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Closing of a Gillispie era. Why was he fired. Player relationships? A must read.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Neither have stated that they are for sure coming back, both have said that their intentions are on coming back, but I say they are going to wait until UK makes a hire before the make their final decision.

I was thinking the same thing. But I'm hoping that they will come back.
There is a fine line between hard nose discipline and abuse. I don't know if any of these allegations are true. But if they are, how could have anyone ever expected BCG to build a successful team here? Sure you want to develop mental and physical toughness. However, you can't go overboard because these are just kids/young men playing a basketball game. In my opinion, the stress of the spotlight may have caused him to overreact, or maybe he was always this way?

Anyway, You have to build relationships with players and establish their trust so they gain confidence. You must motivate and encourage those that do good and push those that slack, or need more work. Regardless, you do not destroy their confidence through belittlement and fear. Constantly insulting and downright embarrassing another human being is wrong, especially when it's just a game.

People can call them "too soft" or "crybabies" if they want. This is no way for a professional at this level to manage and motivate a team. There are some tough people in this world, but everyone has a breaking point.

Mitch knew what he was talking about in the press conference when he mentioned he was concerned about "the quality of the student athlete experience."

Here is quote I like from over at catpause that I think sums up the entire mess.
when it's so bad that 6 or 7 players were going to transfer, then it goes beyond trying to make men out of them. Toughness, yet compassion is what you need. You can't berate someone 24/7 and expect results. This, pulling players out of a game for 1 mistake, telling your #1 player to not shoot anymore, threaten to kick him off the team, no wonder we lost 8 of our last 11 reg season games.
torQQue Wrote:There is a fine line between hard nose discipline and abuse. I don't know if any of these allegations are true. But if they are, how could have anyone ever expected BCG to build a successful team here? Sure you want to develop mental and physical toughness. However, you can't go overboard because these are just kids/young men playing a basketball game. In my opinion, the stress of the spotlight may have caused him to overreact, or maybe he was always this way?

Anyway, You have to build relationships with players and establish their trust so they gain confidence. You must motivate and encourage those that do good and push those that slack, or need more work. Regardless, you do not destroy their confidence through belittlement and fear. Constantly insulting and downright embarrassing another human being is wrong, especially when it's just a game.

People can call them "too soft" or "crybabies" if they want. This is no way for a professional at this level to manage and motivate a team. There are some tough people in this world, but everyone has a breaking point.

Mitch knew what he was talking about in the press conference when he mentioned he was concerned about "the quality of the student athlete experience."

Here is quote from catpause that I think sums up the entire mess.

Well said QQ and couldn't agree more.
torQQue Wrote:There is a fine line between hard nose discipline and abuse. I don't know if any of these allegations are true. But if they are, how could have anyone ever expected BCG to build a successful team here? Sure you want to develop mental and physical toughness. However, you can't go overboard because these are just kids/young men playing a basketball game. In my opinion, the stress of the spotlight may have caused him to overreact, or maybe he was always this way?

Anyway, You have to build relationships with players and establish their trust so they gain confidence. You must motivate and encourage those that do good and push those that slack, or need more work. Regardless, you do not destroy their confidence through belittlement and fear. Constantly insulting and downright embarrassing another human being is wrong, especially when it's just a game.

People can call them "too soft" or "crybabies" if they want. This is no way for a professional at this level to manage and motivate a team. There are some tough people in this world, but everyone has a breaking point.

Mitch knew what he was talking about in the press conference when he mentioned he was concerned about "the quality of the student athlete experience."

Here is quote I like from over at catpause that I think sums up the entire mess.

Great Post!
torQQue Wrote:There is a fine line between hard nose discipline and abuse. I don't know if any of these allegations are true. But if they are, how could have anyone ever expected BCG to build a successful team here? Sure you want to develop mental and physical toughness. However, you can't go overboard because these are just kids/young men playing a basketball game. In my opinion, the stress of the spotlight may have caused him to overreact, or maybe he was always this way?

Anyway, You have to build relationships with players and establish their trust so they gain confidence. You must motivate and encourage those that do good and push those that slack, or need more work. Regardless, you do not destroy their confidence through belittlement and fear. Constantly insulting and downright embarrassing another human being is wrong, especially when it's just a game.

People can call them "too soft" or "crybabies" if they want. This is no way for a professional at this level to manage and motivate a team. There are some tough people in this world, but everyone has a breaking point.

