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EPA puts mountaintop mining projects on hold

I for one think that this is outrage. What does everyone else think?
I think its a good thing. Sorry,... I Love Mountains!
DevilsWin Wrote:I think its a good thing. Sorry,... I Love Mountains!

I love cheap energy. Feel free to turn off your computer to save a tree or two.
DevilsWin Wrote:I think its a good thing. Sorry,... I Love Mountains!

I suppose you are a member of PETA also.
DevilsWin Wrote:I think its a good thing. Sorry,... I Love Mountains!

I love mountains too. The reclaimed mountains that are mined are just as beautiful as before. It's not like trees and vegetation isn't replanted and regrown.

You obviously don't understand what all this action affects. 50% of thereabout of America's energy is powered by coal. This affects deep mining also, not just mountain top mining. Without EPA permits, deep mining sites can't dump their slurry (waste products from the preparation plant) in slurry ponds. Since EPA is not letting anyone sign permits as or right now, this stops deep mining as well. If mountain top mining and deep mining are haulted, then how much percent of America's energy will be instantly taken away?

This action was obviously not thought through.
The tree huggers will squeal the loudest when they experience a brownout/blackout and/or higher electric bills.
jetpilot Wrote:The tree huggers will squeal the loudest when they experience a brownout/blackout and/or higher electric bills.

And since coal puts food on the table of just about everyone in eastern Kentucky either directly or from a trickle down effect, they might get a little hungry too. I expected nothing less.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:I love mountains too. The reclaimed mountains that are mined are just as beautiful as before. It's not like trees and vegetation isn't replanted and regrown.

You obviously don't understand what all this action affects. 50% of thereabout of America's energy is powered by coal. This affects deep mining also, not just mountain top mining. Without EPA permits, deep mining sites can't dump their slurry (waste products from the preparation plant) in slurry ponds. Since EPA is not letting anyone sign permits as or right now, this stops deep mining as well. If mountain top mining and deep mining are haulted, then how much percent of America's energy will be instantly taken away?

This action was obviously not thought through.
Your right, as well as being made usefull.

And neither was the response.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:And since coal puts food on the table of just about everyone in eastern Kentucky either directly or from a trickle down effect, they might get a little hungry too. I expected nothing less.

I think it's good all put money before you put our environment
You guys sound like a bunch of Chicken Littles!
HAHAHA, you all are a joke. Coal runs EVERYTHING in Eastern KY. It powers more than 50% of OUR energy (I dont know about he rest of the country, but we have a higher percentage). Hey, if you want to save the enviroment, feel free to shut off your power. How would you like that? Alright, let me break this down as I did on another forum. If the coal goes out, all the coal miners will lose their jobs, the coal truckers will lose their jobs because there wont be any coal to haul, truck service/repair shops will go out of business because there isnt any business, some of the gas stations will close because because their main business is coal truckers, that hurts the oil companies and jacks UP the price on oil; now thats one way. The other way is that we will have to spend a whole lot of money to find an alternate energy source (Doubtful) in Eastern KY, so the electric companies will have gigantic lay-offs and because of the energy source being cut off by atleast 60%, your energy bill will be OUTRAGEOUS, as well as the business, which in turn, causes them to cut back and lay-off workers if not close down. Look at how many jobs are lost, and this stuff is off the top of my head. Do you really want this just to save a little on the enviorment?. If they completely shut down mining, everyone will wish we were in a recession; because the depression will be hard...
that guy Wrote:HAHAHA, you all are a joke. Coal runs EVERYTHING in Eastern KY. It powers more than 50% of OUR energy (I dont know about he rest of the country, but we have a higher percentage). Hey, if you want to save the enviroment, feel free to shut off your power. How would you like that? Alright, let me break this down as I did on another forum. If the coal goes out, all the coal miners will lose their jobs, the coal truckers will lose their jobs because there wont be any coal to haul, truck service/repair shops will go out of business because there isnt any business, some of the gas stations will close because because their main business is coal truckers, that hurts the oil companies and jacks UP the price on oil; now thats one way. The other way is that we will have to spend a whole lot of money to find an alternate energy source (Doubtful) in Eastern KY, so the electric companies will have gigantic lay-offs and because of the energy source being cut off by atleast 60%, your energy bill will be OUTRAGEOUS, as well as the business, which in turn, causes them to cut back and lay-off workers if not close down. Look at how many jobs are lost, and this stuff is off the top of my head. Do you really want this just to save a little on the enviorment?. If they completely shut down mining, everyone will wish we were in a recession; because the depression will be hard...

First thing

i have nothing at all against regular mineing
second of all. if we just let enviromental standards slide
we will have more **** in our water than we do now. and if would profit in front of enviroment it'll be our demise because
DevilsWin Wrote:You guys sound like a bunch of Chicken Littles!

