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RUMOR----Gillispie is OUT...
Just like Looserville in Football, just keep Krapthorpe and we will continue to kick your a**e** in Football each and every year. So what if it's 6 million dollars, there will be a couple of alumni to buy out his contract or better yet, he will walk away and resign and the University will NOT OWE him a dime. It will be well worth the money to get him out of here and get a coach with some class at The University of Kentucky that knows how to play the kids with talent, not like the football coach at Looserville that looses two seasons in a row after the Football team won the Orange Bowl.........
Navajo4life Wrote:Just like Looserville in Football, just keep Krapthorpe and we will continue to kick your a**e** in Football each and every year. So what if it's 6 million dollars, there will be a couple of alumni to buy out his contract or better yet, he will walk away and resign and the University will NOT OWE him a dime. It will be well worth the money to get him out of here and get a coach with some class at The University of Kentucky that knows how to play the kids with talent, not like the football coach at Looserville that looses two seasons in a row after the Football team won the Orange Bowl.........

Start sending in your donation money man.
Stardust Wrote:Start sending in your donation money man.

Read where he said he would be sending in money? No, he said that Alumni would be, and he's completely right. There will be some K-Club members that I'm sure will be making large donations to the University.
I am telling you this would be a bad move by Kentucky, need to keep him one more year and if things dont improve with the roster he will have WHICH WOULD BE AN ELITE 8 ROSTER IMO then it would be a better move. Now is not the time but if Kentucky does do this then GOOD LUCK at finding a coach. Heared Billy D is the First option and Ford is the second option from a very reliable source. The third option would be VERY surprising to you Kentucky fans but I will not mention that. My sources are member of K Club in which I tailgate with during football season.

Dont look for them to announce his resignation untill a new coach is confirmed of wanting the job.
poor navjo4life thats all im going to say. but bcg deserves another chance. i have a bad feeling that he is gone and i feel sorry for him. if you set down and watch him on the sideline you can tell that he has it and wants it even more. even though some of the coaching i never could figure out but i guess with inconsistant players there is going to be inconsistant coaching.
Andy Katz just reported on Espn that this will NOT be RESOLVED until Friday. he said that the University told him that they will not let this go into the weekend. UK arrived back home around 4 this morning, M. Barnhartt drove back last night and Lee Todd is suppose to Fly back. so we will know something by Friday
My Friend is best friends with one of the players. He did say Coach G said goodbye to the players and wished them the best. He looked at Patterson and Meeks both and said he wished he had one more year with them both.
this is official BCG just sign a four year contract for the $6 milliion. mitch emailed me and said he listen to the the fans not the money men!:lmao:
I still think he gets one more year.
Beef Wrote:Just heard on ESPN that the reason will be his inability to handle the pressures of beings such a high profile coach (ie. press, alumni, etc.) and not his wins and losses. Yeah right
This pretty much verbatim what I heard from two sources within the program.

He ****ed off every one in Lexington, including UK's own radio and TV people.

A 40-26 record is NOT what is making BCG go away, it IS his lack of interpersonal skills.
Na Na Na, Na Na Na, HEY HEY HEY, GOODBYE!!!! Its about time, and for those of you who think its a bad idea to get rid of him, maybe you should go with him.
Sports_Fan28 Wrote:Na Na Na, Na Na Na, HEY HEY HEY, GOODBYE!!!! Its about time, and for those of you who think its a bad idea to get rid of him, maybe you should go with him.

If your such a louisville fan, why does it even matter who the coach is at UK?
because all of uofl fans know they will always be that other team in Ky.
beasy_bo Wrote:this is official BCG just sign a four year contract for the $6 milliion. mitch emailed me and said he listen to the the fans not the money men!:lmao:

BillyTubbs Wrote:I don't care who they get as long as he is a fastpase coach and plays more than just man to man. Billy G played man to man 95% of the time. I say Calipari.

It's more like 100% of the time.
courtdog Wrote:because all of uofl fans know they will always be that other team in Ky.