Mitch knew what he was talking about in the press conference when he mentioned he was concerned about "the quality of the student athlete experience."

Here is quote I like from over at catpause that I think sums up the entire mess.

Great post!

If all this makes its way to the public, like very big public, Billy G just might have a hard time ever finding a coaching job again.
Stardust Wrote:Is this a blog. Where are the quotes? Is this the same as if I would have wrote a story without quoting resources or where I got my information?

It's laughable how blinded you are.
According to **** Vitale, he has talked with both players and they are both coming back next year and with this and the transfers, Digger Phelps has predicted that Kentucky would be in the sweet 16 next year for sure, maybe going deeper because of the talent, new coach and the experience
Wow, Lets hope thats not true but that will deff make you change your mind on somethings, doesnt matter now hes gone. Does anyone know who those incdents were with, like who left his office cryin, who did he try to make walk to Hotel, and who lock himself in the room crying?
MVP2 Wrote:Wow, Lets hope thats not true but that will deff make you change your mind on somethings, doesnt matter now hes gone. Does anyone know who those incdents were with, like who left his office cryin, who did he try to make walk to Hotel, and who lock himself in the room crying?

Someone said it was Harrelson that spent halftime in a bathroom stall...
Sounds to me like his biggest problem was that the media hated him in a world where public perception is reality.
MVP2 Wrote:Wow, Lets hope thats not true but that will deff make you change your mind on somethings, doesnt matter now hes gone. Does anyone know who those incdents were with, like who left his office cryin, who did he try to make walk to Hotel, and who lock himself in the room crying?

I'm not sure, but I'd say that one of those involved AJ Stewart, especially since he tried to leave the team.
Jshort5 Wrote:Someone said it was Harrelson that spent halftime in a bathroom stall...
I met Harrelson during the summer in Lexington. He played some one on one with my son. Harrelson is a great kid but did not strike me as the crying alone in his room type of person

Honestly I think this article reflects just as poorly on the players as it does the coach.
^I agree.
FBALL Wrote:I met Harrelson during the summer in Lexington. He played some one on one with my son. Harrelson is a great kid but did not strike me as the crying alone in his room type of person

Honestly I think this article reflects just as poorly on the players as it does the coach.

No, coach Gillispie sent him in there. BCG said that he looked like **** and **** belongs in the bathroom, so he sent him there for the duration of halftime.
Jshort5 Wrote:No, coach Gillispie sent him in there. BCG said that he looked like **** and **** belongs in the bathroom, so he sent him there for the duration of halftime.

I still don't see that making him lock himself in his room and sob. Just doesn't strike me as that type of person.
Good read and post QQ. I said in early January something was wrong because Harrelson played a lot early and never got in late. The same thing with Liggons and Galloway. Liggons played a lot early and not so much late then Galloway got the minutes. I wondered how either would get adjusted to the point if they did not get the minutes. And I think there were some problems in late December with Slone as a close family friend told me he would transfer to Gtown Tigers next year if BCG stayed. Also thought there was a problem in the NIT game against ND as Meeks was benched for long periods of time and UK struggled to score. Even the game announcers were asking why Meeks was out thinking his legs were gone or something. Glad to see BCG gone hope UK gets on the right track this time around.
Stardust Wrote:If you have read any of my posts, I've mentioned many times before that the father of the player that I know has mentioned many things but nothing of this magnatude. We just got this from a blogger. If it is substantiated byt the players, then we will have the other side of the story.

I just talked tonight to friend of the Krebs, and they said he was getting tired of playing ball and was considering not playing next year(this was before Billy was fired).I do not know if this means he was tired of Billys antics or just tired of ball.
I was waiting for this to happen. Gillispie has been an embarrasment to the kentucky basketball program. Doesnt like to talk with the media, doesnt cooperate with players, and the biggest problem is he likes the "bottle" to much IMO.
[quote=torQQue]There is a fine line between hard nose discipline and abuse. I don't know if any of these allegations are true. But if they are, how could have anyone ever expected BCG to build a successful team here? Sure you want to develop mental and physical toughness. However, you can't go overboard because these are just kids/young men playing a basketball game. In my opinion, the stress of the spotlight may have caused him to overreact, or maybe he was always this way?

Anyway, You have to build relationships with players and establish their trust so they gain confidence. You must motivate and encourage those that do good and push those that slack, or need more work. Regardless, you do not destroy their confidence through belittlement and fear. Constantly insulting and downright embarrassing another human being is wrong, especially when it's just a game.