I know. Their all like, "Blow them mountains. Who cares what the effects are just do it", and "Oh Gosh we're going to go into the depression because they halted a few projects".
that guy Wrote:HAHAHA, you all are a joke. Coal runs EVERYTHING in Eastern KY. It powers more than 50% of OUR energy (I dont know about he rest of the country, but we have a higher percentage). Hey, if you want to save the enviroment, feel free to shut off your power. How would you like that? Alright, let me break this down as I did on another forum. If the coal goes out, all the coal miners will lose their jobs, the coal truckers will lose their jobs because there wont be any coal to haul, truck service/repair shops will go out of business because there isnt any business, some of the gas stations will close because because their main business is coal truckers, that hurts the oil companies and jacks UP the price on oil; now thats one way. The other way is that we will have to spend a whole lot of money to find an alternate energy source (Doubtful) in Eastern KY, so the electric companies will have gigantic lay-offs and because of the energy source being cut off by atleast 60%, your energy bill will be OUTRAGEOUS, as well as the business, which in turn, causes them to cut back and lay-off workers if not close down. Look at how many jobs are lost, and this stuff is off the top of my head. Do you really want this just to save a little on the enviorment?. If they completely shut down mining, everyone will wish we were in a recession; because the depression will be hard...
If you loosing your job keeps my water clean I'm ready to put you out on the street TODAY!
DevilsWin Wrote:If you loosing your job keeps my water clean I'm ready to put you out on the street TODAY!

You really should get your priorities in order.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:You really should get your priorities in order.

I can survive without Coal or Electricity. I can not survive without clean drinking water.

I think you need to re-examine your priorities. You're obviously part of the Wal-Mart Nation.

Just gimme a cave and a creek and I'll make a living!
DevilsWin Wrote:I can survive without Coal or Electricity. I can not survive without clean drinking water.

I think you need to re-examine your priorities. You're obviously part of the Wal-Mart Nation.

Just gimme a cave and a creek and I'll make a living!

Name a PLACE or a PERSON who doesn't have clean drinking water because of coal mining. Another government invented "crisis" to keep their power over the weak, lazy and inept who think the government has to take care of them.
jetpilot Wrote:Name a PLACE or a PERSON who doesn't have clean drinking water because of coal mining. Another government invented "crisis" to keep their power over the weak, lazy and inept who think the government has to take care of them.
jetpilot Wrote:Name a PLACE or a PERSON who doesn't have clean drinking water because of coal mining. Another government invented "crisis" to keep their power over the weak, lazy and inept who think the government has to take care of them.
Careful what you wish for.:Thumbs:
DevilsWin Wrote:Careful what you wish for.:Thumbs:

Still waiting for a place or person without clean drinking water. Do you know of a place or person or not?
jetpilot Wrote:Still waiting for a place or person without clean drinking water. Do you know of a place or person or not?
The guy in the video for 1.

BTW I have saw the entire documentary and met 2 people in the film so the answer is YES!
You saw a guy in a Michael Moore type video complaining about water.
PM me the names, addresses and telephone #s of people you know without clean water and I'll get them some help.

jetpilot Wrote:You saw a guy in a Michael Moore type video complaining about water.
PM me the names, addresses and telephone #s of people you know without clean water and I'll get them some help.

What gives you the power to get people clean water? I didn't know Jet Pilots did that sort of thing.

I don't know their addresses or phone numbers. I only met them 1 time on 2 different occasions. 2 people- 2 occasions.

Michael Moore type video huh? You're hoping that invoking his name will discredit the facts.

I'm sorry JP but we'll never see eye to eye on this one.
DevilsWin Wrote:I can survive without Coal or Electricity. I can not survive without clean drinking water.

I think you need to re-examine your priorities. You're obviously part of the Wal-Mart Nation.

Just gimme a cave and a creek and I'll make a living!

lol...... And a doobie?
DevilsWin Wrote:What gives you the power to get people clean water? I didn't know Jet Pilots did that sort of thing.

I don't know their addresses or phone numbers. I only met them 1 time on 2 different occasions. 2 people- 2 occasions.

Michael Moore type video huh? You're hoping that invoking his name will discredit the facts.

I'm sorry JP but we'll never see eye to eye on this one.

So you really cannot say you know for a fact that there is one person on earth who lacks clean water because of coal mining. I'm out...:zzz:
Mr.Kimball Wrote:lol...... And a doobie?
LOL OK Kimball, to make this crystal clear for you once and for all. I do not partake anymore. I do however still believe that Medical Marijuanna and Industrial Hemp are exremely effective tools to fight disease as well as poverty.

I hope you understood all of that without the Colorful Pop-Up Pictures. :biggrin:
jetpilot Wrote:So you really cannot say you know for a fact that there is one person on earth who lacks clean water because of coal mining. I'm out...:zzz:

You were never really "In" to begin with smarty pants.

Yes I can say it! Do I know it to be a real time problem occurring now. Yes.

Do I know anyone who had bad water today , no. LOL

I will not :igiveup: though!
I think its stupid.... The tree huggers against usually aren't from around here and have plenty of money.... They keep this up with the permits and there will be a lot more people in the unemployment line.... Think the economy is bad now, wait a few more months and see just how bad it will get here in Eastern Ky if they don't do something....

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