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Spring Pratices,KHSAA is killing the Sport of Football!!!
How is spring pratices going with your team.Is 10 days enuff to see what all needs to be done for the following season.Seems like The KHSAA knows best hahaha,With no high school 7-7 camps in June KHSAA is hurting a lot of football teams,when will they see that,it hurts when you are use to having a couple 7-7 camps,to see what you are doing and kids enjoy them as well as fans,Team camps at a college campus only if its just for 1 day is only way to get around this problem and just maybe a few of these kids will get looked at while on these college campus.... jmo
KHSAA is killing this game!!
Making all these stupid rules is just making it harder for kids to improve and for Coaches to see who will stand out in recieveing the ball........
This new rule makes me sick
The folks running the KHSAA love B-ball and its killing them to see it losing ground to football as far as popularity in this state so they are doing their part to make sure it doesnt succeed.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:The folks running the KHSAA love B-ball and its killing them to see it losing ground to football as far as popularity in this state so they are doing their part to make sure it doesnt succeed.

That's Right.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:The folks running the KHSAA love B-ball and its killing them to see it losing ground to football as far as popularity in this state so they are doing their part to make sure it doesnt succeed.

:redboxer: :Thumbs:
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:The folks running the KHSAA love B-ball and its killing them to see it losing ground to football as far as popularity in this state so they are doing their part to make sure it doesnt succeed.

Who is running the KHSAA?
I think the KHSAA is trying to make these coaches not put the pressure on some of these kids to only play one sport. These are high school kids and should be allowed to play 3 or whatever sports they want. A lot of coaches are telling their kids that if they play something else they will lose playing time and that is definitely not the right thing to be doing to these kids. I wish they would have a month long DEAD PERIOD because these kids need time away from their sports to enjoy their lives in high school a little bit. It's ridiculous to have kids playing football, basketball, or baseball, 24-7, 365! They will get enough of that when they get away to college ball. If a kid really wants to that is fine, but these coaches are putting way to much pressure on highschool kids.
mountain hoops guru Wrote:I think the KHSAA is trying to make these coaches not put the pressure on some of these kids to only play one sport. These are high school kids and should be allowed to play 3 or whatever sports they want. A lot of coaches are telling their kids that if they play something else they will lose playing time and that is definitely not the right thing to be doing to these kids. I wish they would have a month long DEAD PERIOD because these kids need time away from their sports to enjoy their lives in high school a little bit. It's ridiculous to have kids playing football, basketball, or baseball, 24-7, 365! They will get enough of that when they get away to college ball. If a kid really wants to that is fine, but these coaches are putting way to much pressure on highschool kids.

I agree with you. It's sad that coaches are putting pressure on kids. A kid should be able to enjoy all sports, not ones the coaches choose for them.
The more involved the kids are, the better their grades will be.
In reality, most sports are year round in some form or fashion. The dead period should be a month long, but there is one question I have: while the KHSAA can regulate high school sports, can they regulate Select Soccer, Select Baseball, or AAU Basketball? If the dead period went to a month, the "other" groups would pick up the slack.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:The folks running the KHSAA love B-ball and its killing them to see it losing ground to football as far as popularity in this state so they are doing their part to make sure it doesnt succeed.

Well said Hail Pikeville.:notworthy
mountain hoops guru Wrote:I think the KHSAA is trying to make these coaches not put the pressure on some of these kids to only play one sport. These are high school kids and should be allowed to play 3 or whatever sports they want. A lot of coaches are telling their kids that if they play something else they will lose playing time and that is definitely not the right thing to be doing to these kids. I wish they would have a month long DEAD PERIOD because these kids need time away from their sports to enjoy their lives in high school a little bit. It's ridiculous to have kids playing football, basketball, or baseball, 24-7, 365! They will get enough of that when they get away to college ball. If a kid really wants to that is fine, but these coaches are putting way to much pressure on highschool kids.

