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Ever wonder how much pro wrestlers make?
This list is as of 2006, so obviously some have left WWE, others have gained in popularity, etc. but at the time:

- Ashley Massaro: $131,000
- Batista: $813,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)
- Big Show: $1,000,000 (Base salary)
- Bob Holly: $217,000
- Booker T: $375,000
- Candice Michelle: $64,000
- Carlito: $319,000
- Chavo Guerrero: $206,000
- Chris Benoit: $488,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)
- Chris Masters: $253,000
- Christian - $396,000
- Danny Basham: $130,000
- Doug Basham: $126,000
- Eddie Guerrero: $372,000
- Edge: $704,000
- Eugene: $189,000
- Funaki: $124,000
- Gene Snitsky: $292,000
- Gregory Helms: $277,000
- John Cena: $1,743,000 (First class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, and ground transportation paid for every week)
- John Layfield: $786,000 (Five star hotel accommodations paid for every week)
- Jerry Lawler: $204,000 (First class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, and ground transportation paid for every week)
- Jillian Hall: $52,000
- Joey Mercury: $134,000
- Johnny Nitro: $143,000
- Jonathan Coachman: $175,000
- Kane: $ 851,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)
- Ken Kennedy: $133,000
- Kid Kash: $62,000
- Kurt Angle: $1,023,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)
- Lance Cade: $118,000
- Lilian Garcia: $90,000
- Lita: $286,000 (Mostly downside paid due to lack of wrestling)
- Maria: $41,000
- Mark Henry: $300,000 (Base pay)
- Matt Hardy: $322,000 (Missed over $70,000 of pay due to firing)
- Matt Striker: $43,000
- Melina: $155,000
- Mickie James: $72,000
- Nunzio: $186,000
- Orlando Jordan: $145,000
- Paul London: $177,000
- Psicosis: $122,000
- Randy Orton: $711,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)
- Rene Dupree: $289,000
- Rey Mysterio: $414,000
- Ric Flair: $508,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)
- Rob Conway: $186,000
- Rob Van Darn: $220,000 (Only received downside and royalties due to injury)
- Rosie: $105,000
- Shawn Michaels: $1,045,000 (First class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, and ground transportation paid for every week)
- Shelton Benjamin: $366,000
- Simon Dean: $132,000
- Stacy Keibler: $178,000 (Only downside paid during absence)
- Steven Richards: $94,000
- Torrie Wilson: $260,000
- Trevor Murdoch: $48,000
- Triple H: $2,013,000 (Allowed the personal use of company jet (10) times per year. First class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, and ground transportation paid for every week)
- Trish Stratus: $618,000 (Receives 20% of all Trish Stratus merchandise sold)
- Tyson Tomko: $127,000
- Undertaker: $1,811,000 (First class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, and ground transportation paid for every week)
- Val Venis: $210,000
- Victoria: $275,000
- Viscera: $130,000
- William Regal: $225,000
Being friends of Wildcat Chris Harris, I know for a fact that they don't make much
Guess it pays for Triple H to be Stephanie's wife.
There are names on that list that I have never heard of that are making 6 figures a year. No surprise though. Any entertainer/athlete/etc. make ridiculous amounts of money.
thetribe Wrote:There are names on that list that I have never heard of that are making 6 figures a year. No surprise though. Any entertainer/athlete/etc. make ridiculous amounts of money.

I think you make nearly as much as a legend of the sport. Me and my bros have alot of the Rey Mysterio mask and we where them around the boat when we have been at sea too long. You should really stik a tuna sometime with one of those mask on.
Hilbily Wrote:I think you make nearly as much as a legend of the sport. Me and my bros have alot of the Rey Mysterio mask and we where them around the boat when we have been at sea too long. You should really stik a tuna sometime with one of those mask on.

I'll pass
Stardust Wrote:I'll pass

Wow looks like i need a change in career.
Well, looks like that list is a little old. Also with Wildcat Chris Harris, I'm gonna venture and say he didn't earn no where close to alot of those numbers in TNA.
Notorious Wrote:Well, looks like that list is a little old. Also with Wildcat Chris Harris, I'm gonna venture and say he didn't earn no where close to alot of those numbers in TNA.

I stated in the original post that the list was from 2006, it was the most recent I could find. I'd love to see those numbers now though. I'd bet some of those names are making a whole lot more.

TNA doesn't do nearly as many shows as WWE and they don't travel nearly as much. They aren't as time-and-travel demanding as WWE, so yeah, I'd think they don't make anywhere near what they make in WWE.

A top-tier talent in WWE makes anywhere from a million to 2 million a year, while I'd guess that a top-tier talent in TNA makes probably $75,000 to $100,000 a year.
I would've figured that the Undertaker would've made a little more then that. He's probably been there the longest and has the better history. But then again, doesn't he just work PPV's?

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