting lineup for next year:

C= Cousins

Bench= Orton, Pilgrim,Bledsoe,Dodson,Hood,Harris,Stevenson,Galloway
Navajo4life Wrote:Assuming Wall is coming to KY, here you have the starting lineup for next year:

C= Cousins

Bench= Orton, Pilgrim,Bledsoe,Dodson,Hood,Harris,Stevenson,Galloway

and if wall dont come and meeks adn PP go PRO????
Apparently Bledsoe said that Patterson would be returning, but his draft stock is rising, so I don't know what to think. If Meeks was smart, he would return as well. Everything is still looking postive with Wall, he and Coach Cal are on very good terms and Cal must have already explained everything to him about Bledsoe committing. Even with Patterson's departure, you would still have Cousins at the 4 and Orton at the 5, not too bad.
UK is taking shape nicely, and quite frankly im excited as i've ever been...I love summer time and football season, but bball season cant come soon enough!
I just read on catspause that Wall will have his list trimmed down by tommrow and if not then, by the end of the week. I hope he is telling the truth. In the article, Wall also expressed that UK would be up there if not the leader, he also went on to say that he and Coach Cal had a very good relationship and that the signing of Bledsoe would have no impact on weather or not he came to UK.
C.Clair Wrote:I just read on catspause that Wall will have his list trimmed down by tommrow and if not then, by the end of the week. I hope he is telling the truth. In the article, Wall also expressed that UK would be up there if not the leader, he also went on to say that he and Coach Cal had a very good relationship and that the signing of Bledsoe would have no impact on weather or not he came to UK.

Correct this is also what some of the people whom have sources and credibility to their name are saying. Supposedly he will be trimming it to 3 by the end of the week.

To quote one of the credible posters on who will make the final three:

"Kentucky is the only guarantee" and he cited the reason for that saying that it was because Wall really liked what Calipari brought to the game and what he had to offer.
I saw on Ky sports Radio that Doug Gottlieb said that UK has no shot to land Wall. Doesnt look like Gottlieb is a UK fan lol.
C.Clair Wrote:I saw on Ky sports Radio that Doug Gottlieb said that UK has no shot to land Wall. Doesnt look like Gottlieb is a UK fan lol.

Funny thing that you mentioned this as this was discussed on the other premium site I'm on and this is what the most respected member who has the most sources and information out of all of us (as his real job is being a recruiting analyst and knowing who is going where and who recruits are leaning towards, etc, etc) said in response to that:

"Gottlieb is an idiot..."

:Clap: Funniest thing I've heard all day and made many of us laugh. If this guy says Gottlieb is an idiot you better believe him...

He also went on to say this that the guy is more in touch with himself than the Wall situation...
I hope so, Wall would make us a top 5 team preseason.
C.Clair Wrote:I hope so, Wall would make us a top 5 team preseason.

According to some analysts, some already have us in their top 5...
BaseballIsLife Wrote:According to some analysts, some already have us in their top 5...

Even with wall coming and making us all not go to work or school for a day and have a picnic, we STILL NEED MEEKS AND PATERSON IF WE WANT THAT TITLE,
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Even with wall coming and making us all not go to work or school for a day and have a picnic, we STILL NEED MEEKS AND PATERSON IF WE WANT THAT TITLE,

Exactly right!
I'm calling it, Wall to UK!

I WILL NOT all a timetable of when it will happen, but from all the buzz I have heardand some of Wall's responses I think when all is said and done he will be at UK.
EKU, I really hope you are right.
C.Clair Wrote:EKU, I really hope you are right.

Between the last football class and this basketball class I have only been off one call player I called, Demond Dennis (who may have very well committed to UK then backed out) I called Bledsoe the other day and said all along Henry wasn't coming to UK.

I am about 85% sure Wall will be a Cat.
Are you a car salesmen EKU?
The people that have made the statements that I have already posted have said that at right now they feel that Wall is leaning toward UK and will most likely be here when it is all said and done...
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