Only one sport? Basketball is year round.
Not a good thing at all.
When will summer Basketball get started?
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:The folks running the KHSAA love B-ball and its killing them to see it losing ground to football as far as popularity in this state so they are doing their part to make sure it doesnt succeed.

Amen brother.
Why wouldn't they want football to grow? It brings in more money to the schools, more student athletes can get involved in the team, and imo it is a heck of a lot more exciting than basketball. I agree with everyone else. Something drastic needs to be changed in the formatting of spring ball. They either need to extend the number of days allowed or get rid of it completely. There is nothing to be accomplished with the 10 day limit we have on it right now. Why does basketball get the whole summer to practice out of season while football gets 2 weeks in the spring? As for 7-on-7, it was a great way for players to get out on the field and get everything loosened up and tone up their skills in prep for July. How are the kids supposed to improve w/o any organized practice in the summer? Changes need to be made in the heart of the KHSAA.

:flame: KHSAA
kymom Wrote:When will summer Basketball get started?

What are you talking about get started??????? WHEN DID IT EVER END??? Between regular season, AAU, summer hoops, then during the dead period some college is always having a camp somewhere, it never ends!!!! I think those in football are just "JEALOUS". There should be no sports going on from June 15-July 15. That would be a great dead period. All camps or whatever need to be done by June 15th. Along with AAu and everything else. Would give everyone a much needed break, and then on July 15 Football could start and everyone be fresh and ready to go.
mountain hoops guru Wrote:What are you talking about get started??????? WHEN DID IT EVER END??? Between regular season, AAU, summer hoops, then during the dead period some college is always having a camp somewhere, it never ends!!!! I think those in football are just "JEALOUS". There should be no sports going on from June 15-July 15. That would be a great dead period. All camps or whatever need to be done by June 15th. Along with AAu and everything else. Would give everyone a much needed break, and then on July 15 Football could start and everyone be fresh and ready to go.

Amen.:rockon: :1: :notworthy :worthy:
there are ways to get around the fine print. They always find a way.
I am going to throw my opinion in here. First, 10 days of spring ball is better than not having it at all. I do beleive, as coachs, we need more lead way on the timing. For example, throw out the rule about the Monday following your B'ball teams losing and just simply make it that you have April and May to get two weeks in for Spring. This would allow the weather to be much more condusive for practice. My big gripe is with taking away the activity in June. This does not bold well for Football. I run the Wing-T but we do throw the ball some. However, just having the players around you and competing in 7 on 7 tournaments, keeps the players in it mentally during the summer, which is huge in my opinion.
It is tough to get the proper conditioning with the lack of time, but the heat is a factor.
mountain hoops guru Wrote:What are you talking about get started??????? WHEN DID IT EVER END??? Between regular season, AAU, summer hoops, then during the dead period some college is always having a camp somewhere, it never ends!!!! I think those in football are just "JEALOUS". There should be no sports going on from June 15-July 15. That would be a great dead period. All camps or whatever need to be done by June 15th. Along with AAu and everything else. Would give everyone a much needed break, and then on July 15 Football could start and everyone be fresh and ready to go.

JEALOUS....I would be willing to say more kids from mountians gets scolarships from the football side of things than the basketball (very seldom do we ever have a D-1 athlete in Basketball and from the 14th region its been sometime and i still dont see any or any coming up)and basketball is 24-7 and 365 days a year and they still want to put a rock on Football come on treat all fair,i say lets get it right and if that means closing down everything for a month thats fine but dont have it where they can run their AAU basketball and select games if your wanting a month then make it for all athletes not putting a stop to the kids that need the 7 on 7 to make them more ready to start July 15th,JMO!!!

I would say that Baseball is most poorly treated sport in all and could be the 2nd sport (football being 1st)that get more young male athletes scolarships here in mountians and THEN Basketball (3rd)for the boys side of sports!!!JMO
mountain hoops guru Wrote:What are you talking about get started??????? WHEN DID IT EVER END??? Between regular season, AAU, summer hoops, then during the dead period some college is always having a camp somewhere, it never ends!!!! I think those in football are just "JEALOUS". There should be no sports going on from June 15-July 15. That would be a great dead period. All camps or whatever need to be done by June 15th. Along with AAu and everything else. Would give everyone a much needed break, and then on July 15 Football could start and everyone be fresh and ready to go.