People can call them "too soft" or "crybabies" if they want. This is no way for a professional at this level to manage and motivate a team. There are some tough people in this world, but everyone has a breaking point.

Mitch knew what he was talking about in the press conference when he mentioned he was concerned about "the quality of the student athlete experience."

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Great post Under Armour 24. BCG was an embrassment to not only the basketball program but the entire state and it appeared to me that the players quit on him because they were fed up with his bull ---. I'm glad he is gone and maybe this time Barnhart will get the right coach and not an idiot like BCG.:rockon:
FBALL Wrote:Sounds to me like his biggest problem was that the media hated him in a world where public perception is reality.

Exacatly correct
If that many players were crying maybe they needed to walk home
Down and Out Wrote:Great post Under Armour 24. BCG was an embrassment to not only the basketball program but the entire state and it appeared to me that the players quit on him because they were fed up with his bull ---. I'm glad he is gone and maybe this time Barnhart will get the right coach and not an idiot like BCG.:rockon:
Just going by watching them all year it does in fact appear that the players quit on him about halfway through the season. That should speak volumes as to how everybody's opinion on here about BCG should go. I've thought the whole time that the players quit on him, and I'll abide by their decision. They were with him behind the scenes. Think back over the season and it is plain to see that they went from hot to cold in one swift swoop, kind of like just shutting the water off.
I dont see patterson going anywhere, i htink he needs another year our two! Jodie could go now and do fine!
And i agree, the team played like there head wasnt in the game all year! I see Y now!!!!!!!!! Some players need that kind of coach and some cant handle it, bu tI think that BCG went to far!
FBALL Wrote:Sounds to me like his biggest problem was that the media hated him in a world where public perception is reality.

They probably did but he gave them reason(s). One thing missing here is his relationship with the boosters. They put the pressure on three weeks ago.

I like to hear something from Porter and Harris since they got as much playing time as they did with their talent levels.
I felt bad for Gillispie and thought he should have gotten another season to prove him self but after reading this my mind has changed completely on the subject.
Tin Cup Wrote:They probably did but he gave them reason(s). One thing missing here is his relationship with the boosters. They put the pressure on three weeks ago.

I like to hear something from Porter and Harris since they got as much playing time as they did with their talent levels.

Thats true. He was not media friendly at all. The biggest difference between Gillispie and Pitino is that Slick Rick was a master of manipulation and a media darling. He was just as tough if not tougher on his players. Unlike Gillispie though, Pitino knew and still does know how to sell it to his players and the media.

I'm not saying I think Gillispie is as good of a coach as Pitino either before anybody takes it that way. Only making a comparison in how demanding they were on the players. Pitino would lay out a stream of profanity that would make a longshoreman blush. He would work his players to death, humilate them at times and build them back up before they knew what hit them. At that Pitino is the man. He has the charm of a prince and the heart of Dracula. Gillispie unfortunately was not blessed with that gift. Usually what he said was on the money but he always said it in a way to where it just ticked people off. He is to the coaching profession what George W. Bush was to the office of the president of the United States.
Very good post FBALL, nice analogy. I think the GW analogy works very well, expecially being sandwiched between to Pro PR guys in Clinton and OBama
RavenBoy Wrote:If that many players were crying maybe they needed to walk home

Or call Mommy to come get them.
FBALL Wrote:Thats true. He was not media friendly at all. The biggest difference between Gillispie and Pitino is that Slick Rick was a master of manipulation and a media darling. He was just as tough if not tougher on his players. Unlike Gillispie though, Pitino knew and still does know how to sell it to his players and the media.

I'm not saying I think Gillispie is as good of a coach as Pitino either before anybody takes it that way. Only making a comparison in how demanding they were on the players. Pitino would lay out a stream of profanity that would make a longshoreman blush. He would work his players to death, himilate them at times and build them back up before they knew what hit them. At that Pitino is the man. He has the charm of a prince and the heart of Dracula. Gillispie unfortunately was not blessed with that gift. Usually what he said was on the money but he always said it in a way to where it just ticked people off. He is to the coaching profession what George W. Bush was to the office of the president of the United States.

Mark Story said in the HL today that Gillispie "did not have a poor relationship with the vast majority of the Kentucky news media,"
that he "never one time saw Gillispie be abusive toward a member of the local media corps," and that "Rick Pitino was harsh toward more reporters in almost any week from his UK tenure than Gillispie was in two years."

The media thing is way overblown, as is the "abuse" of players.

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