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Addressed To "The Revelation"
TheRevelation Wrote:If he is making 45000 a year on a message board then the man is a sheer genius. Kudos to anyone who can do that. Torqque that could be some good income for you and your family. If everyone love the board like they say they do, we could all chip in and help with the server expenses.

I dont call making 45,000 a year off a message board genius. Alot of luck is involved. He didnt do anything special. He bought a VB for about 100 bux and bought a domain. There happen to be audience for what he had to offer. But monopolys are not good in any business. There always needs to be competition. Some boards make in the millions. Now thats genius. Im not in for the money.
Im truely in it for the companionship.
THe google ads pay for the server. THe more that joins the more google ads will get clicked and the more money will be available to upgrade servers.

My wife and I run several sites that make good money that are not personal like this one. I wouldnt charge even if people were willing to pay. That would defeat my whole purpose. A community should be free, friendships should be free and most of all peoples opinions should be free.

Its not like theguru is doing something spectacular. He makes money off his members knowledge. Not his own knowledge. I have nothing againt a man wanting to make extra money for his family and his retirement. Not a thing wrong with it.

At the same time there shouldnt be anything wrong with a person that cares about his fellow humans. I like making people happy.. I like to give to the best of my abilities. I even demonstrated this when I was a member at BGP were I was often mistreated because of where I was from. I constantly made avatars, and helped people with computer problems. I even went out of my way to make special avatars to a member that lost his son in a tradgic accident. To me thats caring. To me thats what matters most. I dont see Guru doing anything from his heart.. Do you?

I really care about these people on BGR. I spend countless hours trying to come up with things that will make them happy. I want them to feel appreciated. Because I really appreciate their support. I wouldnt trade my friendships this board had made me for a 100,000 a year. The friendships to me are priceless.
From a man that cares.

Thanks for supporting BGR and thanks for being my friend.:Thumbs:
hell yea QQ.
hey no problem...
BGR really is great though--kinda weird that u put this on here today cuz at school today me n some of my friends were talkin bout some of that exact same stuff like how on here its so casual n you get to know people n its like a friendly atmosphere that u dont even have to pay for you kno...and then like on the forums where its mostly about schools through here you know exactly who theyre talkin about where...

and then in the case of the lester's tragedy...its one thing to write "oh im sorry for their losses" but on here everybody that put that down honestly means it and it means alot to me and all of max n julie n hermans other friends and relatives to know that everyone on here sincerely cares and is here for anyone who needs em...

by the way your lil boys are cute*
You said it QQ, great post!
Sorry guys. I meant no harm, just a suggestion. Great site here, but dang, you guys are just alittle uptight over this guru dude.
If you've lived under the guru's rule you would understand the difference.
By the way. Welcome to the site.
I can see there is some huge resentment. But hey, I am a newbie and I think this is a great site.
QQ you're little boys are soo cute...they're just precious!
Enough about the ru lets start enjoying QQ
TheRevelation Wrote:Sorry guys. I meant no harm, just a suggestion. Great site here, but dang, you guys are just alittle uptight over this guru dude.

I knew you meant no harm whatsoever. This wasn't meant to be an insult or to critized you. YOu just happen to bring up a good point and I wanted to let everyone know exactly my intentions of this site. People have come in here and called me all kinds of things for opening up BGR. I have no idea why. Im sorry if the post offended you.. It wasnt meant to offend you. Only meant to express to others that I care. I just want to make it clear. Im not in it for the money. To some that makes a difference.

My post was not emphasized on guru. Its emphasized in why I do this for free. Thats all. I just wanted to remind people, including you.
No problem big guy. Great site.:thumb:
TheRevelation Wrote:No problem big guy. Great site.:thumb:

Thank you, Sir
Shall we kiss and make up. LOL
Well said big guy.
QQ :Thumbs:

CatDawg Wrote:Shall we kiss and make up. LOL
And CD...if you want to go kissing other guys.....then that's up to you
Beef Wrote:QQ :Thumbs:

And CD...if you want to go kissing other guys.....then that's up to you

:lol: :lol: :High5:
QQ is the man once again, we all have friends here from school and many that we have met in person. Lifelong friendships starting through BGR, it's a beautiful thing. Big Grin
It is beautiful tribe....wonder how long we'll be friends? lol
Forever! Duh. lol
If its not a money thing, why give a rat's ass what BGP does? No sweat off your back.
Umm he said he doesnt care about the money HE cares about his MEMBERS FRIENDSHIPS bc those are priceless.....QQ is a great guy him and I have became pretty good friends and he is as down to earth person as you will ever meet in you entire life.
I think i said it wrong. I meant if this is what you love doing then whuy should you care what that BGP sited does? Alls they are doing is sending you more busness.
Of course tribe.... we'll have brunch when we get in out 70's-80'

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