Good one... :zzz:
DeuceUL Wrote:Good one... :zzz:

Would you like to have a national poll and see which team comes to mind when it comes to greatness of the program?
Wow, awful move on Kentucky's part. I get sick of hearing how he can't coach on here, the man has been looked at by NBA personnel as a coach. No offense to the members on here, but most of you can't complain about his coaching, he was coach of the year in the SEC last year and has been Big 12 coach of the year. Billy Donovan isn't coming to UK, neither is Rick. They are happy with their jobs right now, and Billy D has turned down NBA money, UK can throw it at him, but the University of Florida has just as much if not more.

Go get Travis Ford, let him be a media darling, not win as many games as anyone would like, but UK knew what they were getting with Billy G. They knew it before they hired him, and hey hired him because they know that in 3-4 years he would have built a UK team that was important again, because UK basketball isn't that important on a national scale anymore, but everyone drops off. You gotta rebuild every once in a while and I really thought UK had it going right and understood it would take a few years. Apparently not, the program itself is going to be set back a few extra years if this is true, you're recruiting is going to drop off drastically, Billy G doesn't recruit one and done players, he recruits guys he can mold and build into a team.

I'm not a UK fan by any means, just look at my name. But I am a Billy G fan and have followed him for a very long time. He's a hard nosed coach, he doesn't pat backs and kiss ***, he does what hes there to do. Coach, recruit, and win. If UK doesn't want that then they can get a less capable coach, a less capable recruiter and someone who will baby the boosters. It's just the truth.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:Would you like to have a national poll and see which team comes to mind when it comes to greatness of the program?

I'd like to see it. IMO Kentucky would win.
Quote: Wow, awful move on Kentucky's part. I get sick of hearing how he can't coach on here, the man has been looked at by NBA personnel as a coach. No offense to the members on here, but most of you can't complain about his coaching, he was coach of the year in the SEC last year and has been Big 12 coach of the year. Billy Donovan isn't coming to UK, neither is Rick. They are happy with their jobs right now, and Billy D has turned down NBA money, UK can throw it at him, but the University of Florida has just as much if not more.

Go get Travis Ford, let him be a media darling, not win as many games as anyone would like, but UK knew what they were getting with Billy G. They knew it before they hired him, and hey hired him because they know that in 3-4 years he would have built a UK team that was important again, because UK basketball isn't that important on a national scale anymore, but everyone drops off. You gotta rebuild every once in a while and I really thought UK had it going right and understood it would take a few years. Apparently not, the program itself is going to be set back a few extra years if this is true, you're recruiting is going to drop off drastically, Billy G doesn't recruit one and done players, he recruits guys he can mold and build into a team.

I'm not a UK fan by any means, just look at my name. But I am a Billy G fan and have followed him for a very long time. He's a hard nosed coach, he doesn't pat backs and kiss ***, he does what hes there to do. Coach, recruit, and win. If UK doesn't want that then they can get a less capable coach, a less capable recruiter and someone who will baby the boosters. It's just the truth.

the reason Billy Donovan didnt come to UK when they looked at him was bc he just had Won a National Championship, the reason why he didnt take the Orlando Magic job was bc they sucked at the time, from the rumors and from what i heard Billy Donovan has already said he would come to UK. if he wasnt gonna come to UK then why in the h*** was his wife looking at houses to move up here
Im a UK fan at heart, Im just sick of gillispie, as is most everybody that gets on here. Im a Pitino fan first and foremost, the man can flat out coach, something gillispie cant do. If he was getting so much NBA attention, why the **** doesnt he try that. He would fail at that as well, so any team that thinks of bringing him in would be nuts. He needs to go coach an elementary school or something, also with his attitude being what it is, you think an NBA team would want that for their organization, I think not.
zaga_fan Wrote:I would take a look at Mark Few....
they interviewed him alongside BCG but didn't give him the nod....
he does a lot with a small school like Gonzaga....imagine if he could be at a school like UK.....

