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The world revolves around me...
Yeah, so, for those who don't know, I work at Enterprise Rent-a-Car.

Anyways, people like this annoy the crap out of me.

So this lady comes in at 8 AM yesterday morning. She had reserved a mid-size SUV for 9 AM.

Now, first thing in the morning, Enterprise is always slammed. Most people rent either at the beginning of the day or at the end of the day...that's just the way it is.

So, I have a line of 7 cars that all need to be cleaned, and this lady comes in and demands that we rent her the SUV she reserved at 8 AM instead of 9 AM.

Keep in mind, SHE said she would be in at 9 AM to rent the SUV, so it wasn't one of the first on our list.

I am almost done with one of the cars already in the wash bay. It's practically done, but needed the soap washed off the car. This lady demands that we stop cleaning the car we were almost done with and get to work on hers.

So, I have to pull out this car (still covered in soap) and go get her SUV to clean it up for her (yes, they have to be cleaned before each rental for sanitary reasons). Meanwhile, she sits in the office looking like Oscar the Grouch and complaining about how her car wasn't ready when she got there.

By the time I got done washing this SUV, the soap on the original car had dried and had to be re-washed.

What makes people think that the world revolves around them and only them? And why should you have ANY reason to be upset that your car isn't ready when YOU are the one who showed up an hour early?
ComfortEagle Wrote:Yeah, so, for those who don't know, I work at Enterprise Rent-a-Car.

Anyways, people like this annoy the crap out of me.

So this lady comes in at 8 AM yesterday morning. She had reserved a mid-size SUV for 9 AM.

Now, first thing in the morning, Enterprise is always slammed. Most people rent either at the beginning of the day or at the end of the day...that's just the way it is.

So, I have a line of 7 cars that all need to be cleaned, and this lady comes in and demands that we rent her the SUV she reserved at 8 AM instead of 9 AM.

Keep in mind, SHE said she would be in at 9 AM to rent the SUV, so it wasn't one of the first on our list.

I am almost done with one of the cars already in the wash bay. It's practically done, but needed the soap washed off the car. This lady demands that we stop cleaning the car we were almost done with and get to work on hers.

So, I have to pull out this car (still covered in soap) and go get her SUV to clean it up for her (yes, they have to be cleaned before each rental for sanitary reasons). Meanwhile, she sits in the office looking like Oscar the Grouch and complaining about how her car wasn't ready when she got there.

By the time I got done washing this SUV, the soap on the original car had dried and had to be re-washed.

What makes people think that the world revolves around them and only them? And why should you have ANY reason to be upset that your car isn't ready when YOU are the one who showed up an hour early?

I know exactly what your talking about.. I can't stand people like this!! If I was in that situation I would have probably lost my job because I probably would have told her what I thought..
Its just the way people are now a days.
C.Clair Wrote:Its just the way people are now a days.

So True!
You should've told her to stick it where the sun don't shine.
sherman14 Wrote:You should've told her to stick it where the sun don't shine.

Yea if he was looking to get fired.
Because some people are raised to get what they want...and right at the moment!!

& if it's not, heaven forbid!


Morehead State Eagle!
I would have lost the job lol Big Grin
LOL... This is funny. My hubby actually acts like that... LMAO... I'm jokin of course but I do think I would have told her that she wasn't scheduled to pick her automobile up until 9:00 am and it would NOT be ready until then. If she didn't like it then "OH WELL".... Sounds like someone needs to give her an attitude adjustment anyway... Wish I could have been a fly on the wall and heard you cussin under your breath!!! LOL....

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Double Zero Wrote:I would have lost the job lol Big Grin

IMO, it's a bad time to lose a job because who knows when you'll find something again.

So many places are on hiring freezes right now.
I would have smiled said ok and went back to doing what I was doing. All she can do is complain, but if you were doing your job then that's all you can do. She could have waited just like the rest of the world has to do at some point or another. I hate people like this, and that's one reason i'm glad i don't work in the public anymore. Cause i have a bad attitude against people who have bad attitudes
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
I would have told her that I was currently working on a vehicle (obviously) that was scheduled before hers. That her appointment wasn't until 9am and that you would be with her as soon as possible. It was HER fault that she scheduled for 9 and showed up at 8. Do people expect doctors to see them an hour early just because they show up? Don't happen captain.
Id quit and spit on her shoes...
Proud of you CE.... with the week you were having, holding your tongue couldn't have been easy. Unfortunately, people believe that the things they are in a hurry for are more important than the things everyone else is in a hurry for!
Female Dogs will be Female Dogs my friend!
What do female dogs have to do with a b---- showing up an hour early to rent her car?Big Grin
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Female Dogs will be Female Dogs my friend!
TidesHoss32 Wrote:What do female dogs have to do with a b---- showing up an hour early to rent her car?Big Grin

I think Playboy5 was being polite, this way he didn't have to bleep out letters of words.
I would have just taken my time with the first car you was cleaning.
warrior3 Wrote:I think Playboy5 was being polite, this way he didn't have to bleep out letters of words.

He got it. Hence the :biggrin:.

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