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Wrestlemania 25
Undefeated Streak On The Line:
-Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

See above, but just amazing match. Take 17-0
Aht a hoot, Edge spears Vicki
Are the Big Show slaps the loudest you have ever heard
Can you believe Cena got Big Show up on his back
That was new, never seen the barricades break. nice booking
Pretty weak Vader Splash by the Big Show
Did you see Cena pick up both Show and Edge on his back at one time>>>>>
Cena is your new champ.
WOW Cena is a beast
World Title:
-Edge © vs. Big Show vs. John Cena

No surprise on the winner and new champion, John Cena
They said that was over 750 pounds???
I wonder what he can squat?
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:I wonder what he can squat?

Well, we know what at least how much :1:
Anybody else that you'd rather drink a beer with than Stone Cold
Stone Cold is the man lol GOAT
Any swerves in this match? No swerves except maybe the Rey/JBL match. Could Stephanie or one of the McMahons turn on HHH?
As much as I did not like Orton, he has made a legit Main Eventer. Never thought he would reach the "WM" main event status, but he is legit.
Interesting entry by HHH
Both guys hit their finishers without making a cover in the first 5 minutes. Interesting that they are only giving the main event of WM25 20-25 minutes??
Has there been any blood tonight?
Has to be some outside interfernce coming,soon.
this has really been blah so far
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:Has to be some outside interfernce coming,soon.

Something, this is flat out stale
Is Lillian Garcia the hottest of all the women in the WWE?
For some reason I like Mickey James the most.
There has not been a Ref Bump tonight as well. Look for the ref to get knocked out and then the run-ins will start
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:For some reason I like Mickey James the most.

She does have that unique look as well
10 minutes in, they must be setting up something big, because there has not been much of a story yet
I agree.
Just a lot of beating on each other, with it not leading to anything

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