Sounds great in theory, but impossible in reality. The KHSAA has no jurisdiction over AAU and Select teams of various sports and has no jurisdiction over certain types of camps. If we think we have a hard time now with eligibility compliance, just enact a by law that says any player that plays on AAU or Select teams during the expanded dead period or attends any type of individual skills camp during the dead period is ineligible. That would be a mess.

Me personally, I think expanding the dead period is a mistake for safety reasons, if none other. I want the kids out in the heat (practicing without pads) as long as possible in advance of needing to put on the pads. Unless we want to back up the start and ending of football (a move most of the basketball coaches would go crazy about) or shorten the football season (a move most of the football coaches would go crazy about), we need to keep the dead period as it is to allow the kids as much time possible to get acclimated to the heat.

Also in my opinion, I think this talk about high school kids needing a longer break from sports during the summer is a red herring. I think it's more the coaches that want the longer break for personal reasons than the kids wanting it. Most of the players I know are actually bored during the dead period if they are not on vacation with their parents. It's not enough time to get a summer job, so they sit around on couches playing video games in air conditioning, wanting football to start soon so they have something to do. Plus the longer the dead period, the more potential for kids to get in trouble. Isn't there an old cliche that goes something like: idle time is the tool of the Devil? But admittedly, it may be different with other kids in other areas. And if that's the case in other areas, the football coaches of schools in that area, should on there own, provide a longer break to the kids on their team if that's what they feel is best for their kids. I just hate it when we pass these rules that try to fit all schools and all kids. If a coach feels a longer dead period is best for his players, there's nothing stopping the coach from giving a longer dead period other than being too preoccupied with wins and losses. Wins and losses are important to a point, but only to a point.
bigperm47 Wrote:It is tough to get the proper conditioning with the lack of time, but the heat is a factor.

The heat can be monitored, any coach with any common sense should know the proper precautions to take in order to assure his players remain hydrated...maybe these coaches should just be educated in terms of proper care in these situations, I know they already have to take the cpr classes and such.
mountain hoops guru Wrote:I think the KHSAA is trying to make these coaches not put the pressure on some of these kids to only play one sport. These are high school kids and should be allowed to play 3 or whatever sports they want. A lot of coaches are telling their kids that if they play something else they will lose playing time and that is definitely not the right thing to be doing to these kids. I wish they would have a month long DEAD PERIOD because these kids need time away from their sports to enjoy their lives in high school a little bit. It's ridiculous to have kids playing football, basketball, or baseball, 24-7, 365! They will get enough of that when they get away to college ball. If a kid really wants to that is fine, but these coaches are putting way to much pressure on highschool kids.
Are you saying that football coaches are the only ones who put pressure on kids to only play one sport? If believe that Ive got some swamp land in Jersey Id like to sell you.
I think a coach who see there kids excel in other sports should be proud of them and no matter what happens in there sport they should be glad that someone is out there competing and staying in shape.
Csportsman11 Wrote:How is spring pratices going with your team.Is 10 days enuff to see what all needs to be done for the following season.Seems like The KHSAA knows best hahaha,With no high school 7-7 camps in June KHSAA is hurting a lot of football teams,when will they see that,it hurts when you are use to having a couple 7-7 camps,to see what you are doing and kids enjoy them as well as fans,Team camps at a college campus only if its just for 1 day is only way to get around this problem and just maybe a few of these kids will get looked at while on these college campus.... jmo

I think that this is so funny... ITS BASEBALL SEASON! Some of you all would flip out if High School Baseball Teams had practice durring the middle of football season. Maybe the KHSAA is trying to ensure that all sports recieve the time they deserve.

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