Bob Knight is "looking". I don't know if he could handle the media attention and scrutiny if he lost a few games.....but that would be fun to watch....

I myself....would say show some cash to Pitino....he has Louisville as the #1 overall seed.....I know he says he's happy at UofL.....but I think if you throw a few million a year at him for a few years he might come back

Those last two are long shots....but I would love to see either one of em

Nothing against your opinion, but that is a really shaky foundation for selecting a coach, a lot of people said the same thing about Billy G coming from A & M
Just throwing this out there, but for all of you who are praying for Billy Donovan just remember that his team was playing in the same tournament we were this yearConfusedhh:
I really do not see any benefit in getting rid of Gillespie at this point. The UK basketball program will not be anywhere near the level of success it once had unless it is able to regain some consistency. And keeping a head coach for two years before giving him the boot is not being consistent.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:I am telling you this would be a bad move by Kentucky, need to keep him one more year and if things dont improve with the roster he will have WHICH WOULD BE AN ELITE 8 ROSTER IMO then it would be a better move. Now is not the time but if Kentucky does do this then GOOD LUCK at finding a coach. Heared Billy D is the First option and Ford is the second option from a very reliable source. The third option would be VERY surprising to you Kentucky fans but I will not mention that. My sources are member of K Club in which I tailgate with during football season.

Dont look for them to announce his resignation untill a new coach is confirmed of wanting the job.
Not to say that your sources are incorrect (seems to be what everyone is saying) but just because they are a member of the K Club doesn't make them reliable. My Dad is a member and he knows as much as me or you. It's mostly in what you read unless they are the 'major' donors to the program.

Found this email interesting from a woman that works in the administration department at UK:

Quote:[I]I have a little UK basketball news that you can share with any of your UK buddies at work... Billy Gillispie has been fired. He and the other assistant coaches told the team goodbye in the locker room after the game. The players were then told by Mitch Barnhart and Lee Todd (the athletics director and president of the university) how to answer reporters after the game. (Denying any knowledge of the firing, etc) A formal press conference will be scheduled for Friday to make the official announcement to the public. Gillispie left the game last night on a flight and the team traveled back to Lexington on a bus.

As of last night, the only names being mentioned for the replacement are Billy Donovan and Travis Ford. Lee Todd says he will not hire John Calapari under any circumstances. It seems as if President Todd has a little more say than Mitch Barnhart as far as the hiring this time. If I hear anything else, I'll let you know.
Again, like everything else, take it for what it's worth.....
Darn, I hate to hear they won't consider Calipari. We definitely don't need Donovan, exactly how long do we want to stay in the NIT?
Anyone know what time the press conference is supposed to be?
Fellas if BCG does go...i hope it is cause of off court reasons...on the court you cant blame him for what he had...2 players was bout it...he in my opinion BCG should get one more year...but if its off court stuff then yes he should go...if he does go does that mean patterson, meeks are gone? and will orton and ferguson come...

i dont see pitino coming, i dont see j callipari coming...he has the best class coming in this coming up season...i would like to see ford, wright, or few...billy d. would be good but dont see him coming either...
pikevilleout Wrote:Fellas if BCG does go...i hope it is cause of off court reasons...on the court you cant blame him for what he had...2 players was bout it...he in my opinion BCG should get one more year...but if its off court stuff then yes he should go...if he does go does that mean patterson, meeks are gone? and will orton and ferguson come...

i dont see pitino coming, i dont see j callipari coming...he has the best class coming in this coming up season...i would like to see ford, wright, or few...billy d. would be good but dont see him coming either...

I agree. He should definitely get one more year at Kentucky.
Beef Wrote:Anyone know what time the press conference is supposed to be?

What press conference? Has the University ever mentioned a press conference os has it all been by word of bloggers?

I've not found a single credible source to even mention a Friday press conference. Nothing on,,, - nothing.

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